Having dyslexia makes reading and writing a challenge. When surfing the world wide web you need to be a strong reader and writer to navigate the waves of information that you come across and to make comments along the way. What ideas do you have to assist your students with this learning difficulty?

Tags: dyslexia, learningdisability, modifications, specialneeds

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I work with many students with dyslexia and I have found that with strong guidance and some modifications they are able to surf the web with success. If I'm having students do research and look for articles I will often find the articles ahead of time, and modify them in Word to make the text bigger and also edit for difficult vocabulary. I have the students find the actual articles, and then tell them not to print them because I have copies ready for them. This has worked well for me and the students gain a lot of research skills from doing these activities.
Just today I came across a couple great free text-to-speech add-ons for mozilla firefox.:

Fire Vox: designed specifically for individuals who have vision impairments or reading disabilities.

CLiCk Speak: designed specifically for individuals who are not visually impaired but just prefer to listen.

Browser add-on text-to-speech programs are better for web browsing because they are set up to sensibly deal with links, buttons, etc. Using a browser add-on TTS program feels a bit less like freeze-screen reading and is more conducive to interactivity with the web page. These two I listed are both made by the same company, so they have many similar features, but they are both completely free and are full versions.



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