Here's the place to share ideas and try to connect.  Post projects that you'll be doing or participating in to connect other teachers.
I work with teachers in 23 districts in Western New York and quite a few have started using Voicethread from Pre-K up to 12 grade!
I tried an Elementary Voicethread project at the end of the 2010 school year and will move things around and probably try it again in the Fall 2010 to get students to "Show off Your School" or link:
I also personally use CAPSpace and signed up for an account to get weekly e-mails about projects posted or to post my own.
Good luck, please share and invite others.

Tags: Capspace, Voicethread, collaboration, project, schools, teachers

Views: 296

Replies to This Discussion

I've done an "outsourced" book trailer/summary project twice last year (spring and fall sessions of a semester course), and it seemed to work pretty well. Individual fifth graders "outsourced" the creation of a video to an eighth grader in my course. The video was based on the novel read by a fifth grader partner. VT was used to share the images to be used in the video and to solicit feedback on the images from the person who actually read the book.

I'm interested in doing something like this with students outside of my school. I expect to have a small class of around seven 8th grade students (13 year-olds) in my full-year Collaborative Digital Media course in 2010/11 and would be willing to partner on a project that met the goals of my course. Students collaborating with others who are outside of the course could pretty easily meet a goal of my course, which is to give my students the opportunity to practice collaborating using digital media. I'm also open to something beyond this book video project.
The Show off your school project looks like a great one. I would be willing to have my 1st grade students be a part of this project if you do it in the fall of 2010.

I have dabbled and created a class voicethread during the 09-10 school year. I recently was lucky enough to attend a voicethread session at ISTE 2010. I am now ready to jump in and really use this tool!

Open to anyone:
If you are interested in collaborating with other classrooms on your VoiceThread Project, please add your contact information to:

Could you explain the HS Book Promotions project that you posted on the Classroom Partners list? Changes are being made to our 9th grade honors English to include constructivist activities facilitated by technology so I wonder if there would be a fit between our two schools related to your project?
Hello everyone,

If you're looking for national or global partners I invite you to check my blog post, Finding Global Partners. I outline several sites and tips for starting collaborative projects. Your feedback is welcomed.


Hi everyone,


I'm an ITRT (Instructional Technology Resource Teacher) for WJCC PS in Williamsburg, VA.  I help teachers use technology in the classroom.  Right now, we're using VoiceThread in World Language classrooms (grades 6-12).  If anyone is interested in collaborating, please contact me!




- Ali

I'm doing a project this month where my uni students in Japan are taking photos of a meal and describing it on VoiceThread. Another class from Bulgaria may be taking part, too. If anyone has a class of students who'd like to do the same thing, that would be great. Students will enjoy seeing what people in other countries eat.

My students are low-intermediate level, 18-19 years old, and lovely!

You can mail me directly:



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