mark jones
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About Me
I did a PhD to help children which is now called we have support from UK and USA doctors.
A major London hospital is using our product in a children's Burns Unit. We also have another specialist hospital who is interested in using it for children when they undergo oncology and chemotherapy treatment in the United States.

We are also working alongside a charity to enable children with a short life-span to have a high quality life.
We are listed on The National Autistic Society to help children:

But Animal Agentz can also be used to just teach basic skills to help children with stress etc. (When they are adults they might not drink/smoke so much etc who knows?)

Dr Chris Steele MBE the famous TV doctor wants to put us on TV but is choosing the right time. I have been interviewed on radio (New Zealand etc ) and the press (special needs for children, moms blogs).
In spite of the above support and others we are still experiencing difficulty sourcing the appropriate level of funding for our project.
I would be grateful for any help on how to let more parents and doctors know about Animal Agentz. Do you know any one I should talk to?

How can I improve animal agentz and make more awareness?
Best wishes

Introduction to web based CBT for children

I would like to tell you about an innovative and interactive web-based product for children, which enables them to better deal with anxiety and stress. It is useful as a relaxation tool and has many applications. It was first developed as a PhD and medical trials were conducted at Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital in London.

The individual Animal Agentz characters teach children coping skills which range from breathing to self-esteem techniques in stressful times such as first time flying e.g. "Bubbles" the fish can teach many different breathing techniques to relax prior, during or after a stressful event.

One mother said "If you say to a child 'relax' it means nothing but if you let your child play with Animal Agentz 'fish' (breathing skills) and then say to the child what did the fish do? I then found him acting out the 'fish skills' and becoming relaxed!"

One mom said:
"This is perfect and what me and my family have been waiting years for. My 9 yr old has A.D.H.D and presents behavioural difficulties. His biological father rejected him a yr ago and this hasn't helped, his self esteem is very low and finds making new friends very stressful. The local social services tell me he needs therapy like this but are unable to provide it! I am having to pay a private therapist to help my son so when this comes in which I know would benefit many parents that I email, talk to…

Great idea and very user friendly, fab idea and so much needed for the 21st century where many children face daily struggles with little or no help and so they suffer. I am in 100% support of this stimulating and so much needed idea!"
Mrs Garvey, East Yorkshire

Animal Agentz has a wider application for non-medical use such as stress management and relaxation. It may also help children who are disruptive and "naughty" to become compliant and happy with many issues.

The research version of Animal Agentz was seen by medical doctors at the American Academy of Paediatrics with great interest (2005/7).

There is a free trial now at the web site

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At 3:26pm on January 24, 2009, Mark Cruthers said…
Hi Mark,

With your work in Using Web Based Technologies, I recommend you take a look at Wiziq's virtual classroom and authorstream's power point presentation platform. Both are web based platforms, have a bunch of features and free basic service.


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