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To put a finer point on it would increase the size of the mouse cursor.


It could be said that the infinite space we once knew as the internet is actually hitting a wall as of late.  Some believe that this space is running out.  There can only be so many servers in the world, right?  How true this is remains to be seen. I am looking for the answer as soon as my free time becomes free.


So, what can you do with a limited space?  Well, limit what you think is a…


Added by Clifton Fraley-Burgett on February 3, 2011 at 7:05pm — No Comments

Parenting 2.0: How to Help Parents with Digital Issues and Fears

Did your mama talk to you about sexting, cyberbullying, and watching what you post on Facebook? Parents today have a whole new set of challenges and issues, raised by technology at school and home. Learn how you can help parents understand the real issues, fears and challenges and support them in being great parents in a 2.0 world. Resources for schools and families will be shared, and the core presentation is based on presentations at school PTA meetings, Wired Safety, and Wired…


Added by Dr. Rita Oates on February 3, 2011 at 6:54am — 7 Comments

Why Your Schools Social Media Strategy Is Falling Behind.

Recently, a colleague of mine made me aware of this great white paper on schools and their social media strategy. It was very interesting and I thought I would share an excerpt with you.

"Two years ago, many administrators in higher education scoffed when they heard words like “tweet” and “poke.” Walk into an admissions office today, though, and you’ll no longer hear… Continue

Added by Jim Roberts on February 2, 2011 at 10:46am — 9 Comments

Leading by example...

A couple weeks I decided to do something most educators would never dream of doing. I gave all 140 of my German students the opportunity to assess me. I explained to my students that the assessment was 100% anonymous, and the most… Continue

Added by Justin Tarte on February 2, 2011 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Wikipedia, 10 years of collaboration

Last January 15th, Wikipedia got his 10th anniversary. In Guadalajara, we’ve got a local celebration Mexican style, with mariachi and tequila.

Seeking for a free content encyclopedia, Jimmy Wales and…


Added by gabriela on February 2, 2011 at 8:06am — 2 Comments

Engage for Learning

I was really excited to have another chance to hear Ernie Mendes speak, I truly get inspired while at the relieved when he presents his ideas.I think he gets kids and the classroom  environment and the perspective of the teacher.

At least we have his book to read and eachother to discuss our experiences and ideas with.…


Added by Julia on January 31, 2011 at 10:54pm — 4 Comments

The Value Of Cloud Computing

Why is cloud computing the newest buzz term? What value does it bring to organizations? "It's become the phrase du jour. The problem is that (as with Web 2.0) everyone seems to have a different definition.

The "cloud" is obviously a metaphor for the internet but when you add in the term "computing" the whole phrase gets muddy.  However, when you think of the needs of an organizations IT structure it starts to become clearer. The concept of cloud computing is a way to increase… Continue

Added by Jim Roberts on January 31, 2011 at 9:40pm — 2 Comments

Is there a Cure for Procrastination? Some thoughts for students and teachers

I’m a very selective procrastinator. I only procrastinate with things I don’t want to do! Seriously though, we all have things we procrastinate with. (Why is it a called ‘pro’ anyway? There’s nothing ‘pro’ about it). I always wonder how people motivate themselves to do things that they’d rather not do. For me personally there are a few tricks I’ve learned which I’d like to share.

Pain & Pleasure – First of all, in simple terms, our motivations in life are the…


Added by Sal P on January 31, 2011 at 8:50am — No Comments

Voki Is A Fun, Free Animated Avatar Application That’s Easy To Use In The Classroom

Voki makes it easy for educators to incorporate technology into lesson plans and assignments (and it’s advertisement free!).


A couple weeks ago in the post “3 Quick Lesson Plan Ideas That Utilize Technology”, we explored some ways in which animation web…


Added by Kelly Walsh on January 31, 2011 at 7:00am — No Comments

Technology in schools...25 students sound off!

We all live in a world that is rapidly changing, and in particular, the advancements associated with technology. As society evolves and changes, schools are coming under increasing pressure to stay with the times. So often we hear that technology is a silver bullet in education, but we must remember that technology is merely a tool. A tool in the hands of a sub-par educator will continue to yield a sub-par education, while a tool in the hands of a great educator will only enhance and aid…


Added by Justin Tarte on January 31, 2011 at 6:15am — No Comments

6 Solutions to the Most Common Teacher Problems...

6 Solutions to the Most Common Teacher Problems...

Last week we had our third professional development day at Seckman High School. As a PD representative, I had the opportunity to lead two PD sessions. The format of my sessions was to… Continue

Added by Justin Tarte on January 31, 2011 at 6:11am — No Comments

The interesting stuff

How else would you title something that you want to post on a blog?  I often try to conceptualize that very thought and put it into writing.  Do you start with your interests and hope someone also shares with you?  Do you create and interesting story that may or may have not happened to you in order to get a response?


Social networking is one of those newer schools of thought when it comes to these questions also, yet there are those who know exactly how to answer those same…


Added by Clifton Fraley-Burgett on January 30, 2011 at 7:00pm — No Comments

A picture is worth a thousand words

Seeing is believing! In journalism, an image or picture can be so powerful that it can change the world! Jonathan Klein in his TED talk says that images themselves don't change the world but the images have provoked reactions in people, and those reactions have caused change to happen. The image can have a profound impact on our mind and can change our perception on certain issue and how we view things around us. Good image (photo) tells a visual narrative – it tells a story. A photograph has… Continue

Added by A. A. Karim on January 30, 2011 at 6:55am — No Comments

The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (JLTL)

The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (JLTL) has just published its

latest issue at We invite you to

review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review

articles and items of interest.

Thanks for the continuing interest in our work.

On behalf of the Editorial Team,

Hacer Hande Uysal



Added by cem balcikanli on January 29, 2011 at 5:03am — No Comments

Student Tools for Online Digital Markup of Digital Texts and Readings



This is not really a blog post as a question. At my school we are looking for online browser based tools which allow students to markup a reading online. This might be an online textbook, e-journal, news article, ect. Basically I am looking to the digital equivalent to the high lighter and notes in the margin. What are people using for this purpose and if you would be so kind, what are the pros and cons to the tools you have found.


I appreciate any…


Added by Bruce Lemieux on January 28, 2011 at 1:45pm — No Comments

Does Practice/Homework Make Perfect?

This is my first year teaching and I am experimenting with my Advanced Microsoft Integrations class that I teach.  I am trying to determine if giving them more homework and practice work will help them master the Microsoft Office Suite.  I find myself struggling to provide a balance for the students.  When working with computers I feel that the more you can do to become familiar with the program the better off the students will be.  


I would love to have some advice from some…


Added by Kellie Jacobs on January 27, 2011 at 6:47pm — No Comments

Talk to me about how you use the strategy of similarities and differences in your classroom, please.

Identifying Similarities and Differences

According to Marzano, the ability to break a concept into its similar and dissimilar characteristics allows students to understand (and often solve) complex problems by…


Added by Karen Dittbrenner on January 26, 2011 at 8:13pm — No Comments

Google Apps

We are a School District of about 73,000 students. We have about 90 schools! We are in the process of moving to Google Apps. We realize NY Schools have already made this move. Can anyone provide some best practices for the roll out of a system this large?


IE: How did you prepare the students for this new responsibility, What training? New Policies? Did you roll it out with a lot of features all at once or are you phasing it in?Are you delegating admin to each school or…


Added by George Grachis on January 25, 2011 at 12:08pm — 5 Comments

Technology in Elementary PE

I am working with a group of elementary PE teachers and I would like to be able to give them real life ways to use technology in the PE classroom.  Could anyone share ideas or things they have tried with regard to this?

Added by Pamela Kay Johnson on January 25, 2011 at 11:53am — No Comments

Give a PE Teacher at your school a kick start...PLEASE

As im sure a lot of you are aware, Phys Ed teachers are notorious for being dinosaurs, often stuck in the past and refusing to accept new ways of moving their craft forward. If you know someone who could benefit by reading the easy to follow eBook I have prepared, please forward them the info below.


"The book is titled ’100+ ways to use technology in Physical Education’ and is a compilation of articles and ideas which have yet to be published on this blog, as well as…


Added by Jarrod Robinson on January 24, 2011 at 10:41pm — No Comments

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