Started this discussion. Last reply by Tricia Pfluger Aug 16, 2012. 2 Replies 0 Likes
I am a 6th grade teacher (ages 10-12) in Maine. This fall I will be sharing approximately 40 students with a fellow teacher (core content subject areas of English Language Arts, Science, Social…Continue
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Started this discussion. Last reply by Kim.R Feb 7, 2010. 1 Reply 0 Likes
As part of a graduate course, I need to investigate another country's educational system so that I may compare it to the one we utilize in the United States. If anyone can assist me in providing…Continue
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Once children finish year 6, they move on to high school, so in my system its not really a transition because its completely different schooling, In other states, they have a 5 - 8 school, I think its called middle school. That would be more of s transition.
In years 7 and 8, schools make one or two languages compulsory, Japanese is usually one of them. Then when they get to year 9 and onwards its an elective subject. So once they get to year 9, maths, english, science, geog, history and PE are compulsory, then they choose other subjects as elective, like art or cooking or woodwork, languages, commerce etc. Most will carry their electives through to years 11 and 12.
In the last 2 years, English is the only compulsory subject and most choose other subjects that will help them get a job or get into university, or like you said, that are just areas of interest.They also can choose the level of a subject they want. Eg, my son finished last year and for 11 and 12, took music, Japanese, biology, advanced maths and advanced English. He is just about to start university doing a double degree in education and arts, majoring in Japanese.
So yeah I guess 11 and 12 can go two ways, the academic students who know where they're going will choose subjects strategically, others who are just hanging around and don't know where they're going will choose out of interest or talent.
The government has just made it compulsory for students to stay at school through years 11 and 12, previously, year 10 was a point at which some left. It will be interesting to see how they cater for those who have few academic smarts.
Hope that helps.
I only joined Ning this weekend so I have no idea how it all works.
Ok so I can answer a few things for you, and I can point you to some websites that will give you more information.
I work in New South Wales and each state does its own thing, although the government has just introduced national testing for grades 3, 5, 7 and 9.
The curriculum in NSW is decided by the Board of Studies. They publish a syllabus for each subject area and we are an outcomes based system, so each grade has to achieve the set outcomes. The outcomes are compulsory to address but you can kind of get to them in your own way. Most people stick with the suggested topics because thats what all the resources are made for, so you can't really create your own topics.
Assessment differs school to school and even class to class within a grade sometimes. Its a much less formal assessment process than in America. We have to report to parents twice a year and grade our kids on an A-E scale, but there is some dispute over what standard of work constitutes what grade as there's no one test to decide.
At this website, you can see the syllabus documents for K-12 , and this one you can see the different types of assessment tasks we are supposed to do.
Its difficult to give you an overview because each school works quite differently.But those two sites will show you the curriculum and assessment, we don't really do testing.
there is a national test called NAPLAN, but teachers don't put a lot of stock in that, its a one off test on one day, it tests literacy and numeracy skills not knowledge.
I'm very happy to answer specific questions if you have any.