Started Mar 31, 2012 0 Replies 0 Likes
To what extent is family important as the first agent of socialization?How far-reaching is the peer-group socialization?Reflect on the observations below: -a) ‘The average American child spends…Continue
Started Mar 31, 2012 0 Replies 0 Likes
A poet of rare sensibilities, Gyanendrapati, who is based in Varanasi, writes: ‘Match boxes have gone missing….’. why and how ? hinting at religion-swearing, blood-spitting fanatics? Rings a bell?…Continue
Started Mar 30, 2012 0 Replies 0 Likes
1] What does the Tyger symbolize?2] ‘the forests of the night’ are both external and internal. How?3] What accounts for the timelessness of Blake’s ‘The Tyger’?4] In ‘fearful symmetry’, what is the…Continue
Posted on April 2, 2012 at 12:45am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Evaluate the following knowledge claims.
Your observations should display -
ü depth of understanding(drawing distinctions within WOKs & AOKs)
ü breadth of understanding(making comparisons between WOKs & AOKs),
ü your experience as a knower (cite examples)
ü …
ContinuePosted on March 31, 2012 at 10:08pm 0 Comments 2 Likes
From coma to consciousness….
When there is a clash between creation and chaos at incomprehensible demands, the artist can only afford to hit out frantically in undeterred passion. Reeling under the the flings and stings of cancer, Sandip Ghosh could push himself from the fringes of oblivion by virtue of the psychic force, his mastering impulse, which prevented his senses from getting blighted and battered. This emotional refusal to resign to the inevitable finds inimitable release in…
ContinuePosted on March 31, 2012 at 9:40pm 0 Comments 1 Like
To what extent is Blake an apocryphal visionary?
Posted on March 30, 2012 at 11:21am 0 Comments 0 Likes
1] Of India’s three predominant objectives at the Durban Conference, which one, you consider, the most important and why?
2] In which two areas has India’s effort been commendable? Why are the areas significant?
3] What makes the existence of Kyoto Protocol short-lived? Cite 2 reasons.
4] Identify the most important decision that Parties took at Durban. Was it justified? Cite a reason.
5] What makes the role of the LCA important? Cite 2 reasons.
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very true :) good to know you deal with languages. which skill is your favorite we can share on using different resources and techniques. i have done a thee month training course which was great loads of information :) good to keep in touch
always nice to have good friends and find out how they live and what they do in terms of work :) you teaching?
hi :) nice to meet u:)