Jay Noggle
  • 61, Male
  • Coos Bay, Oregon
  • United States
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Jay Noggle's Colleagues

  • Jocelyn Wallace
  • Debra M. Streacker
  • Jaime Hendricks
  • Kevin Honeycutt
  • Colette Cassinelli

Jay Noggle's Discussions

How to start creating video in the classroom!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Cindy Stephenson Mar 13, 2010. 5 Replies

This week at the ITSC conferencein Portland OR, I was really shocked at the amount of demand foranything to do with teachers learning how to use video…Continue

Tags: video, tools, to, poll, how


Jay Noggle's Page

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About Me
I am a Media Producer/Entrepreneur on the Southern Oregon Coast. As a "one man show", I produce video, audio, graphics and web for clients. I caught the media bug as an acct exec at a local CBS TV affiliate in 2000.

I teach a media class one day a week to an Alternative High School that focuses on credit recovery.

I am self taught in all of this and have found a network of info providers that keep me in the loop!

Some of my project sites include:





So, enough about me...how can I help you?

Jay Noggle's Blog

Typewith.me A simple web app that allows for collaborative word processing.

Posted on February 26, 2010 at 11:04am 0 Comments


As with Google Docs or Zoho writer, you can create documents and share or collaborate with others so why even try it?

Three things:

1) You can export or import existing documents. This includes the various formats; HTML, Word, PDF, Open Doc.

2) You can make the documents pubic or private for sharing. Collaborate with students privately and then make the final work public if you want.

3) It works well on… Continue


Posted on February 24, 2010 at 3:21pm 0 Comments

There are two new tools that content creators need to know about.

Why do they need to know about them? Because they are tools that people in media creation (Graphic Artists and Video Editors) are using every day in their own Industry Standard format. As a Graphic Artist will be familiar with Photoshop and a Video Editor will be familiar with Final Cut Pro or something like Premiere, these tools are making their way to the web. Although they may not be the exact tools, the functionality… Continue


Posted on February 19, 2010 at 11:19am 2 Comments

Are you NOT familiar with Evernote? If not, please create an account for yourself and then help every student you have create their own! It is what I consider "bookmarking on steroids!"

The most important aspect of this web app is collecting everything you come across and having access to it later from any internet device (computer… Continue

How to start creating video in the classroom!

Posted on February 18, 2010 at 3:07pm 0 Comments

This week at the ITSC conference in Portland OR, I was really shocked at the amount of demand for anything to do with teachers learning how to use video creation in the classroom.

Those sessions looked to be full and maybe even overflowing!

As a media producer, I create video projects for the web for my clients so I am doing this week in and week out. I also

So, how many of you are wanting to get some help with the "How To" on… Continue

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At 5:12pm on March 10, 2010, Kevin Conrad said…
Hi Jay,

Thank you for getting back to me and answering my plea. I recently had family visiting from out of town and therefore didn't get back to you until now. I would really appreciate your perspective. As I may have mentioned, I'm in Sweden which has a nine hour time diff from you, but I could always call you if that's okay with you. I am actually born in Portland and have only fairly recently moved over here. I always enjoy visiting Coos Bay. Let me know if and when would be a good time to contact you and your preferred media.
At 7:56pm on March 8, 2010, Jocelyn Wallace said…
Hi Jay! Yes, I remember you from the OETC/ITSC Conference in Portland! Thanks for reaching out - great to connect with you. I see you are very active in Classroom 2.0 so you'll be my new best friend in this space! I just downloaded Evernote so I think I'll comment on your discussion above! Stay in touch -- Jocelyn
At 6:33pm on February 23, 2010, Colette Cassinelli said…
Hi Jay - nice to see another Oregonian here.

I think there's a big demand for professionals to work with teachers on video production in schools. I know when I started my program 10 years ago, there weren't many resources and very few opportunities for training.

I am well connected in the edtech conferences in the Northwest. Next week is the NCCE conference in Seattle. Joe Dockery, an Adobe Education Leader hosts many of the video workshops. http://www.ncce.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=171&Itemid=121

The National technology conference ISTE2010 will be held in Denver in late June. There are sessions there hosted by presenters from all over.

EdTech PDCadre is a local group that works with school districts from all over Oregon. They would be a great contact since they are connected with the Oregon Department of Education. http://pdc.oetc.org/

Another great resource is Rushton Hurley who started Next Vista for Learning in California. He presents at workshops all over. http://www.nextvista.org/

I would be very interested in discussing with you your ideas for working with schools.



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