All Blog Posts (9,941)

Entrada nº7: Indices de Criminalidad

La tasa de criminalidad ha cambiado drásticamente en el último año en Caracas Venezuela. La cantidad de asesinatos ha aumentado mucho. Este cambio asesinato id más grande de América del Sur, el año…


Added by Reece Glenn III on October 28, 2012 at 2:48pm — 2 Comments

Entrada nº7: Las luchas políticas de Venezuela

   Hubo un artículo reciente en las noticias sobre las elecciones presidenciales de Venezuela el mes pasado. Los candidatos de la elección fueron Henrique Capriles Radonski y Presidente Hugo Chávez. Esta elección fue una batalla, pero el ganador fue el Presidente Hugo Chávez. Muchos de los miembros de la oposición del partido teniendo dificultad para aceptar que su partido no ganó. Debido a esta furia, la contraparte no está uniendo juntos para las próximas elecciones…


Added by Rachel Weaver on October 28, 2012 at 1:59pm — No Comments

Entrada n°7: La economía socialista de Chávez

Hugo Chávez ha ganado las elecciones en Venezuela, y espera continuar implementando su modelo de socialismo. Chávez derrotó a Henrique Capriles, quien quería dejar de expropiar las empresas venezolanas. En los últimos años, Chávez ha nacionalizado muchos sectores de la economía, incluyendo el petrolero, de cuyos ingresos Venezuela ha sacado provecho. Estos ingresos muchas veces están asociados con el modelo de socialismo, y por eso, Chávez disfruta de bastante apoyo. Sin embargo, mientras…


Added by Emma McGregor on October 28, 2012 at 11:38am — No Comments

edu 265

i would most likely use my blog to keep my parents updated on what was going on in my class and at school in general. My blog would cover what we would be working on in class, homework assignments, and school events.

Added by Greg Rackley on October 28, 2012 at 6:14am — No Comments


The idea of creating your own social media site is intriguing.  This would be a neat idea for certain interest groups. For instance, I kind of liked when "The Facebook" was only for college students.  All members had that common link, and it was easy to find and make friends with similar interests.  I think it's nice that my family members and coworkers can now have a Facebook page as well, yet, it does limit what you can share because there is a wider range of audience.  Having a Ning site…


Added by Laura Shell on October 27, 2012 at 11:35pm — No Comments

Getting to know social networking

This is the first time I have joined a professional social network. My previous experience is limited to Facebook, and I use it mostly to keep track of family and friends: being far away from home pushes me to use it more frequently. Some of my fellow teachers use Linkedin, but I have never tried it.

My personal impression is that educational tools, apps and sites are evolving really fast. New ones or improvements to those that are successful, appear each week with the intention to…


Added by Javier Casaseca on October 27, 2012 at 8:10pm — No Comments

no7: El Petróleo

El producto muy importante en la economía Venezuela es el petróleo.  Las reservas de petróleo proporcionan mucho del petróleo en el mercado mundial.  Yo creo que es bueno que el país tiene una exporta imperativa al mercado mundial, sin embargo, yo tengo miedo que en el futuro el país tendrá unos problemas.  Como más y más de la gente del mundo da se cuenta que hay opciones mejores que el petróleo. Las opciones mejores que el petróleo incluye los combustibles alternativas.  Hay científicos…


Added by Natalie Jo Senn on October 27, 2012 at 7:12pm — No Comments

Entrada nº7: Venezuela y la política

    Ramón Guillermo Aveledo ha sido el jefe para la oposición política de Venezuela. El y muchos otros han formado la organización para  intentar de evitar que Hugo Chávez sea reelegido. La única a problema es que su trabajo no se va a poner más fácil. Golpeados por la reelección del Presidente Hugo Chávez este mes, oposición contra el esta teniendo dificultades mantenerse unidos. Reunir a sus seguidores para las elecciones cruciales que son en diciembre, se ha…


Added by Leonardo Velasco on October 27, 2012 at 5:34pm — 2 Comments

Web 2.0

I am looking forward to being apart of this community. I think this site is going to offer me some great connections and ideas.

One question that comes to mind, is there any easy way to add colleagues all at once rather than individually? I'd love advice if anyone out there can help. Thank you.

Added by Elizabeth Broadbent on October 27, 2012 at 5:29pm — No Comments

Disciline in the classroom

I had to discipline a student for the first time in the clss on Friday.  I was working with a third grade special ed. student on a book report covering the first 5 chapters she had read.  This student had coclear inplants within the lasst three years and has learned to talk and is hearing.  she is a very small child and before this past year she was extremely shy and would cry easily whenever something happened in the class, even when it did not directly effect her.  This was during  the…


Added by Kennth T. Taylor on October 27, 2012 at 2:42pm — No Comments

Entrada nº7: Mujeres al Poder

Durante muchas decadas las mujeres no podian trabajar en cualquier trabajo. Si trabajaban tenían que trabajar en cosas como: amas de casa, enfermeras, etc. No era hasta recientemente que las mujeres han entrando al mundo de los trabajadores. Cuando las mujeres comenzaron a hacer los trabajos de los hombres la gente no le tenían nada de respeto. Como muchos países Venezuela acepta las mujeres trabajadora y le dan respeto. Siempre hay…


Added by Thays on October 27, 2012 at 2:10pm — 1 Comment

Plant Growth

I'm a student studying elementary education and this post is for an assignment. This would be an example blog post to keep parents informed of a 1st grade class science project about how conditions affect the growth of plants.

Hello parents!

I would like to give you an update on our current science project "Plants: What Makes Them Grow?" Today, we planted our seeds and put them in a variety of conditions. Plant 1 has no sunlight and lots of water. Plant 2 has lots of… Continue

Added by Jaime McGee on October 27, 2012 at 12:40pm — No Comments

Entrada nº7: Antiguo presidente, los mismos problemas

El presidente Hugo Chávez fue recientemente reelegido para un cuarto mandato, pero con su reelección llega a los mismos problemas que los venezolanos han estado luchando hasta el final. Venezuela tiene las mayores reservas de petróleo del mundo, que es donde viene el dinero de sus proyectos sociales. El país depende del petróleo, sin embargo, con la recesión, las empresas están en deuda. El gasto público…


Added by Shelby Peek on October 27, 2012 at 11:00am — No Comments

Fractions Presentation & Worksheet

Parents and Students: Here is the presentation I did in class today over fractions. If students are having trouble with the worksheet that I assigned, I encourage them to look at this presentation because it will help them remember what I said in class. Also, here is the worksheet that was assigned in case students lost theirs or were absent.



Added by Courtney Dale on October 27, 2012 at 10:24am — No Comments

Halloween Party

As you all know, Halloween is next Wednesday so I thought it would be fun to have a Halloween Party. Students, feel free to dress up but I ask that you not wear your costume to school seeing as how we will still have class for the majority of the day. The party will begin at 2:00 p.m. I will provide *spooky* snacks and we will play games. Parents are encouraged to come and join in on all the fun. Hope to see you there!

Added by Courtney Dale on October 27, 2012 at 10:17am — No Comments

Parent notice

Dear Parent,

                Your child has been learning to play his/her instrument very well. I believe your child is ready to go to the next level, and for that reason, he/she really needs to practice at home to master the instrument. In order for this to happen we will need you to agree to be responsible for any damage or loss of the instrument. I will be sending this agreement letter with your child on the next class day. Parents, this is an opportunity for your child to master…


Added by Joel Maxwell on October 27, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments

Not convinced

Being new to Classroom 2.0, I'm not convinced of the practicality or ease of use of this tool. It's got too much going in it. All the links on the top, the header I can't control. The links on the sides, I can't tell what is mine and what is Classroom 2.0's. I see I can invite colleagues, but I don't see an immediate easy way to add people who are already on classroom 2.0. These are a lot of the same reasons I don't care for facebook much, though it seems like facebook is a slightly less…


Added by Judson Richard Harry Birkel on October 26, 2012 at 10:19pm — No Comments

Semana 8 en Maxwel

Porque el festival del Halloween está viniendo, los estudiantes en la clase de Sra. Guimarais están muy emocionantes. Todos me dijeron como van a vestirse para el festival. En clase hoy, como todos los días en Maxwell, los niños hicieron sus grupos de leer cuando llegué. Duespues de cumplir sus actividades de leer, hicieron el calendario. Algo que no he mencionado sobre el calendario es que incluye el tiempo. Un…


Added by Casey Bode on October 26, 2012 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Social Networking Tools

I'm happy to be a part of classroom 2.0. Overall Ning is a great social networking tool for teachers, students, and administrators.  When I was the director of admissions at an online college I used ning frequently to connect with students who had just enrolled at the college.  I am currently a graduate student at Western Oregon University Studying Education: Information Technology.

I have used both Facebook and Ning to connect with students, and both have their advantages and…


Added by Lisa W on October 26, 2012 at 7:09pm — No Comments

Screencasting Made Easy With CamStudio

Being able to create a screencast has become so much more important since the flipped classroom…

Added by Ms. Lynda Hall on October 26, 2012 at 7:08pm — No Comments

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