Kendra Paupst


St. Johnsbury VT

United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
St. Johnsbury Academy

Comment Wall:

  • Peter Lane

    Ok, so I am out looking for other teachers to work with and I stumble across your 2.0 page and follow the link to your blog... And it hits me, this won't work. You are teaching foreign language and I am trying to teach basic reading skills in English. C'est la vie! (Did I get that spelled right?).
  • Peter Lane

    Kendra, You can see how I have used blogs with my reading students here and my computer/web 2.0 class here. Ironically, my reading students, who are lower in ability when compared to my computer class, actually do a better job engaging with 2.0 technology. My reading class will be working with wikis within the next two weeks; my computer class did do an amazing job with the wiki assignment...
  • Daniel

    hi, welcome!