
Thesis Support

The purpose of this group is to provide support for anyone working on a Ph.D. or Master's thesis, especially in Education and Psychology.

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Thesis Support

Started by Bob Zenhausern. Last reply by Bob Zenhausern Oct 15, 2010. 30 Replies

Goal Setting and Fessing

Started by Penny Coutas. Last reply by Amanda Wilson Oct 13, 2010. 1 Reply

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Comment by Penny Coutas on June 27, 2009 at 9:20am
Hello team! Just an intro from a newbie :) I'm studying towards an EdD at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia, exploring the use of ICT for learning/teaching Languages (fl) in government high schools. The schools I'm looking at are part of a project that gives increased access to ICT resources and so I'm interested in "what is going on" 3-4yrs later.

I'm at the analysis stage (read: procrastination hell stage, I have a very organised sock drawer!) and should be getting on with writing. Shouldn't we all? :)

Looking forward to supporting, and being supported. Also looking forward to growing the group! Let's spread the word to fellow ICTERS (ICT in Education Research Students... get it? Ahhh...)
Comment by Bob Zenhausern on June 24, 2009 at 1:31pm
Bob Livingston:
Let me see if I understand the research. You plan to give the MLQ 5x to students and teachers to determine what leadership style the students expect and what the instructors think the students want.

I did a bit of research on the MLQ 5x and I think I understand the idea. The test gives you a score for each of 12 leadership styles. It seems a bit short on items when an average of less than 4 items define a style, but if your committee has no problem that is not an issue.

Assume that you test 100 students and the MLQ will say they expect the instructor to have 1 of the 12 styles. It could turn out that each style is expected 8 times on one extreme and all 100 say they expect a single style on the other extreme. In general, It seems that you will have a profile for each student representing the scores on the 12 styles. Am I understanding the scoring of the test?

What will the instructions to the teachers be? Fill out the questionnaire as you think the students will want from you? Or as you are in reality?

I may be missing your whole idea. If so, can you clarify?

Comment by Bob Livingston on June 24, 2009 at 6:50am
Here's what is included in the first three chapters:

Table of Contents
Introduction to the Problem……………………………. 1
Background of the Study……………………………..... 4
Statement of the Problem…………………... . 7
Purpose of the Study…………………………............ 7
Rationale…………………………............................. 8
Research Questions………………………….............. 9
Hypotheses………………………......................... 10
Significance of the Study………………... . 10
Definition of Terms………………………….............. 13
Assumptions and Limitations………………….. 14
Nature of the Study………………………….............. 15
Theoretical basis of the Study………………………. 16
An Historical Perspective……………….... 19
Transformational Leadership……………... 22
Generational Groups……………........ 33
Virtual Learning Environment………………. 45
Summary……………............................... 52
CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY……………………….. 56
Research Design
Validity and Reliability
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations

The survey instrument that will be used is the following:

The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) is the most commonly employed tool to measure transformational and transactional leadership (Avolio & Bass, 2004). “Previous leadership models have fallen short in explaining a ‘full range’ of leadership styles, ranging from the charismatic and inspirational leaders to avoidant laissez-faire leaders” (2004, p. 1). The MLQ has been used extensively in field and laboratory research. The most recent version is Form 5X. The MLQ (Form 5X) includes items that measure a leader’s effect on both the personal and intellectual development of self and others. This is a principle advantage of using this instrument over other assessment instruments. MLQ (Form 5X) is available in both a short form of 45 items for survey and research purposes and a long form of 63 items for training, development, and feedback purposes. Both versions of the MLQ measure the leadership constructs transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and passive/avoidant leadership. For this study, the 45 item short form will be modified for a virtual learning environment.

Statistics summarizing arithmetic means, medians and modes will be used to measure central tendency. Range, inter-quartile range, variance, standard deviation, and standard error will be used to measure variability.
Pearson’s product moment coefficient r will be used to test the correlations among various data collected from the survey. Correlation coefficients will reveal the magnitude and direction of any significant relationships.
Comment by Bob Zenhausern on June 24, 2009 at 6:28am
Dissertations vary in format so I am not clear what you mean by the first 3 chapters. My guess would be an intro with hypotheses, a lit review, and method and procedure. In psych the intro, lit review, and hypoth would be one chapter and methodology the second chapter.

I would assume that you will be giving surveys to students and teachers. Have these been designed? What kind of analyses are you planning?
Comment by Bob Livingston on June 24, 2009 at 6:19am
Great idea for a group. I'm writing my dissertation for my PhD in Organization Management with a focus in [virtual] Leadership at Capella University. Here's what I've done so far: I submitted the first three chapters to my Dissertation Committee Chair. He requested minimal changes which were made and resubmitted. He approved the chapters and sent them to the members of the committee to be read. I've received the committee feedback and I'm in the process of making the changes they suggested. Those changes should be completed by the end of next week and sent back to the chair for approval or more rewrites - hopefully the former.

My topic is Transformational leadership in a virtual learning environment. I am studying what leadership role learners expect of their instructors in a virtual learning setting and what role instructors think learners expect of them. The student population will be broken up into generational groups to identify any significant differences among the various generations.
Comment by Bob Zenhausern on March 22, 2009 at 4:06pm
I have no answers, but plenty of questions:

If I read you correctly, you will not be in the position to start collecting data for at least two years. Is that in the ball park?

Whenever it comes, do you have guaranteed subjects on which to run the study? Your own classes is good (given an understanding boss), almost as good is that your mother is superintendent of a large district in which no child has been left behind.
If you cannot guarantee a population in 2 years, drop the idea NOW!!

What do you mean by FB has a positive role in reading and writing? Has the child increased vocabulary? Writes longer passages? Writes at a higher grade level? Does the child use words of lesser frequency of use?

All these can be considered objective measures of writing that can be measured by software that existed 20 years ago.

How much FB per day? How many days? How many months?

What will they be doing on FB? Is that controlled or free flowing?

Since you said that they are all on FB, who will be the control group?
Comment by Saiid on March 22, 2009 at 2:43pm
Sir... Thank you very much for your immediate response...
Indeed, I am not sure yet how to measure the effect of FB interactions on a learner’s writing skill. Any advice? Knowing that FB is widely used by our students…
Comment by Saiid on March 22, 2009 at 1:53pm
Thank you very much for launching such a very useful group...
I am interested in examining whether Facebook has any positive role in teaching/ learning reading and/ or writing… Any experience to share?
Comment by Bob Zenhausern on March 22, 2009 at 11:16am
I taught neuropsychology, research, and statistics for 35 years and directed more than 100 dissertations and published or presented more than 200 other papers. A good deal of my work was in the area of learning disabilities.

The purpose of this group is to provide support for all who are going through the grueling dissertation process. Everything from developing the proposal to the oral defense is the province for this group.

Remember to treat your dissertation as a stumbling block not a challenge.

Members (25)



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