Have you ever watched a teenager prepare for the DMV Learner's Permit test? If you have, then you'll know what I mean when I say that it is an excellent example of Assessment FOR Learning.
(As an aside, I'm having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that my oldest child is now learning to drive a car. Kaitlin is everything I could ask for in a daughter with…
This yearly report is becoming the Gold standard in the information Security field.
It can be used to Identify real threats to any organizations data and data systems.
For example, one recent finding concerns Malware Customization: "We are not so happy to say that the increase in customized malware we reported last year appears not to be a fluke limited to 2008. 2009 revealed a similar proportion of breaches (54% of those involving malware) and an incredible 97% of the…
I'm putting out a call for help from all who are willing to share their ideas.
A fellow teacher, "Jane," is trying to build relationships with her students, but is not having a lot of success. She teaches Algebra II, and the students do not like her class because it is hard. A few more details: Jane is a first year teacher, she is the only person who teaches it, all students must take the class, classes have extremely wide ranges of abilities and the school is focused on… Continue
Added by Jak Kolarik on October 19, 2010 at 5:37pm —
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Building on last week’s review of free image editing applications with a look at 5 more of these types of tools.
Last week we looked at 5 free online picture and image editing tools that I had seen mentioned in this Campus Technology article. A few readers responded to this post and mentioned some other tools they liked. I took a look at these tools, and share…
Jack loses his sense of identity in that he slowly becomes more and more savage. It starts simply enough with his hesitation at killing the first pig they see on the island, but later morphs into a kind of paranoia that he cannot maintain any sort of importance or control on the island without proving himself capable of hunting pigs. Used to being a leader, he is completely thrown off when he is not voted chief, and as he instills more and more fear into the other boys,… Continue
Added by Megan on October 17, 2010 at 3:18pm —
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Hi Fellow Classroom 2.0 Members. I run a blogsite for my personal branding services at: www.CampbellDuke.com. The focus is on 3 main groups: "job hunters, career changers and solopreneurs".
Personal branding has its roots in personal success psychology as well as in marketing. As people work through the process there is a significant focus on communication skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and representing.…
The following video is an "Animate" of a talk by creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson at the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce).How do we educate our children…
Some years ago, when the online training began to consolidate as a global industry and the first high impact implementations began to develop in Latin America, Elliot Masie, founder of The MASIE Center and the Online Learning Council, emphasized the close relationship between competitiveness and…
So, so the Wordle thing was really cool...but putting into a .jpg was a huge pain in the buttocks! :) Im just glad I finally got it done! I think they came out pretty good, if I DO say so myself.…
Here's a quick and easy way to analyze how well you are applying AFL principles in your classroom:
If a parent were to ask his or her child how they were doing in your class, could the child give an accurate, detailed, and specific answer about his or her progress?
If you are regularly providing descriptive feedback to students…
I often wonder why some teachers and administrators hesitate to adopt technology. When you think about human nature, though, it makes sense. With the emphasis on test scores not just locally, but nationally, if not globally, technology can feel like an additional burden. "These computers have been delivered, but what do I do with them? How can they help me with my students' test scores? And,…Continue
Added by Dr. Daniel Bird on October 13, 2010 at 9:03am —
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