Philip Wagner
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  • Fort Pierce, FL
  • United States
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Process of Making Karaoke-Style Captioning-Subtitles

First I use AVI2WAV to save the audio from the video. I then use Audacity audio editor to know what is said in video one sentence at a time. I separate the sentence from the rest of the video's audio in Audacity and save the audio. I bring the audio just saved into Audacity, clean it up a bit and slow it down 30 using the effect Tempo and save it with a different file name. Having heard the sentence enough that I remember it well enough to type the sentence using Wordpad. Wordpad is in richtext format. It is important to keep it in richtext. Next I highlight the text which will be the sentence that becomes the captioning-subtitle. I make the font larger and use the bold font I copy the sentence by using edit/copy. In microsoft Paint I load a picture from the video, which I had captured, and paste the sentence onto the picture. With some editing I make the sentence fit in well with the picture. I save the picture which now has the captioning-subtitle in it. In Paint then I put a rectangle around the first word in the sentence, reverse the color and save the picture with whatever name and two zeros after the I put a rectangle around the second word, save this picture as I did the in the previous picture except instead of 00 it is saved as 01, and so on. I use Audacity audio editor to save individual sentence audio clips. I load the pictures saved in Paint to Microsoft Movie Maker. The sound needs to be synchronized with each individual word highlighted. Individual frames at the timeline need to be wide enough to click on them to change the width of the frames according to how long it takes for a word to be said. There may be pauses or slowness when a person says a sentence so these frames are made wider to slow down the movement of individual word-frames so the sentence a person says is in rhythm/synchronization. Longer words require wider frames. Certain words like at, in, it, or, etc. require the frames for these words to be narrowed to speed up the rhythm because they are said faster.
Movie Maker is the only application that I know which does this. I happened upon this function by accident about six months ago. I was lucky to come across this function. I don't read much how to do something, Instead I tinker around because I like using different multimedia applications and I don't like paying for any of them if it is at all possible. I have bought many but only when I couldn't find what I want from freeware.
The process of making the videos for a Mac can be done if there is a word processor which has the equivalent of writing a sentence like in Wordpad's rich-text-format, and then highlighted and copied. A paint application must also allow highlighted and copied sentences to be pasted into a picture previously loaded into the paint application. Unfortunately, not all word processors nor all paint programs allow these things to occur. You can download a Mac version of Audacity at
That is probably more than you wanted to know about the process. Thanks for your patience and attention.
.If you have any questions please email me.

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At 6:11pm on January 2, 2009, Carol Good said…
Wow! This is really cool. Thank you for sharing. I may play around with this idea in my classes.

Mrs. G
At 11:22am on December 28, 2008, Dennis O'Connor said…
Hi Philip, thanks for the contact! Happy holidays to you and yours!

I'm curious about your work with accessibility and captioning of videos. Can you tell me more?

At 1:11pm on December 25, 2008, Hans Feldmeier said…
Hi Philip, welcome from Germany!
I´ve created one of the biggest groups on CR 2.0 called DigiSkills with now 463 members - it is about digital teaching methods like using blogs...
Would love if you decide to join too.


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