Sarah Paige Roe
  • 35, Female
  • Paris, KY
  • United States
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Sarah Paige Roe's Colleagues

  • Julie Greenlee
  • Rafael Rodriguez
  • Nicholas Sherlock Wideman
  • Nicole Sand
  • Joey Steinman
  • Bailey Ubellacker
  • Jose Kazadi Kazadi
  • Toño matuszewski
  • Patryk Bielawski
  • Dan Wavering
  • Tony Bishop
  • Natalie Holt
  • Alexandra Lehman
  • Bethany Kirk
  • Jessica Ottersbach

Sarah Paige Roe's Page

Profile Information

School / Work Affiliation
La universidad de Kentucky- carerra en español
About Me
¡Hola a todas/os! Me llamo Sarah Paige y soy natural de Paris -un pueblo de Kentucky. Estoy en mi último año de Filología Hispánica en University of Kentucky. Tengo dos hermanos: el mayor tiene 18 años y se llama Sam Taylor ; el menor, de 13 años de edad, se llama J.P. Antes de estudiar en University of Kentucky, asistí a Western University. Ambas universidades me gustan, pero en University of Kentucky estoy muy contenta. Espero que esta clase, además de las otras 5 que tengo, me ayude mucho en el perfeccionamiento del español. Con los 6 cursos de español que tengo, inevitablemente, antes de que el semestre termine, ¡espero acabar soñando en español!

Sarah Paige Roe's Blog

Week 8 Summary

Posted on June 16, 2013 at 11:41pm 0 Comments

Security. We need security in all aspects of our lives. As these lives divulge more in to the worl of technology,security becomes more important. Everything is on the internet now. With social media, we give our life story to the web, and it is forever embedded somewhere, for someone to find. This decade of technology boomers face worlds of dating online, identity theft, billing online, paperless companies, continuous files of our information that is labeled in to cookies and sent out to…


Summary Week 7

Posted on June 16, 2013 at 11:19pm 0 Comments

Tech Exploration 6-19-13

Sarah Roe


We are coming down to the last few weeks of class, and I am amazed to look back and see how much I have learned. I continue to be introduced to new ideas, and ways to look at technology within the classroom. Not only am I benefitting from all of this research, but my students will be as well. Some interesting facts that I learned about the brain, have definitely kept me thinking over this past week. I think that we…


Summary Week 6

Posted on June 10, 2013 at 3:29pm 0 Comments

There were no Tech Explorations this week.. which I must say, was a blessing! WebQuests are much more complicated than I originally thought, and the extra time was much appreciated. After doing much research and exploring in the WebQuest world, there was much to take in! Though they may look easy and like lots of fun for the students, there is a lot of time and attention to detail to making these quests.…


Summary Week 5

Posted on June 3, 2013 at 5:13pm 0 Comments


Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 4:45pm on April 8, 2012, Toño matuszewski said…

¿Conoces a las otras chicas en nuestro grupo?, creo que están en 302 contigo. Debes textiarme, es más fácil, 859 907 2398. y planeamos el proyecto. ¿Vale?

At 10:52pm on April 4, 2012, Toño matuszewski said…

¿Nos reunimos pronto para hablar sobre el proyecto wiki si?

At 9:05am on January 22, 2012, Jose Kazadi Kazadi said…

Bienvenida a aula 2 punto cero1

At 6:47pm on January 17, 2012, Francisco Salgado-Robles said…

Hola, Sarah, te recuerdo que tienes que identificarte con una fotografía, ¿vale?

At 5:48pm on January 15, 2012, Francisco Salgado-Robles said…

¡Bienvenida a la red, Sarah! Recuerda que tienes que (1) incluir una foto en tu perfil para identificarte y (2) unirte a nuestra red (Commercial Spanish), Por cierto, ¿has leído el correo-e que os he enviado? A ti también te he enviado un mensaje por Classroom 2.0.



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