  • 56, Male
  • Vancouver, WA
  • United States
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Scott's Colleagues

  • Rebecca Broyles
  • Brenda Sargent
  • Annette Siemssen
  • Colleen O'Neal
  • Kent Graham
  • Mark Clements
  • Ward Holcomb
  • Travis Drake
  • Claudia Anderson
  • Nealane Riem
  • Brian Hanson
  • Mary A Simeone
  • Jason Perrins
  • Denice Harvey
  • Patty Alway


Profile Information

School / Work Affiliation
Battle Ground School District
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About Me
I am the Technology Director of Battle Ground School District, with 16 years in public education. I am currently very interested in research supporting the use of social networking, blogging, wikis, and so on to improve student learning and engagement. Former history teacher in Portland, Oregon and Iliamna, Alaska. Find me on Twitter @scottlike

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Scott's Blog

The Connected student

Posted on June 18, 2009 at 11:54am 0 Comments

I ran across this video about the connected student, accessing their education through a variety of resources including scholarly research, blog searches, rss feeds, and elements of the open courseware movement. Really great intro to connectivism...

Click here

Ubiquitous Equity: Student Access, Socio-Economic Status, Poverty, and Homelessness

Posted on March 2, 2009 at 10:56am 0 Comments

I have been thinking lately about how our district ensures ubiquitous access to all students and there are definitely bright spots, but for a number of reasons there are serious discrepancies. We have serious geographic complications, as a sizable region of our district has very limited access to high speed Internet. There are also populations with little interest in the Internet as a tool for learning or even as part of their life. Poverty and economically disadvantaged families cannot afford… Continue

Evaluating online resources

Posted on February 13, 2009 at 1:02pm 1 Comment

A simple to use matrix for students to use for evaluating online resources, quick and easy. Useful for any source.

Harvard Panel: Enhancing Child Safety and Technology Online

Posted on January 15, 2009 at 10:50am 0 Comments

I haven't read it but plan to peruse shortly. I am posting here in case anyone hasbn't seen the news regarding it. I would be interested in anyone's feedback for this. Perhaps a good precaution in using technology online which I think is a good responsible track to be aware of as we add Web 2.0 technologies responsibly to our schools.


NSBA Research and Guidelines on Online Social and Educational Networking

Posted on January 8, 2009 at 12:00pm 0 Comments

Based on my reading of the NSBA report, research by Grunwald and Associates LLC shows that social networking rivals television based on time spent on both activities and 96% of students surveyed have used online services such as chatting, social networking, blogging, messaging, etc. Social networking tools are used weekly by 71% of students. Education is a major source of discussion in this medium, with 60% of students using the tools to discuss education, and 50% using it specifically for… Continue

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At 8:49am on April 27, 2009, Patrick Kutkey said…
Great avatar, Scott. I recognized you right off the bat.
At 7:07pm on April 6, 2009, Lucas Cioffi said…
Hi Scott,

We're reaching out to folks in education one at a time. I saw your recent discussion about blogs and wikis in the classroom, and so I thought this might interest you.

We've developed a tool for organizing conversations inside federal agencies and we've just now started opening it up to the educational world. The tool is called DeepDebate and the purpose of the tool is to make online conversations easy, fun, and efficient through the use of conversation mapping.

The strength of the software is that it challenges students to think before they write. It also can handle many simultaneous participants in ways that wikis cannot. It's not meant to replace wikis, but it is meant to be a pre-consensus tool that a group of people use to list all their ideas on each side of an issue.

Here's what teachers had to say in a recent pilot project in Pennsylvania. Students also particularly like the partial anonymity the tool provides (teachers still know who is writing what).

We're looking to offer our services for free to individual teachers so that we can raise the profile of our software. If you feel this could be useful to you please drop me a note at lucas[at] and we'd be happy to support any innovative ideas you have!

At 3:11pm on March 1, 2009, Patrick Kutkey said…
Hi Scott,
In December I had never seen a Wiki. My students and I jumped in with both feet and haven't looked back. The students are very excited to have a real audience. Please take a look at what they've created so far. RPG Maker XP Help. We would appreciate any feedback you have. Currently the wiki is protected, so you'll have to either email me your feedback or give it through Classroom 2.0.
At 4:10am on January 18, 2009, James Edward Charles Webber said…

At 5:04am on January 6, 2009, Randy Rivers said…
Scott, I believe the connection between blogs and the 90/90/90 research comes in providing students and teachers a convenient platform for non-fiction writing and collaboration. It seems especially suited for the collaborative writing reviews that the studies recommend teachers engage in.


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