I teach Social Studies at a relatively high-needs school in LIC, New York. Although I do not currently teach computer technology, I am interested in doing so...at least integrating with Social Studies. I'm also interested in the bigger picture, of getting kids to collaborate and communicate via web 2.0 tech. Interested in getting in contact with similarly-minded people! wolffjosh (at) yahoo (dot) com
Hi Josh...I am also interested in integrating tech into teaching. I work as a school librarian and collaborate with classroom teachers. Getting kids to connect via w2.0 is also a goal of mine. What grade levels do you teach? What are some of your curriculum strands? I can ask around my teachers and see who wants to connect. - L
Hi Josh, thanks for inviting me to your group. I teach English as a second language at the high school level. And I love integrating technology in my teaching.
Hi Josh, middle schoolers huh? Tell me then, it seems your class is a catch all for students who've been suspended from their own schools? Are you teaching ISS? (In school suspension?) One of the MS I work with has an ISS in the same home school. Are there units that you teach continuously or is there a NYC curriculum that you follow? I attended PS 11 for a while myself so I'm very familiar with the area, but that was a long time ago....
Yancy Gunhammer
Oct 29, 2007
Simon Brown
Oct 30, 2007
Oct 30, 2007
Leslie Witten
Nov 7, 2007
Jose Estrella
Nov 20, 2007
Jan 16, 2008