carmin karasic
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  • Eindhoven
  • Netherlands
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  • Sarah Loveland
  • Michel Reverte
  • Christine Redman
  • Mary Marotta
  • speugh
  • Dale
  • Jenny Luca
  • Mary

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Lesley University
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About Me
I am a professional multimedia artist focused on information technology art. Before moving to Eindhoven in the Netherlands in 2006, I was on the faculty of The Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University, in Boston, MA, USA. Currently I create tech based artworks and teach online technology courses to Masters in Education in Technology students for Lesley University. I have an MFA in Visual Arts and over 20 years experience in information technology. I have exhibited in North America, Europe and Asia, and online.

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At 2:48pm on November 19, 2011, Christopher Gagnon said…

The 6th graders at Chichester Central School in Chichester, New Hampshire (USA), would like to invite you to participate in our blog.  We have created a blog, which we hope will allow us to explore varying diets from around the world.  Our goal is to understand what other country’s diets consist of and what they consider to be healthy.  Here in New Hampshire, we eat a lot of seafood and lobsters as we are so close to the Atlantic Ocean.  We also grow and eat fresh corn, apples, strawberries, blueberries and even pumpkins.  If you are interested, please visit our blog at and respond to the “World Diets” page.  If you respond, it would be helpful if you could include which country or area of the world you are responding from.  If you are not interested, it would be much appreciated if you could pass this along to a friend or colleague that may be. 

We here in New Hampshire look forward to your response.  Thanks

-Chris Gagnon – 6th grade teacher


De 6e klassers van Chichester Central School in Chichester, New Hampshire (VS), wil u graag uitnodigen om deel te nemen aan onze blog. We hebben een blog, waarvan wij hopen dat ons in staat stellen in verschillende diëten ontdekken uit de hele wereld. Ons doel is om te begrijpen wat andere land diëten bestaan ​​en wat zij beschouwen als gezond. Hier in New Hampshire, we eten veel van zeevruchten en kreeften als we zijn zo dicht bij de Atlantische Oceaan. We hebben ook groeien en eten verse mais, appels, aardbeien, bosbessen en zelfs pompoenen. Als u geïnteresseerd bent, kunt u terecht op onze blog op en reageren op het "World Diets" pagina. Als u reageert, zou het nuttig zijn als je kon ook welk land of gebied van de wereld u reageert uit. Indien u niet geïnteresseerd bent, dan zou het veel op prijs gesteld als u deze doorgeven aan een vriend of collega die kunnen worden.

 Wij hier in New Hampshire kijken uit naar uw reactie. bedankt

 -Chris Gagnon - 6de leerjaar leraar

At 3:22pm on May 5, 2010, Jenny Luca said…
That's a great idea Carmen. Grad students (students everywhere for that matter!) need to realise there is plenty of free PD available should you choose to participate. These really are the professional development models of the future for schools who are cash strapped.
At 2:17pm on May 5, 2010, Christine Redman said…
It was a busy night - there two sessions on - and so I jumped out of Jenny's into one on Twitter in education...

So much going on - it is exciting!

At 4:59am on May 5, 2010, Jenny Luca said…
Thanks for attending the session Carmen. It was great having your input. : )
At 3:12pm on January 31, 2010, Delia Bakaikoa said…
Thank you! That´s what I will do but with 13 year old students that´s no so easy. I hope developers help us a bit.


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