Posted on January 19, 2008 at 12:23pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
my blog post is here.
I am cross-posting. Trying to decide to move my blogging to Classroom 2.0.
I have been on for a while but they updated the site in August '07 and my earlier original blog posts did not manage to survive the transition.
Posted on January 10, 2008 at 7:35pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
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I wondered whether you had any advice to teachers who are using ePals to match up Spanish-learners with Spanish-speakers and how to make that pairing successful.
The winning team for the ISTE award on teacher/media specialist collaboration last year was a middle school Spanish teacher and a media specialist who used ePals to do projects. Their work was written up in a recent issue of Learning & Leading with Technology ( I'm not sure that you can read the article online if you aren't a member, but perhaps someone in your school is a member and could get you the article. The school was in Georgia.
Did you know that last summer ePals brought in 30,000 teachers who work in Latin America? That has made it a lot easier for teachers of Spanish language to find LOTS of classrooms of native speakers.
Saludos de Miami, Rita
Lo primero, gracias por aceptarnos como colegas.
Segungo, contarte que ya tenemos la web de nuestro proyecto (de español) terminada y queríamos compartirla contigo.
El objetivo de Bablingua es ofrecer materiales audiovisuales de calidad grabados en países hispanos, que puedan ayudar a los profesores de lengua extranjera a enriquecer sus clases. En la web encontrarás vídeos cortos, vídeos largos, tarjetas de vocabulario y un blog gratuito con actividades, juegos y nuevas ideas para la clase de idiomas.
Por favor visítanos en y dinos tu opinión sobre ella, haznos comentarios y comparte con nosotros tus ideas sobre el tema para poder mejorar.
Gracias con antelación.
Álvaro y Laura
Welcome to Classroom 2.0 ! I am a Spanish teacher too and you may interested to check out the links to resources I have on my blog, My Languages, Go to my blog and click on the corresponding delicious tag on the right e.g. Spanish (the list of tags is very long, you might fancy something else like ICT or software to check out some of those web 2.0 tool! )
I hope it is of use.