Laura Gibbs
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Laura Gibbs's Colleagues

  • George Chalatzoglidis
  • Maria Williams
  • millner
  • Scott Watkins
  • Miguel do Rosário
  • Or-Tal Kiriati
  • Lisa Durff
  • Ellen Pham
  • Drew McAllister
  • elise.montgomery
  • Derek Brandow
  • Andrew Reinhard
  • Ed Hitchcock
  • Andrew
  • kolson

Laura Gibbs's Discussions



Laura Gibbs's Page

Profile Information

School / Work Affiliation
University of Oklahoma Online Instructor
Twitter / Plurk / Other Account
About Me
I am a fulltime online instructor at the University of Oklahoma, teaching courses in Folklore & Mythology, World Literature, and the Epics of Ancient India (Mahabharata and Ramayana). I'm an enthusiastic follower of webs and wikis and blogs in the world of education, and a passionate foe of course management systems that encourage people to do all their best work behind password-protected virtual walls. Three cheers for the open Internet and the global classroom! :-)


Laura Gibbs's Blog

Spring08: blogging over at Fireside

Posted on February 5, 2008 at 10:30pm 0 Comments

I'd been hoping the ning magic would make it possible to post in both of the education nings that I follow, classroom2.0 here and fireside learning - I've been spending more time participating in discussions over at the fireside, so that's where I'll be blogging about the semester. So, no more crossposting here - but you can find me over at the fireside ning! :-)

Spring08: Storybook brainstorming - Phase 1 done

Posted on January 31, 2008 at 9:13pm 0 Comments

Today I finished reading and responding to the last of the Storybook brainstorming assignments that students turned in for my three classes this week. In all three classes, the students do a Storybook project, and this first brainstorming assignment is basically the same for all three classes, with slight variations - the students propose four possible Storybook topics, and I give them feedback on each one (if you are curious the specific assignments are here:… Continue

Spring08: Happy Fat Thursday, everybody!

Posted on January 30, 2008 at 10:14pm 2 Comments

Fat Thursday 2008. Today, January 31, marks the

holiday of "Fat Thursday" in 2008. You have probably heard of "Mardi

Gras" ("Fat Tuesday") which is a holiday celebrated the day before Ash

Wednesday (that will be next week). Well, "Fat Thursday" is a similar

holiday, marking the last Thursday before Lent; you can read more at wikipedia.

The Fat Thursday holiday is especially celebrated in Germany… Continue

Spring08: January 30, Gandhi, Rama

Posted on January 29, 2008 at 10:11pm 1 Comment

Tomorrow, January 30, is the sixtieth anniversary of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. I wanted to share here the announcement I am sharing with my class (see below). There was a discussion at the Fireside Learning ning about cultural literacy and I was discouraged about the notion that there was nothing in Hindu culture that belongs to the "basics of basics," the essentials of cultural literacy. Now, I don't want to be in the business of drawing up any "basics of basics" (I think that's a… Continue

Spring08: student web publishing galore

Posted on January 28, 2008 at 10:53pm 0 Comments

Today was a watershed day in my classes this semester: tonight, at midnight, the first web publishing assignment was due. And it's gone quite well - more or less 91 students (my current roster) have published their first webpages. Simple simple simple: just two pages, linked to each other, with some link to another website. We'll add images next week.

As usual, most of the students had never published a webpage before.

Even better: most students were surprised at how easy it… Continue

Comment Wall (32 comments)

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At 10:21am on November 17, 2009, Mary Hricko said…
Hi Laura,

I'm on Fireside, too so I'll link to you there.
At 10:01am on November 17, 2009, Mary Hricko said…
Hi Laura,

I need your wisdom. I teach my online courses in ning and heard you do, too. How do you manage ADA compliance issues?
At 10:25am on March 1, 2008, Lynn Marentette said…
Hi, Laura.

Charlotte has history, but you have to search for it, since many of the older buildings were torn down when Charlotte started to grow. I've been here since 1990. I'm originally from Michigan.
At 8:31am on March 1, 2008, Lynn Marentette said…
Laura, I live in Charlotte, N.C.
At 12:12pm on February 18, 2008, Neli Maria Mengalli said…
Laura, my grandfather is from Rovigo, and his parents are Verona... Italy is my life part.

Thanks in advance for accept.

Warm Regards from Brazil,

Laura, mio nonno è da Rovigo, e dei suoi genitori sono di Verona ... L'Italia è la mia vita.

Grazie per accettare.

Cordiali saluti da Brasile,

At 5:06pm on February 8, 2008, Anne Mirtschin said…
Hi Laura
Here is another term for our virtual classroom building from women who tech at - the digital ceiling
At 1:52pm on January 30, 2008, Ellen Pham said…
OMSI is still going strong, Laura. In fact, it has a great big new building along the Willamette River (it used to be housed near the Zoo- maybe you went there, too, it is also lovely.)

Portland is such a lovely, easy-going city. I hear NC is beautiful too, and the air smells especially sweet there, Is that true?

Nice to have you as my friend, Laura. I enjoy reading your posts!
At 6:43am on January 25, 2008, elise.montgomery said…
Thank you! It was through your comment on my blog post on eClassics that I found Classroom 2.0. Although I have not added to this community, I am trying to keep up with the posts, definitely learning a lot.
I enjoy your Fable of the Day!
At 9:19am on January 23, 2008, Steve Hargadon said…
Unless I didn't look far enough, I am not sure I would do anything at this point. These folks from SameShow or WonderShare have pitched before and he seems to be doing the same thing--what I loved was finding a response to his post with some criticism of the product and the reference to a free solution instead. I'll keep a look out for more, and try to keep steering vendors into productive, not salesy, conversations! Thanks!
At 9:08am on January 23, 2008, Steve Hargadon said…
Thanks, Laura. I've been away from the network for some days because of a big project, and so I'm glad to have you looking out! Will check it out.


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