Hello Jennifer, My name is Stephen Gibbs, I am a technology teacher from South Florida. I am trying to look into virtual online worlds for training purposes and networking. I see that you have an av as your profile pic. I wanted to know do you use the sites for these purposes and which ones. I have been asking around, let me know if you can help.
Well, the nice thing being Mac you can run Windows just fine if u do decide to go to dual platform. That is what we do here, we just use Boot Camp because it is free w/ rEFIt for dual booting purposes. http://refit.sourceforge.net/
Although you can use Fusion or Parallel's which is more expensive but then u never have to reboot the computer.
Thanks for the compliments. I see that you are the tech director of a district which is great. Are you guys Mac or Windows based or a hybrid of both? If there is anything I can help you w/ or if u want to bounce ideas off each other let me know. I do tech integrating but a lot of tech/networking/server support as well, w/ some web design on the side. However, I'm strictly Mac based.
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Although you can use Fusion or Parallel's which is more expensive but then u never have to reboot the computer.
Good Luck!!!