Are you a spedublogger or do you follow any spedubloggers? Please post some of your favorite site names and links for the special education bloggers that you subscribe to.
I have a certification in gen ed but have completed my coursework for my sp ed cert. I need to take the test and then I will be official, but I have always considered myself to be a special ed wanna be! :) So-- I would consider myself to be a spedublogger!! I am all about strategies to help my kids succeed. DI all the way.. That is what my site is all about.
I'm not on my computer, so I'll post some more links later.
I'm a school psychologist, so many of my posts on my TechPsych blog relate to Universal Design for Learning, assistive technology, RTI, etc.
My biggest audience is by far parents,but teachers, paras and even a few students/people with disabilities drop by. Time is the biggest limitation as sp.ed. teachers are usually crushed by an oppressive load of paperwork. It's difficult to impossible to keep up with the speed of techno innovation but forums like these help! And I've been able to add a few more blogs to my reading list thanks to other responses to this question!
I have started a blog as a SPED teacher, there's not much there right now. I just wanted a place to share my thoughts and experiences with others. Here's where it is I by no means profess to be an expert on anything. I have found though that many times my problems don't seem so bad when compared to others. It's helpful to connect with others to see how they have solved a particular problem for themselves. Hope it helps someone anyway.
What's new in the world of spedubloggers? Do you have any new favorite writers? How about some oldies, but goodies? Please share some links to some of your favorite blogs and posts. Sharing is caring. :)