Kirsti Engelien
  • Female
  • Oslo
  • Norway
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Kirsti Engelien's Colleagues

  • Christopher Gagnon
  • Wati Wardani
  • Kjell Arild Welde
  • Carmen Martínez
  • ann s michaelsen
  • Cecilia
  • David Hilton
  • Hans Feldmeier

Kirsti Engelien's Page

Profile Information

School / Work Affiliation
University of Oslo
About Me
Work with History Education and have a special interest in the use of ICT.

Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 5:38am on November 26, 2011, Christopher Gagnon said…

The 6th graders at Chichester Central School in Chichester, New Hampshire (USA), would like to invite you to participate in our blog.  We have created a blog, which we hope will allow us to explore varying diets from around the world.  Our goal is to understand what other country’s diets consist of and what they consider to be healthy.  Here in New Hampshire, we eat a lot of seafood and lobsters as we are so close to the Atlantic Ocean.  We also grow and eat fresh corn, apples, strawberries, blueberries and even pumpkins.  If you are interested, please visit our blog at and respond to the “World Diets” page.  If you respond, it would be helpful if you could include which country or area of the world you are responding from.  If you are not interested, it would be much appreciated if you could pass this along to a friend or colleague that may be. 

We here in New Hampshire look forward to your response.  Thanks

-Chris Gagnon – 6th grade teacher


6. klassinger ved Chichester Central School i Chichester, New Hampshire (USA), vil gjerne invitere deg til å delta i bloggen vår. Vi har opprettet en blogg, som vi håper vil gi oss mulighet til å utforske ulike dietter fra hele verden. Vårt mål er å forstå hva andre lands dietter består av og hva de anser å være sunn. Her i New Hampshire, spiser vi mye sjømat og hummer som vi er så nær Atlanterhavet. Vi vokser og spise fersk mais, epler, jordbær, blåbær og selv gresskar. Hvis du er interessert, vennligst besøk vår blogg på og svare på "World dietter" side. Hvis du svarer, ville det være nyttig hvis du kan omfatte hvilket land eller område i verden du svare fra. Hvis du ikke er interessert, ville det være mye verdsatt hvis du kunne passere dette sammen til en venn eller kollega som kan være.

 Vi her i New Hampshire ser frem til svaret ditt. Thanks

 -Chris Gagnon - 6. klasse lærer

At 1:20am on June 7, 2009, David Hilton said…
Hi Kirsti
My name’s David and I’m a history teacher in Queensland, Australia. I use a lot of podcasting and online tools with my classes and am always looking for new ideas.
I host a group on diigo (it’s similar to delicious and very popular with teachers) for history teachers to share links, ideas and resources. It’s at
Please come along and join and share any sources or resources you use with the rest of us. See you there.
David Hilton
Ancient & Modern History Teacher
Sheldon College, Capalaba.
At 1:30am on September 8, 2008, ann s michaelsen said…
Hadde nesten ikke kjent deg igjen på bilde!
At 2:59pm on May 9, 2008, Hans Feldmeier said…
Hello Kirsti, greetings from Bavaria.
My focus is on digital teaching methods. And I´ ve created the biggest group on Classroom 2.0: DigiSkills with now about 300 members. Would love if you could decide to join as well.
At 6:54pm on May 8, 2008, James Edward Charles Webber said…
welcome from s korea


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