Welcome to our NEW Voicethread for Educators Group!  Please take a minute to say hi, what you teach, ideas for this group, maybe a VT or two, and of course, your Twitter/Plurk other Social Networking site handle that you may use.
Good luck and once again welcome.


Tags: Voicethread, educator, group

Views: 2856

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Hello, my name is Mark Carls and I work for CA BOCES as an Educational Tech Integrator. Not exactly sure what that means, but I go around and help teachers with technology wherever I'm needed! I use Twitter every day and follow anyone with education, you can find me at: http://twitter.com/mcarls. I also bookmark everything on Delicious as mcarls. I call it Social Bookmarking the "Gateway Drug for Web 2.0 for teachers". Probably the best thing I've done since taking this job.
I started the Voicethread Ning group and now we've decided to move it here. I hope everyone enjoys the switch. I can't wait for the discussions.
My name is Álvaro Ricárdez and I'm a retired Civil Engineer working as a teacher of English as a foreign language in a junior high school in Oaxaca, South East México. I'm also studying to become a bachelor in foreign language teaching, I do it in line, at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. I've finished my third semester there!
I love using technology for my classes; I opened a wiki for my students : http://salondealvaro.pbworks.com and another one for Oaxacan TEFL teachers, to share tools and activities: http://oaxacanteflteachers.pbworks.com In my area many teachers are afraid of technology and even some principals! There is a lot of work to do, but little by little it will come around... Have a nice day!
Hi, I'm David Thompson. I teach courses in Spanish language, culture and literature at Luther College in Northeast Iowa. I've been using VT in my teaching for about two years and am currently working on a series of VT tutorials for Spanish language learners. The first is a tutorial on how to use a bilingual dictionary, and I'd appreciate any suggestions for improvement from group members. Thanks!

Mark, thanks for starting the VT group here!
Hi David,
I've been trying to get our Spanish teachers connected to other classes - are you interested in connecting with a class in NYC?
What a great VT tutorial on using a bilingual dictionary. I plan to suggest that the grad students in my course take a look at it for ideas on what can be done with Voice Thread.

Hi David,  I just viewed your VT tutorial on how to use a bilingual dictionary.  As long as it is available for public use, I'd like to list it as a resource for my high school students.

If you have made other tutorials for Spanish students since when you posted this in July that you think would be helpful for high school Spanish learners and are willing to share the links to the tutorials, I'd be interested in viewing those also.  Thanks.

Hi! I'm Lisa Perez, an area library coordinator for Chicago Public Schools Dept of Libraries. I provide technology training for librarians, including training on VoiceThread.
Greetings. My name is Keith Cremer and I teach 8th grade Physical Science in South Williamsport, PA. You can follow my tweets @kcremer or skype me using MRKCDJ. I like to use VT as a means to get my students to explain themselves better. As an example, instead of having them simply graph the results of an experiment on paper, they will create the graph online, and save it as JPEG on a VT. Other classmates will then have to leave comments interpreting other graphs as a way to deepen their understanding of the results.
I like what I've seen so far out of the VT Ning, and I imagine this will only make it better.
Hi! My name is Jessica Frahm Harris and I am a fifth grade educator for Union County Public Schools. I have used VT for the past two years in my teaching, but I am increasing my use of VT. I use it as a tool for students to collaboratively present and discuss issues in math and science.

I teach math at a community college and don't understand how the students are able to post materials after they leave school. Many of my students just have a computer. What tools would they need in order to post from home? Thanks.
My name is Kathy Stetter. I am a second grade teacher in the South Western School District. I have a masters in Instructional Technology fro Philadelphia University. Thnk you Mark for helping to keep educators in the loop.
Hello everyone. My name is Lois Cox and I serve the La Crescent-Hokah Public School District as Technology Integration Specialist and also a Business Education Teacher. I love learning anything having to do with technology and education.We use SharePoint for our intranet as well as our internet presence for our school in southeast Minnesota.



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