Posted on January 1, 2009 at 10:37am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on May 24, 2008 at 7:00pm 3 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on September 12, 2007 at 5:21pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Rather than trying to keep up with yet another blog, here are the links to my main ones:
Kathy's Kaffeeklatsch
...a place where I post items of general technology interest (okay, items of interest to me!)…
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Our Brainyflix video contest just ended, and I wanted to thank you for helping us get the word out. We got 800 submissions from across the country!
That said, MIT was really happy with the results and will let us run another contest, so we're going for it! But this time, we're gonna have kids create Brainypics flashcards - which are images and sentences paired up with a one of our SAT/ACT words. The contest ends May 22nd, and there'll be iTunes and a cash prize like last time. To boot, we'll double the payout if the kids can hit a certain goal. More details at
Do you mind telling students and your colleagues again?
I have been following your work for many years! Thanks for all you do for the Educational Community!
Just requested to be your friend. I am a technology coordinator. I would like to thank you for all your resouces on your webpage, Kathy's Kaffeeklatsch. Looking forward to seeing you at NECC again.
We are working on a project on how we can utilize Web 2.0 applications, not only Social networking, in foreign language teaching. Your contributions, suggestions, and ideas are highly appreciated. I will keep you informed about the progress.
I can't find a place on the page that tells me I can request to be your friend. Can I be your friend? :) If there is a button or area and I am missing it can you let me know. Thanks!
Jennifer Kreta
Did you get snow last night? I hear there was quite a snowstorm.
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