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Blog *2 " BORICUA 2014'

en este artículo se explica el primer desfile puertorriqueño día que el nuevo alcalde de New York City es caminar pulg alcalde de Blasio camina su primer desfile de Día de Puerto Rico este domingo pasado y disfruté cada segundo de ella. Le encantaba la energía de los puertorriqueños de Nueva York y de otros estados que vino a unirse con su pueblo. La nacionalidad puertorriqueño uno de los de mayor orgullo en todo el mundo y no hay orgullo como puertorriqueño orgullo y no estoy Beng sesgada…


Added by Danny Tolentino on June 10, 2014 at 10:56pm — No Comments

Blog *1 "hispana con mentes inteligentes"

en este artículo están hablando de cómo los hispanos simplemente no puedo encontrar una cura para los problemas de salud mental. En la década de 1980 un químico argentino probó suerte en una cura o al menos un catalizador para los problemas de salud mental. En lo que fue un éxito y recibió el premio noble por ello. De vuelta en el día, no hubo casos graves de problemas de salud mental en una gran cantidad de hombres hispanos, también en los hombres no hispanos, pero fue un problema…


Added by Danny Tolentino on June 10, 2014 at 10:39pm — No Comments

Blog *4 "los problemas de consumo de alcohol en la comunidad hispana"

Este artículo trata sobre cómo los malos son hispanos con la bebida. la población es alta cuando se trata de hispanos que beben y el porcentaje es tan alto. en los Estados Unidos hay más de 50 por ciento de los hispanos que la bebida y cometen muchos crímenes debido a la influencia del consumo de alcohol. En mis ojos i beieve que nos hispancs son conocidos para la celebración de nuestro alcohol con facilidad y ser estereotipada como alcohólicos. Hay una gran cantidad de hispanos en las…


Added by Danny Tolentino on June 10, 2014 at 10:00pm — No Comments

View on Virtual Reality

When I first started to research the topic of virtual reality in education, my position was that I was against it. To be quite honest, I didn’t know enough about the topic and I thought of the movies such as The Matrix and Tron. It all seemed entirely too futuristic for education. I then remembered when I first saw a demo of the SmartBoard in 2005, I didn’t think that type of device would last. I thought that was also too futuristic and it would never be used in an educational…


Added by Nicole Mullowney on June 9, 2014 at 12:01am — No Comments

Online Tools That Make a College Student’s Life Easier

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a student who goes through their college without a smartphone, tablet, or at least a computer. Young people practically spend their days with modern technology, but not all of them have realized that their devices can save instead of waste time.

If you try to implement these educational tools in your studying activities, you will not only improve the quality of your learning methods, but will also go through college…


Added by Melissa Burns on June 6, 2014 at 7:23am — No Comments

Wikipedia link

Wikipedia link


Added by Joshua Raejavik on June 5, 2014 at 6:34pm — No Comments

Join Facebook at

Added by Daniel Hip on June 5, 2014 at 4:51pm — No Comments

K-12 Education Solutions Can Help Deliver High-Performance, Secure Networking for K-12 School Districts

Originally Posted on The Modern Network

An unending tide of technology has recently transformed the world of

K-12 education from textbooks and spiral notebooks to mobile devices, interactive curriculum, and cloud services, which depend on a fast, reliable, and secure…


Added by Anthony Sargon on June 3, 2014 at 11:03am — No Comments

Social Networking and Digital Citizenship

Doing this weeks activity I learned a couple of new things.  First, the importance of having a digital citizenship policy for my classroom, second, how I can utilize social networks in the classroom.  Creating the digital citizenship policy was important because I had to thoughtfully think of what was most important for students.  There were many points that could be made for each element, but picking the most effective and kid-friendly took some thought.  The work around social networks…


Added by Chere' Smith on June 1, 2014 at 11:05pm — No Comments

Social Networking and Digital Citizenship

This week, learning about social networking and digital citizenship was extremely beneficial for me. I have learned a lot that I didn’t really know about and was not previously aware of.  I never really sat down and thought about what social networking meant and which type of websites this included. I knew that Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and those types of websites were considered social networks, however, I never thought of Mom Café, Pinterest, and Tumblr as social networks. I also didn’t…


Added by Nicole Mullowney on June 1, 2014 at 4:35pm — No Comments


The Acceptable Use Policy, is a great accountability document. It can serve as the proof of understanding for the use of technology/ internet in the district. In addition to the AUP I am sure there is a document out there for our district that would include the care of the device being used. great tools for the classroom.

Added by Vanessa Gonzalez on June 1, 2014 at 8:37am — No Comments

Three free alternatives to the no-longer-free Clipping Magic (image background remover)

Clipping Magic is a great tool; the best online tool I have ever seen for removing an image's background to "cut out" the subject of the photo and create a png file with a transparent background.  It is so easy that anyone can do it successfully, and the results are excellent. The once free tool is now a paid service. The prices are reasonable if it's a tool you use often.

In the following …


Added by Brian McLane on May 31, 2014 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Bhola govt. high school , Bangladesh


            I am a science teacher of Bhola govt. high school, Bhola,…


Added by sheikh abu taleb on May 31, 2014 at 10:25am — No Comments

Balancing Control and Protection – How to Achieve a Secure Network

Originally published on The Modern Network

The Modern Network recently spoke with Deena Thomchick, senior manager of Product Marketing in Security Solutions for Juniper Networks, about this week’s Connecticut Education Network Conference and learned about the latest innovations in education technology…


Added by Anthony Sargon on May 27, 2014 at 5:43am — No Comments

AUP Woordle

AUP Woordle

Added by Chere' Smith on May 25, 2014 at 4:44am — No Comments

Acceptable Use Policies

Below is my comparison of the NEA and DPS Acceptable Use Policies:

National Education Association AUP

Key Elements

Denver Public Schools AUP

Key Elements…


Added by Chere' Smith on May 25, 2014 at 4:36am — No Comments

Blogging about Bloom and Marzano

Bloom’s taxonomy has always been a part of my teaching experience. When I originally took my teacher education classes from Regis University back in 2003, Bloom’s Taxonomy felt like it was the new “buzz” word. We were given a copy of the pyramid and studied the verbs associated with it. Then, once I started teaching in 2006, it wasn’t brought up or focused on as much.  I still used it because I really felt like it helped me differentiate my lessons…


Added by Nicole Mullowney on May 18, 2014 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Marzano and Bloom: How do they matter to my teaching?

     I have taught for 2 years now, and I have been learning about Marzano/Bloom for roughly the same amount of time. Both have developed a valuable tool that allows teachers to effectively design lessons to meet the needs of students. While the tools are not the end all/be all of teaching strategies, they do give insight into how students learn. Keeping that in mind, let’s take a look at what each has to offer in the classroom (mine specifically).





Added by Chris Caruana on May 18, 2014 at 11:26am — No Comments

Bloom's Taxonomy: Revised vs Digital

     I have taught several lessons in science that benefit from Bloom’s Taxonomy. The most notable is the school science fair that my students must complete. It takes all of the aspects from Bloom and applies them to a large, quarter long project. First the students must find resources to support their topic (Remembering), understand them (Understanding) and analyze/evaluate them (Analyzing/Evaluating). Once they have their sources, they need to put together the information into a background…


Added by Chris Caruana on May 18, 2014 at 11:10am — No Comments

Blogging Best Practices

            Blogging (whether personal or for educational purposes) is a popular form of communication with others online. Those who chose to blog should also consider some best practices to get people interested in reading their posts and interested in returning to read other posts. Some best practices for educational blogging include establishing norms/guidelines…


Added by Rebecca J-L on May 17, 2014 at 6:11pm — No Comments

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