I'm not involved in education any more apart from being a dad, (so, pretty involved I guess really!). But as a parent helper at my son's school we've made a weekly online spelling test, which auto-marks the learners' attempts and sends the results to an email address. It's another angle for the onslaught on raising fundamental literacy skills.
The coding was done by a colleague and he's made it so easy to make a new weekly test that I wanted to share it. It takes me about 15 minutes to… Continue
Added by pete whitfield on September 26, 2010 at 11:40am —
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Looking forward to contributing to this forum. As a new member i thought i would share this with you as i think it could help you out if you use smart boards... it certainly did for me.
I was just on another iwb forum and came across this promotion about free online smart board training so i thought i would share this with you. It is an online course created by Blossom Learning. They have this lady I guess avatar that trains you online. All i did was send a… Continue
Added by Emma Richards on September 24, 2010 at 10:41am —
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Well my school has this Polyvision board which seems the least user-friendly IWB I have seen.
Does anyone have any experience using this board?
Furthermore, after I get it working to my liking, I want full teacher integration. Any experience with Promethean or SMART or a board not specified for either?
This next year, I'll be setting up my own eTeaching system and doing online teacher training. Mostly out of interest and to see if I can do it. As part of that process, I'm presently setting up my own audio/video eteaching suite. And since I'm doing it for myself, I thought, "why not do it for everyone?". Technology has that benefit, once you do it for yourself, it costs little to share it.
So, I'd like to ask what you are looking for in an eteaching system. You know, I've… Continue
We at the Indiana Dept. of Education are making presentations about mobile computing in a classroom setting. I would appeciate any feedback regarding the following questions:
I would like to invite your students to participate in The Global Education Conference this November
15-19, 2010. This conference is held online in Elluminate over 5 days in multiple time zones. We are interested in participants, presenters and partners. The focus is on global collaboration and bringing interested parties together to explore best
practices in helping students and educators develop global competencies.
Register today for the next Wikieducator workshop, Invite them and they will come! Join us this Wednesday for a live session that will serve as a general overview of the course as well.… Continue
Added by Benjamin Stewart on September 20, 2010 at 9:16pm —
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I have been hearing about teachers that use Facebook or Twitter in the classroom. I'm curious how you do that. Doesn't your school block those sites from student computers? What age of students do you think are appropriate for Twitter or Facebook? I teach second graders and I'm wondering how I can use Twitter, Facebook or other social networks in my classroom. Any ideas?
I love to play the guitar and on the anniversary of Jimi Hendrix death this question got me thinking about what and how we teach our children.
Imagine you teach guitar and a kid walks in that is playing a left-handed guitar upside down. Most guitar players have picked up bad habits that the teacher will want to get rid of and sort out before moving on to bigger and better things. But this was one of the things that Jimi was renown for, and that many will suggest gave him his unique… Continue
Added by Nicholas Tee on September 19, 2010 at 10:20pm —
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Amazing-Kids News Reporter Olivia sits down with Adora Svitak, host of TEDxRedmond 2010, in the Microsoft Convention Center during the dinner that was provided by BING for all the attendees and speakers.
A link to all the TEDxRedmond video presentations will be posted here… Continue
Added by Jack Olmsted on September 19, 2010 at 2:58pm —
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I have been looking at digital tools to help students locate information and present information. This got me thinking about the information overload that I see many of my students experience. There is so much available that often the student just takes the first thing they can find as being fact, rather than sift through all the info to verify the facts. I remember in high school and in college (just on the cusp of the Internet generation), we had to have several sources for a paper. I…