  • 74, Female
  • Weinheim
  • Germany
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  • Ton Koenraad
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Welcome to my Blog!

Sigi's Blog

Crossposting and networking

Posted on April 5, 2009 at 8:44am 0 Comments

Today I would like to write about my problems to keep pace with the new developments in social networking. I am a member of Facebook, keep contact in skype, have been twittering for quite some time now, having courses on at least 6 moodle installations , 4 Mahara ePortfolio platforms as I work for 2 schools, in teacher training and online training and am registered to lots of forums .... which I try to follow regularly... all this has been giving me precious insight in new ways of teaching and… Continue

Profile Information

School / Work Affiliation
Heinrich-Lanz-Schule II
Skype Account
Twitter / Plurk / Other Account
About Me
If we don't grab the future, the future will grab us.... so lets work together!
I am teaching English and IT in a vocational school, partly with teenagers, partly with adults. I have been using digital media and the internet in classroom since the beginning of "digital age" - which was???? -- and have also been working as a teacher's trainer for multimedia, moodle and ePortfolio which is my latest project in education. I generally find it much easier to work with students than with colleagues as there is still a long way to go before we reach digital literacy .... but a lot of teachers are "on the move" now so they will hopefully catch up a bit on the digital native students... and I'm trying to help them on their way to 21st century education.. The biggest problem often is administration which is slow in adopting and supporting these efforts...
Recently I have worked in a European Project "MOSEP" - More self-esteem with your EPortfolio where we did the testing phase in Germany with a group of teachers. You can find the materials in a WIKI and if you are interested in the project, just drop me a line... - you will also find a blog entry on this project.

Dodging Bullets in Presentations

Practical advice on how to get past endless slides of bullet points - examples given.
Excellent slide show - for all teachers involved in teaching and giving presentations a MUST SEE!

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At 5:17am on November 26, 2011, Christopher Gagnon said…

The 6th graders at Chichester Central School in Chichester, New Hampshire (USA), would like to invite you to participate in our blog.  We have created a blog, which we hope will allow us to explore varying diets from around the world.  Our goal is to understand what other country’s diets consist of and what they consider to be healthy.  Here in New Hampshire, we eat a lot of seafood and lobsters as we are so close to the Atlantic Ocean.  We also grow and eat fresh corn, apples, strawberries, blueberries and even pumpkins.  If you are interested, please visit our blog at and respond to the “World Diets” page.  If you respond, it would be helpful if you could include which country or area of the world you are responding from.  If you are not interested, it would be much appreciated if you could pass this along to a friend or colleague that may be. 

We here in New Hampshire look forward to your response.  Thanks

-Chris Gagnon – 6th grade teacher


Die 6. Klasse in Chichester Central School in Chichester, New Hampshire (USA), möchten Sie einladen, in unserem Blog zu beteiligen. Wir haben ein Blog, und wir hoffen, wird uns erlauben, verschiedene Diäten aus der ganzen Welt zu erforschen. Unser Ziel ist es zu verstehen, was andere Land der Ernährung bestehen und was sie als gesund zu sein. Hier in New Hampshire, wir essen viel Fisch und Hummer, wie wir so nah an den Atlantischen Ozean. Wir wachsen und essen frischer Mais, Äpfel, Erdbeeren, Heidelbeeren und sogar Kürbisse. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, besuchen Sie bitte unseren Blog unter und reagieren auf die "World Diets"-Seite. Wenn Sie antworten, wäre es hilfreich, wenn Sie beinhalten könnte, in welchem ​​Land oder Gebiet der Welt, die du aus reagiert. Wenn Sie nicht daran interessiert sind, wäre es sehr geschätzt, wenn Sie diese zusammen an einen Freund oder Kollegen, die möglicherweise passieren könnte.

 Wir hier in New Hampshire freuen uns auf Ihre Antwort. Dank

 -Chris Gagnon - 6. Klasse Lehrer

At 2:53pm on October 12, 2008, Tom Welch said…
I like the sounds of the portfolio project. I'm a bit familiar with the European Language Portfolio, which we are adapting for companion use here in the US. I was also struck by your admonition that we must grab the future before it grabs us -- reminded me of my favorite new quote from a new Broadway musical, that "The future's our's if we can free it!"
At 1:40pm on October 6, 2008, Martin Hofmann said…
Hallo Sigi

Ja, das ist vielleicht eben auch der Knackpunkt bei all diesen Social Networks, dass immer die selben Leute networken. Wie dem auch sein, ich freue mich, wieder mal was von dir zu hören. wir sind derzeit in der Einführungsphase von Mahara - unendlich vielArbeit!

Gruss Martin
At 3:20pm on July 20, 2008, Ton Koenraad said…
Hi Sigi,
Good to hear from you. However we cannot have you having doubts about 3D virtual worlds and language teaching :-).
After all my guess is that you will be invited to join a European project experimenting with this after the holidays, if I get my way.
In the meantime look for ideas and links on this part of my site:
BTW Just noticed that the SLANGUAGES 2008 Conference presentations are no longer available. Will contact them.
Gute Ferien! Ton
At 9:37pm on July 13, 2008, Mike said…
Added you to my blog roll. Auf Wiedersehen.
At 8:38pm on July 12, 2008, Mike said…
Hello Sigi,
To change your CR2.0 theme, click on "My Page" on the links at the top. In that page there is some small text under your photo and name that says "change photo or theme". It's easy to miss. We share a fun and functional wordpress theme. I like your content too. Peace, Mike
At 5:07am on April 6, 2008, Anne Mirtschin said…
Hello Sigi. Welcome to classroom20. I am like you an dhave taught digital media and use of internet for many, many years. OUr latest use of web2.0 tools is that of blogging and all our students from grades 4-10 are now involved in this powerful learning activity. As I teach IT, students will be encouraged to develop digital portfolios with their blogs.
At 3:05am on April 6, 2008, Hans Feldmeier said…
Hallo Sigi,
beste Grüße aus Nordbayern.
At 4:58pm on April 5, 2008, Gerlinde Buchberger said…
hi sigi, great to meet you here. sounds like an interesting network. will invite our MA-students to join the network. cheers, gerlinde


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