What's going on with you and your XOs? Have you... Connected and collaborated with another XO user? Decided you want to buy another XO
now? Tested the apps? Used as a plain old computer? Put in kids hands and watched what happens? Signed up for your year of free TMobile Hotspot access? Spent time in the OLPC Wiki mining gems or news we all need? Used it as a book reader? Wondered when Negroponte says he wants a
"Zero Dollar Laptop"? Wondered what's going on with the Birmingham, AL district-wide deployment (the only US one I know of)? Know about the new US school purchasing scheme? Used your mad linux skills to change the machine?
Updated software and firmware yet? Shown others the XO, discussed what it represents and how it works? Compared the XO to EeePC or Classmate or Spark? Learned about the OLPC deployment and what's going on now that XOs are in the hands of something like 200,000 kids? Know you'll never use the thing and wonder the best way to give it away? (I can help.)
What can you contribute to our shared understanding, experience? What else are you wondering?
Tags: XO