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 Adam smith divided division of labour on the basis of economic    because money fulfill all the requirement of a person.


Emile Durkheim divided division of labour is called social division of labour.Durkheim keep the the society in two is ancient society and another is modern society.He says that in ancient society division of labour on the…


Added by bandanabhardwaj on April 27, 2015 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment

February revolution in petrograd ,elected on the basis

In the winter of 1917,conditions in the capital,petrograd were grim.The layout of the city seemed to emphasise the divisions among its people.The workers quarters and factories were located on the right bank of the river neva.In february 1917 food shortages were deeply felt in the workers quarters. The winter was very cold -there had been exceptional frost and heavy snow .Parliamentaries wishing to preserve elected government ,were opposed to the Tsar,s desire to dissolve the Duma.On sunday…


Added by Priyanka kumari on April 27, 2015 at 10:00pm — No Comments

The benefits of integrating information technology and communication ( ICT) in the classroom.

Several technologies are present throughout the world. That is why I decided to tell you about the integration of ICT in the classroom since it is a subject that many teachers will face. As a teacher, we must rely on strategies that must be used to integrate the tics in the classroom. We must change our way of teaching based on several kinds of technological devices. To enable students to get by in all areas where they need ICT, it is necessary to…


Added by Abhishek Soni on April 27, 2015 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Hawaiian Technology Inventors Club, Arduino and Beyond

Well, this is week three of exploration into the realm of electronics using the Arduino microprocessor board, the Elenco Electronic Lab, and the Elenco Snap Electronics Lab. This week students began to code using Sketch to control the behaviour of circuits made on the Arduino. Lessons learned, one has to write code correctly in order for the IDE to recognize it. Second, all components must be correctly connected to the board. Students practice following directions and learned the difference…


Added by Joel Garcia on April 27, 2015 at 9:31pm — No Comments

Soldados claro ceniza del Volcán Calbuco alrededor de Chile

Un volcán entró en erupción en Calbuco, Chile. Los soldados fueron enviados a limpiar las cenizas de las ciudades y las carreteras cercanas a ese volcán. Servicio Nacional de Geología de Chile y Minería dijeron las lluvias en los próximos días podría causar peligrosos lahares, flujos de lodo de escombros, material piroclástico y el agua que bajan las laderas del volcán y por valles. Los expertos también dijeron que temían que la lluvia podría causar la gruesa capa de ceniza volcánica a…


Added by Milinda Montanez on April 27, 2015 at 10:56am — No Comments

poverty as a challange

 Poverty: A general scarcity of basic necessities of life is called poverty,the basic necessities include food ,shelter,clothing,healthcare,sanitation. In india the poverty is a great challenge infront  the indian government.Government makes many policies for the poor people but it not be affective in decreasing the poverty.The main reason behind the stable poverty of india is unemployment,and the reason behind the unemployment is the vast population of india…


Added by anshu kumari on April 27, 2015 at 6:18am — 1 Comment

250 words on being appreciated as a teacher.

Gift cards, coffee cups, and cookies wrapped in tin

I have been given all of those over and over again


Thank you cards, handmade art, an placards for the wall

As an appreciated teacher I have received them all.


But standing in line at the football game I hear my name called…


Added by Brian Cleary on April 24, 2015 at 11:28am — No Comments


                             Triste tragedia  que muchas familias viven en C                hile

 Una  tragedia  muy triste  ocurrió en  Chile en este mes de abril  .El Gobierno de Chile ha informado de que la cifra de evacuados en la región de Los Lagos por la erupción del volcán Calbuco  son   237 personas han tenido que instalarse en albergues a causa de la emergencia. El estado de excepción y de catástrofe continúa vigente. En  la región de Los Lagos se han entregado colchones,…


Added by jorge on April 24, 2015 at 11:12am — No Comments


Stephanie Mattingly


Added by Jillian Waitkus on April 23, 2015 at 3:41pm — No Comments

' La Fiesta De La Flor '

   El primer día de la Fiesta de la Flor, llamado 'La Fiesta De La Flor ', un festival de música en honor de Selena Quintanilla en…


Added by Jennifer Vasquez on April 20, 2015 at 11:30am — No Comments


Added by Alexis Cox on April 20, 2015 at 10:06am — No Comments

Comentario #8

Comentario sobre el artículo y la entrada de Rachel Williams.


            McDonald’s es una de las corporaciones más grandes en los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, se paga a sus empleados un poco más del salario mínimo. Estoy de acuerdo con usted en que es esencial que los ingresos de una persona se basa en el costo de vida. Creo que por aumentar los ingresos de los empleados por un dólar no tendrá ningún verdadero afecta a la calidad de vida de los individuos. Es una locura…


Added by Sara Assef on April 19, 2015 at 9:59am — No Comments

Micro facial expressions and TEACHING and LEARNING

Micro facial expressions and TEACHING and LEARNING

Microexpressions are likely signs of concealed emotions. (They may also be signs of rapidly processed but unconcealed emotional states.) They occur so fast that most people cannot see or recognize them in real time. The idea that microexpressions exist has its roots in Darwin’s (1872) inhibition hypothesis that suggested that facial actions that cannot be controlled voluntarily may be produced involuntarily even if the…


Added by William Lambert on April 18, 2015 at 12:36pm — No Comments

2014, un periodo de crecimiento bajo para America Latina

El artículo “Banco Mundial pronostica bajo crecimiento para la mayoría de los países de América Latina” habla de las tendencias económicas previstas del Banco Mundial para Latinoamérica. Cita a tres razones principales que explican por qué el Banco Mundial pronostica eso. La lista sigue así: 1) la caída en los precios internacionales de las materias primas. Las materias primas son un producto importante para muchos países latinoamericanos. Si bajan los precios, las economías de estos países…


Added by Jared Allard on April 17, 2015 at 4:07pm — No Comments

Entrada VIII

Según este artículo, Ford anunciará hoy una inversión cercana a 2 mil 500 miliones para la expansión de dos de sus plantas en México. La decisión está sustentada at el repunte de la demanda de autos en EU tras difícil 2014. Mientras que esto representa el crecimiento y…


Added by Ben Coyer on April 17, 2015 at 10:06am — 2 Comments




Do you have your students do projects? Do your students ever do a presentation in front of the class? If so consider this. Tell your students you want to make them look good to their parents, friends (or enemies) and the world. Tell them you are going to get them to do a presentation and you are going to put that video on the class “YOUTUBE CHANNEL”. Tell them you are not going to videotape ant mistakes…


Added by William Lambert on April 17, 2015 at 6:57am — No Comments


For many of us we just throw things in the closet.  Some have a dirty clothes hamper, so things get thrown in there. Unattached males, sometimes just throw in the closet. There was an episode of Cosby whereas the son’s room was clean but when the closet door was opened; all kinds of things came pouring out, like a cornucopia.  The California closet concept is “a…


Added by William Lambert on April 17, 2015 at 6:56am — No Comments


Me intereso mucho la discusión sobre Cuba en clase, me abro los ojos a las cosas que han pasado en Cuba entre los Estados Unidos y ellos en el pasado.

Para mí, me dio la impresión que los Estados Unidos solamente querían tener control sobre Cuba. Querían que sería parte de los Estados Unidos como, Puerto Rico. Si Cuba eran persuadidos fácilmente capas que ellos serían como Puerto Rico ahora. Pero así no es y yo no le doy la culpa, creo que ellos tienen el derecho de elegir quien es. A…


Added by Barbara Ullrich on April 16, 2015 at 1:05pm — No Comments

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