Nancy Sharoff

Profile Information:

About Me
In the classroom for the past 15 years, 2nd grade, 4th grade, 5th/6th grade math, and now moving to a K-4 Technology position and THRILLED about it. Teach graduate level courses in Ed Tech, Childrens' Literature, and Reading in the Content Areas. Have presented at local, state, and national conferences on those topics. Have recently ventured into Second Life and now can't seem to leave! LOL

Comment Wall:

  • Hans Feldmeier

    Hi Nancy, welcome!
  • Hans Feldmeier

    Hi Nancy, I´m from Bavaria: Regensburg at the river danube. A nice place to stay and to visit!
    Servus aus Bayern
  • Christine Southard

    Hi Nancy! Welcome to Classroom 2.0. Where in NY are you?
  • Rich White

    Hello ! - I am searching for educators involved or interested in the 3D virtual classroom via Secondlife/Croquet/OpenSim etc. --- the discussion area is here : -- feel free to join the group and conribute if tyou wish !
  • Blanca

    Hi Nancy!
    So happy to have met you today! K.I.T.
    Look for me under Elvira Malick...I am somewhere in SL (just not sure where?!)