Hans Feldmeier



Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Secondary Modern School "Max-Ulrich-von-Drechsel"-Realschule Regenstauf
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About Me
Next to my work as a Deputy Head and teacher, I deeply focus on Web 2.0 applications. Additionally, I´m responsable for promoting European Projects like Comenius (Schoolprojects) or eTwinning (electronic partnerships between schools) for Bavaria/Germany. Moreover I´m a "FuturEnergy-Teacher" at the European Schoolnet and be in charge of competitions in Germany, e.g. www.futurenergia.org. At the moment I´m the coordinator of an eTwinning project called DigiSkills: www.e-digiskills.eu. Since September 08 I´m in charge for the EU funded project Web2Class as a coordinator. And I care about trainees from University of Regensburg (Faculty of Geography).

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  • Jennyann North

    Hi Hans,
    I am on a steep learning curve but feeling very excited and motivated about exploring as many opportunities as possible to use information technology in my classroom. I would like to join your digiskills group. Thanks for the invite.
  • Karen Mann

    Hi Hans
    Thanks for the welcome. I've had a quick look at your blog and tagged it for later. Should be writing my Masters assignment!
    Cheers Karen
    P.S. Your classroom 2.0 site shows nothing (not sure what the problem is).
  • Pendera Evans

    Hello Hans,

    Thanks for your friend invitation! I gladly accept. I also joined your Digiskills group.
    I would be happy to give what advice I can with documentary films.
    I'd also like to invite you to join the world mind network group, also here on ning. They can offer you and your students a FREE webcam to share their activities with the world. Also, during October they will put out a free press release for you or any of your colleagues, just for voting on which of the webcam feeds at worldmindnetwork.net you like the best.


  • Jesper Isaksson

    Hello there Hans,
    congratulations on going to this lovely city of Gothenburg! And the Commenius project. I have been involved in one myself, both as teacher and as a student teacher. What kind of meeting is it?
  • Rafael Espinoza

    Yes, I wanto to join . I am an teacher from Costa Rica, central America.
  • Susanne Koch

    Hi, Thanks for inviting me to your group. I went ahead and joined it :)

    We use Fronter at our university too -- my group is responsible for Fronter implementation, strategy, training and advanced support.

    I'm a little confused about this place, because wherever I go I am asked to log in, even though I already did :( And for some reason my OpenID URL is not accepted. Well, I'll live :)
  • Simon

    Hi Hans thanks for your invitation I looked forward to sharing and learning with you and other members.

    our cluster wiki is

    Talk soon.......
  • John DeBruyn

    Hi Hans: You appear to be the master of out reach. I would like to join with your group to learn more of digi skills ... a wonderful offering you have for teachers going on line and taking their classrooms with them. I work in a different kind of classroom environment -- continuing professional / post-graduate education where professionals teach and learn from other professionals.
  • John DeBruyn

    It is almost time to celebrate ... digiskills will probably hit the 200 mark within a day ... but you can better gage the growth, so that may be in a few hours. Congratulations! from number 199.
  • John DeBruyn

    Thanks for the note. I moved to fast and became number 199.
  • Vincent Mespoulet

    Hi Hans, a new group is created on my ning
    Maybe you can join it and we try to build a concrete project. If it is possible, I would like to work with 8th Grade students because in our curriculum, the history/geography program concerns Europe. I can try to begin with limited projects for pupils of 13 years old. Do you speak french ? Do your students speak french ?
    I will join your digiskills in a few days, I'm too busy today ;-) . Thank you very much for your reply.
  • Erin Jennings

    Hi Hans!
    Thank you for the kind welcome.
  • Erin McGuyer

    Thanks for the welcome! My husband and I visited San Francisco, CA this summer. This was a beautiful site indeed!
  • Ian Grove-Stephensen

    Thanks for the add, Hans. I look forward to finding ways to collaborate with you.
  • mystro2b

    Hey Hans- I ran across your name on my delicious account- apparently you have me as a "fan"- and I now I've discovered you on classroom2.0-I teach elementary music and do a lot of project with garageband and macbooks. I hope to connect with other music educators on this site.
    -Ken from Seattle WA
  • Sinikka Laakio-Whybrow

    Hi Hans! Thank you for your message! I am new to this network and still 'finding my feet' here a little bit. I live on the south-western coast of Finland, two hrs from Helsinki. I have had many German colleagues in my projects over the years. See ya! Sinikka from Turku, Finland
  • Sinikka Laakio-Whybrow

    Hi again! Isn't it a small world! I know Petri too - we have both spent a year in the States as Fulbright teachers. He teaches at my daughter's school. :)
  • mystro2b

    Hans- Garageband and all the iLife programs are really great. You'll love your macbook. I'll be posting my joys (and sorrows) of using macbooks in the classroom on my blog here in CR2.0.
  • Marleen Spierings

    Hi Hans, pleased to meet you. I have read some of your postings. Actually I am from the Netherlands. You are running a comenius project on digiskills, aren't you? Very interesting! We are currently doing a comenius on mlearning, well.. trying to;)
  • Matt Montagne

    thank you kindly for the welcoming note, Hans. I look forward to getting better acquainted with many of the folks here at classroom20 and perhaps even doing some classroom collaboration with students.

    Matt Montagne
    Milwaukee, WI
  • Helen Otway

    Thanks Hans. I thought it was a good one too. I often wonder if adults understand out students. Videos like this help to make teachers think and hopefully rethink education.
  • Erich W. Lantz

    Hello Hans, thanks for the welcome!

    Despite my German name, I speak no German; my father taught German in the US school system for a short time, and he's responsible for my given name! I suppose I'm ethnically German, but my family settled in the USA almost 200 years ago.

    I've spent some time around Mainz and Ingelheim- my father was employed by Luther-Werke in the 1970s.

  • Marleen Spierings

    Hi Hans, I would love to but I just started a Comenius myself as project coordinator. So I am busy now. Yet, I immediately recognize your talent and skills. If you think our chances to join 2008-2010 are good, I will join your project. We can always find the teachers to do the project, like myself. We have a big school! Mail me if you think it is worth your while. I will not attend preparatory meeting, however. It is a pity, but I cannot now. Bye, Hans!
  • Charlotte Ducote

    Hi Hans! I look forward to sharing ideas with other educators interested in Web 2.0. I work as an Assistive Technology Coordinator in Louisiana. It's so nice to meet you!
  • Santa

    thank you ! your on the nice list
  • Holly Rae Bemis-Schurtz

    Hans, I really like the widgets you are using on this page. They are new to me and I thank you for sharing. Have a great day! Peace, H.
  • Valerie

    Hi Hans, thanks for your message. I just started working in this field and have everything to learn, but it is very interesting.
  • Richard Portelance

    Hello Hans, I'm excited as well about 2.0 and all the great opportunities it brings to the classroom.
  • Hofer

    Da treffen sich zwei Hansen.
    Dabei wollte ich beim ersten Mal das einfach verschweigen
  • Hofer

    Jetzt habe ich Dir heute zwei Mal geschrieben - und die Texte sind nicht mehr da - wie gibt es das? Kann ich sie gelöscht haben?
  • Hofer

    Wenn bei mir die Zeitangabe daheim nicht stimmt, so könnte es sein, dass es das falsche Datum vom PC ist. Es dürfte die Batterie (das wird es wohl sein) im Eimer sein - und ich vergesse bisweilen das Nachstellen
  • Antonio Marsano

    Hi Hans, thanks for your message.
    I am Italian and I teach English as L2 in a middle school located in the south of Italy. I am interested in exploring web 2.0 at school
  • Ben

    Hello Hans,
    Thanks for inviting me to join your group. I'm a newcomer to Web2.0. Though I can't speak German but nice music! (^-^)
  • Brian T. D. Diack

    Hi Hans,

    Looking forward to meeting you at the train station early next Monday morning.
    You seem to have been very busy with the implementation of Web 2.0 tools in your teaching and learning...excellent!

    Can you let me know If I should bring my laptop with me next week.

    cheers from Sunny Orkney....Brian.
  • Brian T. D. Diack

    "and if you can get the new application as to the new project from your Ageny would be very good. In Germany I only can get on 14th of Dec."

    can you clarify what application you need?
  • Lucia

    Hi Hans
    Thanks for your welcome. Look forward to exploring your digiskills group and voki. I think the State Library should be facilitating more of this sort of thing to help build our connection with our users and ultimately our collections.
    Cheers Lucia
  • Brian T. D. Diack

    Hi Hans

    your doing really ....

    thanks for the presentation of Web 2.0 tools to-day

    cheers Brian
  • mystro2b

    Hi Hans- I haven't been on classroom 2.0 for awhile. Here is a video you may be interested in- a local Seattle start-up who are friends of mine:
  • AmandaSignal

    Nice to meet you too! Just flicking through your page and blog at the moment... lots of great things happening. Looking forward to talking to you more. :)
  • Larry Ferlazzo

    Thanks for the "invite." I'm looking forward to looking through your resources.
  • Ryan Lanham

    Will join...just need to figure out how to use this site...new to me.


  • Mark Ehrhardt

    Thanks for the invite! You have a lot going on. I'll be very interested in seeing more projects from your students.

  • viovio

    Sure! Thanks for the invitation.
  • Esther Lojo-Escalante

    Danke! Is great to find an a virtual place to share and learn from each other. I personally have found the Digiskills group very inspirational, thanks a lot for the great ideas!
  • Torben Knudsen

    Thanks for the invitation!
    It may take some time before I will be able to attend Digiskills more freqently, but it sure looks interesting!
  • Rita Zeinstejer

    Hi, Hans,

    Thank you for contacting me, it's my pleasure joining this community.
  • Martin Brennan

    Will do thanks
  • Christina Ledford

    Thank you!!! I registered to see if I can become better with applying technology to my elementary grade classes.
  • Christina Ferner

    Hallo Hans,
    bin gerade noch dabei, diese Seite zu erkunden. Werde wohl auch bald mal etwas aktiver werden, wenn es daran geht, Seminarplanungen für das kommende Semester zu machen.

    Zum Thema Deutschland und Web 2.0 Wüste: vielleicht interessiert Dich, was an der Universität Hamburg zu diesem Thema gerade anläuft: mms.uni-hamburg.de/epush. Da gerade in der Startphase ist der Blog noch nicht so belebt, was sich aber bald ändern wird. Also, bei Interesse, Kommentare sind gerne willkommen.

  • Raquel Ramalho

    Thank you!
    like Carla said: you're my first friend here...