The SmartBoard has enhanced learning for all of the students in our classroom. No matter what their learning style(s), their needs are met via "the board." Between the visuals, sound effects and interactions, the students are retaining the information taught and they're having a great time too.

In the beginning of the year, our learning style inventory revealed that more than 75% of our students were NOT auditory learners. Lecturing was out of the question. So we made sure that the students were engaged with interactive lessons, and we instituted a project based curriculum where students presented their research/findings through their avenues of strengths.

Kathy Schrock from S.O.S.: Help for Busy Teachers just posted a link for Interactive Internet Resources for the Smart Board. The link is:

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SmartBoard Modifications

For some of our students we're saving our SmartBoard lessons as PDFs and uploading them to our website. This is especially helpful if these students were out of the room for related services/absent.

Another option is to e-mail the students the pdf form directly.

Have any of you made movies with the smartboard recorder and made them available for your students?
Thank you SO MUCH for this reference! Just what I needed.
Our students are also creating presentations in SmartNotebook for various project based assessments. The technology suits their learning style, and the students have been very successful at creating projects both at home and at school. The SmartNotebook experience is very multi-sensory: visual and tactile.

*We set the boundaries/expectations for our students by stating that their presentations must include:
- Specific Content
- Visuals
- Web links
- Resource Page

We usually end up with students creating:
- Interactive Presentations
- Visually appealing Presentations
With Hyperlinked pictures, colored backgrounds, font changes, etc.
- Embedded Sounds

*This may not be so exciting for some, but our students are 10, and they've taught us tricks in Smart that we never knew! :)
Hi Christine and others! Just joined, but thought you might be interested in knowing our district has changed webservers. The resource you reference can now be found at (I no longer even have access for a redirect page . . .)
Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful resource Colleen! My current student teacher is struggling a little with the interactivity of the SmartBoard. I just forwarded her the site. I KNOW it will help her and my students will benefit greatly. Thank you so much for taking the time to maintain the space.
I don't know what you teach, or what your student teacher is trying to do, but we have also developed premade templates at These are made by teachers who take my classes during the summer. These might be helpful for your student teacher as well - at least a starting point for her to develop her own files . . .



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