I teach college students, young professionals and experienced managers and assistants English in Germany. I've set up Moodle courses to supplement my f2f training, but find I rarely need them with adult learners, who are not yet ready to devote much time to becoming productive online. Also, I find Moodle too confining for my type of freelance teaching.
In the midterm I'd like to do student writing projects - leading into more challenging tasks. I'm interested in edublogging and using wikis with adult EFL students. As for Moodle, I'd like to create video tutorials and learn how to integrate GoogleDocs.Any recommendations would be appreciated!
Apart from teaching, I also write short articles with interactive quizzes for an EFL magazine (http://www.spotlight-online.de), aiming to engage learners through quick fixes.
As for peer work, I'm contributing to a collaborative blog as a part of my work in a local EFL teachers' association: http://askauntieweb.blogspot.com/
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At 10:35am on January 30, 2008, Anne Hodgson said…
Hallo Hans, gerne. Ich bin technisch noch nicht sehr versiert, mache mein Moodle Zeug und schreibe online Übungen. Was aus dem social networking alles noch werden wird? Schaun mer mal. Anne
Hallo Anne, endlich mal jemand aus Deutschland, noch dazu aus Bayern.
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