Mendy Gannon
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  • Beaufort, SC
  • United States
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  • Eve Heaton

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Started this discussion. Last reply by Joe Fatheree Oct 27, 2009. 8 Replies

Brainstorming a list of Web 2.0 activities/assignments

Started this discussion. Last reply by Margaret Frick Jan 13, 2009. 7 Replies


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Strategies - Looking for the best "blend"

Posted on January 8, 2009 at 9:24am 1 Comment

I strive to provide the best instruction I can for my students, as I believe most of us do. I want to incorporate new technologies, but I don't want to lose things that have proven successful - hence the blend.

One thing I do that works well for myself and my students is using an interactive notebook. This is a paper strategy. You can read about that here at my webpage under teacher resources

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At 5:53pm on May 7, 2011, Jill B said…
Thanks, mendy. Will check them out.
At 10:18am on February 21, 2009, Breeze (Laurie Westphal) said…
Hey There!

Actually the menus that I always used for :work as you go" in order to create a cummulative project was either the list or the game show menu. The game show gives you even more control since you can choose the topics you want to put across the top. The lists you can actually seperate as well. My samples don't have the seperation, but they can, you just add a column on the left with topic areas. I always used the game show when there was more variation in the topics. Otherwise if it was one main topics, I used the list menu and if we weren't ready for a certain for product, I would say they could think about it but I wouldn't explain it until we got to that point. The 2-5-8 only really allows for 2 end products - the game show and list will allow you to adjust points and therefore factor in more products for your work as you go idea.

As for other menu types - there just isn't a lot out there on the net. Nunley has her version of tiered menus, where each grade level (A,B.C) is defined by activities. The issue my students always had was is that it is more rather than different. There is also a "menu" menu which has different food choices - i.e. appretizer, entree, side dishes and desserts. You need an entree, and one side dish then you can choose either an appetizer or a dessert. I will be using some of those in my early elementary books since they are easy for the young ones to understand. There are some other others for the young students but not as appropriate for older students.

Hope that helps!

At 8:41pm on February 19, 2009, Breeze (Laurie Westphal) said…
So happy to hear that the menu books are helpful for y'all. Let me know if you have any questions or issues as you use the menus!
At 1:45pm on February 8, 2009, Eve Heaton said…
Mendy - Jamie Porter at BES passed on the book Differentiating Instruction with Menus. I purchased the science version (she had the social studies one) and I love it and am going to attempt it with my next unit. I bought it on Amazon for approximately $20. It is by Laurie E. Westphal.
At 6:01pm on February 1, 2009, Jack said…
Hi Mendy. I was wondering if you have students or educator contacts who would be interested in participating in a nationwide SAT Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. You can view contest details at Please let me know. Thanks!
At 6:22pm on January 9, 2009, Eve Heaton said…
Awesome site (Mr. Cooley's) thanks for passing it on. You might show it to Grace too. It could be used to do a flow chart about photosynthesis or how a generator works. I added it to my teacher resource page on my website.
At 12:57pm on January 9, 2009, Mark Cruthers said…
Hi Mendy,

With your interest in Education Technology integration, I recommend you take a look at Wiziq's virtual classroom and authorstream's power point presentation platform. Both are web based platforms, have a bunch of features and free basic service.
At 4:45pm on January 8, 2009, Eve Heaton said…
I started a classroom blog this year I am starting to video tape the kids presenting instruction and lessons (tomorrow they are being tapped demonstrating the "new" ways to multiply which I plan to upload to teachertube). We are trying out google docs also tomorrow and the kids are going to be working on an animal project with voice over on Powerpoint the next few weeks (the are very excited about that...fourth graders ROCK...or at least the ones I have :)
At 4:41pm on January 8, 2009, Eve Heaton said…
I signed up to do an elementary notebooking share fair thing at USCB January 24. That is a test run. I would love to present at SC2 next year. Notebooking is much more difficult at the elementary level (and without you "training" all the kids who come to me...I can't I thank you enough!). I gave them an assignment today that was 100% independant using the text and they did a good job (first time where they just had the instructions to go off of...a couple of kids tried to scam the system but I caught them...they aren't that too together in the elementary school!).
At 4:28pm on January 8, 2009, Eve Heaton said…
You are too funny! Here I was just telling you your name kept popping up in online discussion and I find you AGAIN! I love love love your picture by the way. Where did you get that done? I, of course, jumped on the discussion about layered curriculum and hope to feel my way through it. I have looked at the website and now need to hunker down and get the material. Have you checked out my science notebooking blog at I started it over the holiday in response to questions I was having about what I was doing.


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