Just thought adding a discussion might work out better for this if others have things to add to this:

Initial comment by JaneLofton on Nov. 9th, 2010:
 I am attending the Calif. Library Association/Calif. School Library Association conference this week and presenting on VoiceThread. For fun, and for an example, I'd like to
create a VT on why people attend the conference, and have them
contribute comments during it. I know VoiceThread was working on a
mobile app, but that doesn't seem to be available. Do any of you have
ideas of how I can most easily get people to comment without being tied
down to a computer plugged into the Internet? I keep thinking there must
be a way to do it from cell phones.
Followup from Peggy George on Nov. 9th, 2010:
Hi Jane, I don't know of a way to record comments on a Voicethread without being tied to a computer. You might be able to use an alternate method just to capture their comments about the conference using one of
the mobile phone tools like Wiffiti or Poll Everywhere. They can record
audio from cell phones with tools like iPadio or Podomatic but none of
these would be directly connected to Voicethread. Just a few
work-arounds but nothing that really does exactly what you want. Sorry. http://wiffiti.com/ http://ipadio.com/ http://www.podomatic.com

From Mark Carls (same day):
To the best of my knowledge, I'm not sure what mobile app will let you comment onto a Voicethread either.  I have an iPad an know it fights with the Flash and I can't view them on there.  If they have laptops with good wifi (sometimes an issue at conferences), but I'd go with some of Peggy's suggestions..... I like the idea, though, just not an 'app expert' with what you can do with other systems.  However, maybe that flash restriction with iPhones/iPads may be letting up.

Good luck.

Views: 134

Replies to This Discussion

A while back I sent a message to the VT forum, asking about an app for mobile devices. The reply was that the VT developers are working toward this goal but don't have anything ready yet. The conflicts between Apple hardware and Flash-based technology have been a problem.

I'm sure it won't be too long before we'll all be able to use VT with mobile devices, though.
I'm hoping for that too, David! I'm very excited about the Skyfire browser now available on my iPhone4 which plays flash videos. However, it won't play Voicethreads yet. It's only a matter of time. :-) http://money.cnn.com/2010/11/02/technology/skyfire/index.htm ($2.99)
Thanks to all of you for responding, and for the workaround ideas, Peggy. I will go with one of them. I mostly wanted to be sure there wasn't a cool option I had overlooked or missed hearing about!



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