I have been teaching English and Spanish at a vocational high school in Vienna for about 10 years. The vocational focus lies on arts and crafts and the students work in various workshops (ceramics, metalwork, project management....). It´s quite a nice school, nevertheless I have decided to go on a sabbatical year in 2007.
Computers in the classroom:
I´m currently enrolled in a master´s program for e-learning/e-teaching at Krems University, which I will finish in October 2007. It specialises on didactics and methods of teaching with media. We learn all kinds of things, like working with learning management systems, e-moderation and classroom management.
I' m pretty good with e-learning
A few words about myself:
I cook
and travel
...of course I do lots of other things.
Audio and Video Course Summer 2007:
I hope to lbe able to learn a bit more about streaming technology and maybe produce a podcast episode or two from scratch and then publish them. I don´t know much about video editing, so that is something I look forward to.
I´ll be in Amsterdam from 12 - 19 August 2007 to learn about video and audio use in the classroom. I look forward to my stay there, hoping to learn a bit more about teaching CALL. The course is Comenius funded and the program looks very promising. My profile on the left hand side should tell you a little bit more about myself and my interests, although the personal part is rather scarce. I wonder if you can say this in English?
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