Jeff Beard


Knoxville, TN

United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
University of Tennessee
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About Me
I have a Ph.D. in Education with a concentration in Adult Learning and completed my M.S. in Instructional Technology at the University of Tennessee, August 2008. I am passionate about designing interactive multimedia for instructional purposes, as well as helping teachers to use technology in the classroom.

Comment Wall:

  • James Edward Charles Webber

  • Hans Feldmeier

    welcome Jeff from Germany!
    Please have a look at my CR 2.0 group called DigiSkills with now 472 members. Would love if you decide to join!
    And please check out another group:
    Feel free to join too.
  • Bjørn Brekkan

    Thank you for your invitation. I also look forward to follow and participate in discussions on how to implement ICT in schools.
  • Jennifer Koch Lubke

    Hi, Jeff, and welcome to Classroom 2.0! You've inspired me to return to the community after a long period of inactivity. (In the virtual world, that is. I've actually been moving a mile a minute in the "real" world!)

    So many good conversations and resources here. "See" you on the web!
  • Jack

    Hi Jeff. I was wondering if you have students or educator contacts who would be interested in participating in a nationwide SAT Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. You can view contest details at Please let me know. Thanks!
  • Kristy Templar

    I am a teacher in Grand Rapids Michigan. I have a smartboard and Senteo clickers to use with my students. You sound like you have lots of great knowledge to share with people. I love technology and am always looking for ideas on how to incorporate it into my science and math curriculum. Looking forward to chatting with you.
  • Jack

    Good to hear from you, Jeff. Your help is very appreciated. And your participation would be very welcome, as well!
  • Kristy Templar

    the math lesson looks fun! I am going to pass it on to our Geometry teacher to see whether he would use it with his students. I also went on the site that was located at the bottom of the PDF file which I think was the National Math site and found a featured lesson on Slope and Linear Equations. That is actually what we are working on right now.
    I also read through your course description and the class sounds like a lot of fun. What about teaching them about technology products which can be used in the classroom to enhance curriculum? Like the smartboard, air boards, senteo clickers, etc. There are a lot great products to use in the classroom which help to build on formative assessments and teaching strategies for students.
  • Kristy Templar

    I am very surprised that the 4th grade elementary teacher doesn't believe the students can put a power point together. Technology is the way of the future and expectations of students in the technology world are changing therefore teachers perceptions need to change with it or your students will be behind.
    My six year old daughter has worked with power point before!
  • Kristy Templar

    you need to remember that the students you have may not stay in Tennessee. Everyone in our school has a smart board and when people move into our building they have no idea how to even start the system up. Even knowing that there is this type of technology out there it could put ideas in new teachers heads to get grants or figure out other ways to get different types of technology.
    I also just did a project with my students on Global Warming and used SlideShare. All my students could access the power point on the web when they were at home. I also had it on a blog too! Parents loved it!
  • Kristy Templar

    If you go to you can go through there and look at the different options they have available. The clicker page actually does a pretty good job of describing and showing information about the uses and data information you can get from them. They also have an education section where you can look at different lesson teachers have created for smart boards. You would only be able to see a couple pages of it but they could at least get a really good idea on what is there. Also, I have searched many times for smart board or interactive whiteboard activities and there are thousands of them out there your students could look at.
    Just an idea!
  • Kristy Templar

    here is a website I have used before which contains LOTS of interactive whiteboards lessons and information.
  • Kristy Templar

    when we wanted to purchase the boards and clickers we contacted a gal in Detroit, Michigan. She was very willing to give us demo items to use. Not sure whether that would be possible in your state but you might want to give it a try.
  • Barbara

    Thanks, I passed on the geometry webquest to our middle school math teachers. I have used to create webquests. Here's one I made for my 8th grade computer class on website evaluation.
  • Amanda Asbell

    Give your wife a good ole Collierville shout for me! Did she graduate from there? I graduated from CHS in 96.
  • Barbara

    Please feel free to use it, it has handouts attached that you may change to suit your needs. Be aware that many students really didn't figure out that some of the sites were fake, I had to explain it to some of them. This was a great opportunity to talk about truth in advertising and ethics on the Internet. I can email you a student sample if you would like? Send me a message if you want.

    I have only used Zunal so far. I am curious about the other sites you mentioned. Anyone else out there used them?
  • Barbara

    Here's a PowerPoint done by of some of my 8th grade computer students. This was what they created from the webquest. Hope it helps the cause :-)eval. ashton, dana, lauren, lacy, brandon.ppt
  • Barbara

    Thank you, and let me know what kind of feedback you get. There's a place on the webquest for reviews if anyone wants to write one. I'm all ears.