
New Zealand

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About Me
I'm a physics teacher from New Zealand and an ethusiastic user of social networking sites in RL. I'd like to think that there are a myriad of ways to integrate these tools into creative and innovative teaching.

Comment Wall:

  • Allanah K

    Thanks for your comment about my video- isn't it a small world- we come together back in NZ through a ning originating overseas.


  • Mobbsey

    Thanks for the PicLits...what an awesome tool!
  • Mobbsey

    Hey there,

    For the media unit there are two formal assessment items - an oral where students have to present their analysis of two news articles to the class. This will probably constitute 30 very similar looking still thinking over the options here (which will still be inline with our assessment policies) and the other is to analyse an unseen news article and write an essay under exam conditions.

    It's frustrating how outdated our assessment methods seem to be! Would love to do some sort of annotated StumbleUpon or Delicious as part of their assessment, or capzles...ahh the possibilities.

    Found this post today on the Students20 blog - Teaching Brevity, an interesting advocacy for a different approach to our classrooms.