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Somewhere In The Middle..

Am I a digital immigrant or a native?  After reading the literature for this week’s class and viewing the videos, I am confident that I am neither.  While I have no problem creating word documents, navigating the internet, and using e-mail (even with attachments!), there are still many aspects of technology I have to learn.  My work at school involves a lot of technology (PowerPoint, document camera, Internet), but I realize that I do not require even that much from my students.  If I want…


Added by Courtney Domoney on July 21, 2013 at 2:04pm — No Comments

Unit 2 Assignment- Building a Learning Community

I enjoyed reading the articles and watching the videos for this week’s assignment.  I think it’s interesting to learn about how much education has changed over the years.  Education needs to change because our students change. The way our students learn change over the years for several reasons, but the main reason is technology. Technology is constantly changing and improving there for it is our job as educators to keep up with technology so we are teaching our students in a way they…


Added by Sarah Bryan on July 21, 2013 at 1:01pm — No Comments

Unit 2 Assignment- Building a Learning Community

I enjoyed reading the articles and watching the videos for this week’s assignment.  I think it’s interesting to learn about how much education has changed over the years.  Education needs to change because our students change. The way our students learn change over the years for several reasons, but the main reason is technology. Technology is constantly changing and improving there for it is our job as educators to keep up with technology so we are teaching our students in a way they…


Added by Sarah Bryan on July 21, 2013 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Building a Learning Community

Overall, I would say that I am a competent new-comer to technology, and, thus, a tech immigrant.  I have made some attempts to step into this new technological age in my classroom, but my default is old-school pen and paper.  I like to tell myself that this is due to the subject that I teach, but this is a cop-out.  I simply am not completely comfortable with how new technology can work its way into my classroom effectively and efficiently. 

The article “The New Literacy” advocates…


Added by Kyle Farrington on July 21, 2013 at 11:29am — No Comments

Classrooms of the Digital Age - Digital Native

After reading and watching the videos for the week, I have discovered that I am, in fact, a digital native.  I had my first computer when I was in the 5th grade.  Since then, I've spent anywhere from 1-5 hours on the computer everyday.  The video we watched with all of the college students talking about their classes - that was me just 3 years ago.  I remember feeling that the books I bought were a waste of money, since I rarely read them.  I completely agree with all of the articles and…


Added by Kylie Campbell on July 21, 2013 at 9:57am — No Comments

A modo de resumen

Yo he aprendido muchísimo durante mi tiempo en Sevilla este verano sobre mí misma, mi futuro, y la vida en Sevilla.  Para empezar, mi trabajo en el Comedor me enseñó mucho sobre la crisis en Sevilla hoy en día.  Hay muchas personas sin hogares en resultado de la crisis.  Pero, el Comedor bienvenida a toda la gente sin pregunta.  En mi opinión, es diferente de los Estados Unidos pero puedo traer este a mi próxima experiencia con las personas sin hogares.  También, en Tal Como Eres yo aprendí…


Added by Kelly Gutrich on July 21, 2013 at 4:59am — No Comments

AUP Reflection

When I started this week and read the assignment details I was quickly overwhelmed. The concept of writing my own AUP was a bit labor intensive and grew my concerns of being able to handle grad school, teaching full time, student council and FCCLA. Although I am still concerned, I was surprised how quickly this assignment came together for me.  I read over both the current districts AUP and my first districts AUP, to compare. I also reflected on how my previous district handled technology,…


Added by Danielle McCracken on July 20, 2013 at 4:49pm — No Comments

Unit 2 Assignment: 21st Century Skills

I really enjoyed reading and watching all of the assignments this week. In particular, I loved the last video on "7 skills that students need for the future."  The speaker did an excellent job of explaining how schools are failing students that have to compete in the 21st century.  Often times when teachers think of failure or disappointment in their own classrooms, they focus on the disengaged and underperforming students.  While this is obviously is an issue and a problem, the highest…


Added by Matt Buxton on July 20, 2013 at 4:26pm — No Comments

Reflection for class assignment 7/20

The article "The New Literacy" by David Warlick was very insightful in terms of how students need to be literate.  We've far too long thought of literacy as being able to read, write, and communicate orally.  However, this article points out that in today's technology driven age students need to be able to effectively communicate and interpret information electronically.  How do they learn this?  By getting into technology in the classroom.  I was definitely convicted to look more into how I…


Added by Jessica McColm on July 20, 2013 at 10:53am — No Comments

Unit 2 Assignment - Building a Learning Community

      I enjoyed reading the article, "The New Literacy" by David Warlick. I found the four E’s to be very informative. As educators it is important to realize that we need to teach differently to prepare our students for the digital world. As I was reading this article I thought of a project that I have my students do every year on Christmas Around the World. Exposing Knowledge is using the resources available to research the topic given. With this project I let the students find the…


Added by Katie B. on July 20, 2013 at 10:43am — No Comments

"Teaching in the Digital Age"

Belonging to Generation X, I consider myself a“novice native” to the 21st century digital world. I am not apposed to exploring the practical uses of technology that has become available to us as educators. I cautiously experiment with non-traditional presentation formats, search engines, pod casts, and blogs. As a middle school educator, I encourage and teach students to authentically and…


Added by Jamie Cole on July 20, 2013 at 5:52am — No Comments

Teaching in the Digital Age

When it comes to teaching in the digital age, my students have more knowledge about it because they use it more than I do.  I guess I would be considered a digital immigrant because I have learned how to use technology just to be successful in today’s world.  Since students are using different types of technology, why not let them use it in the classroom so that learning will be fun and to keep them engaged in learning.

     After watching, “Vision of Students Today”, I wasn’t shocked with… Continue

Added by Teresa Swan on July 19, 2013 at 3:04pm — No Comments

Contemporary Literacy

So, I find out on a daily basis, how much more I have to learn. Growing up, I was expected to read, study, write and take a test.  Whatever I got on that test, told my teachers and parents how smart I was.  I remember sitting in class and others always raising their hands asking, what does this have to do with me?...  Teachers responded the same usually.  "You will need to know how to do this at some point in your life."  The truth is, I didn't and don't need to know a ton of what I…


Added by Emily McCall on July 19, 2013 at 12:37pm — No Comments

Teaching in the Digital Age

My eyes have been opened to the digital age and how teaching needs to change to meet the needs of this diverse generation of students.  After watching the video A Vision of Students Today, I found it amazing to think about how students may only read 8 books in a year, but they might look at 2,300 webpages and 1281 Facebook profiles in a year.  In addition, students may write only 42 pages for a class, but they might write 500 emails on their own time.  It is very clear that our…


Added by Kelli Neal on July 18, 2013 at 10:48pm — No Comments

Teaching in the Digital Age

I should start by saying that I am definitely not a native of the digital age, but do consider myself a naturalized citizen.  (I probably speak teh language with a funny accent, like using "teh" inappropriately.)

I believe that "digital fluency" is the new lingua franca for an upper-middle class that is quickly expanding downward.  Warlick's "New Literacy" reflects this.  His basic premise seems to be that it is important for schools to teach this new language.

"A Vision of…


Added by Robert Thomas Sack on July 18, 2013 at 10:34pm — No Comments

Mis expectaciones - blog extra

Yo trabajo en Tal Como Eres, un campamiento para niños con una gran variedad de discapacidades.  Cuando empecé mis expectaciones allí eran muy claras.  Todos los días trabajo a las nueve menos cuarto hasta las dos y durante todo de este tiempo estoy muy ocupada con los niños.  Necesito mirar los niños y ayudarles mucho.  Mis responsabilidades incluyen participar en las actividades y ayudarles a los niños para hacer lo mismo.  Por ejemplo, empiezo con el trabajo.  Cada niño tiene alguna tarea…


Added by Kelly Gutrich on July 18, 2013 at 10:39am — No Comments

Reflexion #13: Assessment

Los profesores tienen que medir las habilidades lingüísticas de los estudiantes, el desarrollo se evalúa con pruebas o cursos a través de métodos más informales. La mayoría del tiempo se seleccionan pruebas comercialmente desarrolladas para el uso en las aulas o programas de idiomas—en esta sección se habla de diferentes métodos de evaluación del lenguaje, así como las estrategias para practicar en el aula. Hay dos tipos de métodos que se pueden usar para evaluar a los estudiantes, indirecto…


Added by Diana Tirado on July 17, 2013 at 6:36am — No Comments

Reflexion #12: Technology

En el aula las maestras están limitadas a lo que pueden hacer en el aula, por ejemplo están restringidas a ayudar a un estudiante a la vez. Con el uso de la tecnología esto puede cambiar y facilitar el aprendizaje de un nuevo idioma para los estudiantes-- el uso de la tecnología proporcionara a los estudiantes más tiempo en la tarea, aumenta la eficacia del tiempo del estudio, y proporcionara una forma de minimizar las limitaciones en el aula. Después de usar los videos de los ejercicios las…


Added by Diana Tirado on July 17, 2013 at 6:04am — No Comments

Review of Denver Public Schools Technology AUP

In my research I found that my district has four AUPs covering email, internet, network, and copyright. Every one of these documents has a preamble which essentially describes the service that DPS provides (e.g. email, internet, or network) and who the policy applies to however, each document is missing some key elements. For example our email policy is directed toward staff only (not children) and doesn't describe how the policy was developed yet, our Network Connection policy goes into…


Added by Daniel Sharpe on July 16, 2013 at 9:07pm — No Comments

AUP Comparision and Wordle

Here is the link to the Jeffco Wordle.


I also ran Cherry Creeks AUS to have something to compare


I reviewed both Cherry Creek and Jeffco's policies in preparation in writing my own AUP…


Added by Danielle McCracken on July 16, 2013 at 1:58pm — No Comments

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