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Nearly the Easter Break!

A short week followed by a lovely two-week break - I'm so lucky!! Though, I will be knuckling down to some PGCE work during that time! Hope everyone has a lovely Easter - whatever you may be doing.

Added by Tina Gale on March 28, 2013 at 9:47am — No Comments

blog numero cuatro

un problema que le encuentro es muy grave en el estado de Kentucky es las consecuencias de utilizar carbón como combustible fósil.…


Added by Margaret Milton on March 27, 2013 at 9:12pm — No Comments

Students Today

For an assignment I watched a youtube video entitled "A Vision of K-12 Students Today". I thought the video was really interesting. To me the point was that the way we teach children today is archaic and outdated. The video was not all encompassing of all educators or an attach on teaching, but a simple message from students themselves that many classes are not relevant to their lives or future aspirations.  The methods, assignments, and way we deliver information as educators does not…


Added by Jay Johnston on March 27, 2013 at 7:46pm — No Comments

First Blog for IMT 265

Hello Parents,I am a new teacher to the school and it is a joy to have your child in my class for my first year teaching. I hope that we can have a good clear communication between us so that we are able to enhance your child's learning experience.I will do a weekly blog that will ask you to help me assist your child with certain lessons we will be covering.

Added by Heather Conway on March 26, 2013 at 4:46pm — No Comments

Best Practices In Educational Blogging

  •    Establishing norms/guidelines for student blogging (student blogging contracts, parental involvement, inclusion of district AUPs or "acceptable use policies," etc.)

                      Before students begin blogging independently, they need to be given a tutorial by their teacher about the responsibilities associated with using social media, and the ethical and safety concerns social media can present.  They should become familiar with the school’s…


Added by Elana Kline on March 25, 2013 at 11:15am — 1 Comment

10 More Ways To Use Blogs In Your Classroom

 10 More Ways To Use Blogs In Your Classroom

1. Quote of the day discussion blog. I will post a quote of the day and students can analyze the quote and discuss what it means and lessons they can apply from the quote.

                                                        Place to find a quote of the day on every topic: …


Added by Elana Kline on March 24, 2013 at 10:19pm — No Comments

What I learned from the video

I found the video " A vision of K-12 Students Today" very insightful.  It was interesting to see how much time our students are spending using technology. Even though the clip focused on college students, I think it is safe to say that this also applies to younger students as well.  I teach third grade,and it amazes me how many of them already have their own cell phones, ipods, ipads, tablets, etc. Put this with the amount of time my students spend…


Added by Adrienne Johnson on March 24, 2013 at 8:15pm — No Comments

Welcome Parents, I have created this blog so that you can be as involved as possible in your child's kindergarten year.  Each week I will post the classroom projects that we are currently working on …

Welcome Parents,

I have created this blog so that you can be as involved as possible in your child's kindergarten year.  Each week I will post the classroom projects that we are currently working on as well as photos of the students work, the work will include poems,writting projects, art work and many other wonderful things.  We are very proud of all of the hard work that goes into our weekly projects and would love nothing more than if you would share this blog with friends and…


Added by Jennifer L. Tuck-James on March 24, 2013 at 7:26pm — No Comments

Entrada 8: El Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger

El programa: En Philadelphia hay un programa, se llama el Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger, que trabaja con Puentes de Salud.  Puentas de Salud es un programa que lucha para el salud de los hispanoblantes.  Ambos, los programas ayudan la gente que son elegible para el programa de comida del U.S.D.A (un programa gobierno).  Las familias que no son elegible para el programa de comida recibe comida al centro de Puentes Salud.  Las familias completan 4 horas de servicio comunidad…


Added by Natalie Jo Senn on March 24, 2013 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Entrada 7: Social Work Practice with Latinos: Key Issues for Social Workers

El artículo: Elijé un artículo diferente que los artículos en el pasado.  Este artículo enfoca en el impacto de los servicios sociales en la comunidad latina.  El autor discute la población latina que está creando en los Estados Unidos y hace eso muy rápidamente.  El autor dice que los trabajadores sociales y otros profesionales necesitan el conocimiento para comprender y ayudar el población.  Los latinos tienen necesidades diferentes y problemas diferentes que otras culturas en los Estados…


Added by Natalie Jo Senn on March 24, 2013 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Entrada 7: Inmigrantes saturan la morgue en Arizona

Articulo: Este articulo es muy informativo, habla sobre los cadáveres que se encuentra en el sur de Arizona más específicos en el desierto. Dice que la cifra de cadáveres que llegan a la morgue va incrementado. Quieren identificar a todos los cuerpos pero es difícil, porque no hay datos de muchos de ellos. Mexico trabaja con los…


Added by Mayra Berenice Martinez on March 24, 2013 at 4:34pm — 1 Comment

Informe 1: Servicio Voluntariado Good Samaritan Clinic

Durante mi visita a la clínica hice diferentes tareas. Primero tuve que presentarme como la intérprete a la paciente y luego a la terapéutica. Entramos a un cuarto muy chico, apenas cabíamos las tres. La terapéutica le pregunto a la paciente como se sentía, que si tenía algún dolor. Después fuimos a la sala de terapia. Ahí es cuando empezaron los ejercicios, la paciente sufría de dolor en la espalda. Cuando empecé a interpretar se me…


Added by Mayra Berenice Martinez on March 24, 2013 at 4:17pm — No Comments

Educational Art Games

Dear Colleagues!

Some time ago I searched the Internet for online games dealing with the visual arts. and made a collection of links for my Swedish students. Maybe this could be of interest for someone also in the English speaking world? Please have a look:…


Added by Sten Canevall on March 24, 2013 at 2:09pm — No Comments

Reflection on Videos

I learned from this weeks videos that I have a lot to learn.  I was not surprised to find out that I am a digital immigrant, but was shocked to learn that I still have several old ideas about teaching and the way students learn.  I have a decent amount of technology available in my classroom, but I don't make good use of it.  I know my students would benefit from more whole group lessons using the whiteboard, more small group lessons with the laptops, and more one on one time with the iPad. …


Added by Lisa Denney on March 24, 2013 at 1:32pm — 1 Comment

Blogging as a Tool to Create 21st Century Classrooms

            According to Education Week (2010), “The term ‘21st-century skills’ is generally used to refer to certain core competencies such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving that advocates believe schools need to teach to help students thrive in today's world.”  While the exact skills and resources can be debated, all educator’s agree that 21st century classrooms provide students with the resources and knowledge that they need in order to be…


Added by Elana Kline on March 24, 2013 at 12:00pm — No Comments


I am working on adding an application that will allow me to create polls for different subjects! These could be anything from which subjects are your childrens' favorites, or simply what your family does in it's free time! Check back soon to see what the question of the week is!

Added by Sara Powers on March 23, 2013 at 1:29pm — No Comments

Welcome to the 2nd grade, parents and students!

Hello everyone!

If you have arrived at this blog, it means that your child is in my 2nd grade class. I am very excited to get this year started, and for all of you to be involved in your childs education. This blog will serve one of the main tools for communications between you and I. Each week, I…


Added by Sara Powers on March 23, 2013 at 12:58pm — No Comments

Reflexión °5 Traducción 2

             Esta reflexión fue un poquito difícil para mí porque un gran parte de una entrevista son las inflexiones de la voz.  Por algunas partes yo no sabía exactamente qué intentó decir Guillermo del Toro.  Además, a veces cambia lo que a decir o no contesta la pregunta exactamente.  Por ejemplo, cuando le pregunta si El Hobbit está completamente terminada, responde que terminaron los guiones y describe el proceso actual. 

            Además, el significado de la oración que…


Added by Laura Throckmorton on March 22, 2013 at 10:19pm — No Comments

SPA 323: Reflexión: Traducción de una entrevista


En la traducción de la entrevista, se encuentran algunas dificultades en la coordinación de significado del idioma fuente al idioma meta, por ejemplo, con la palabra, ‘disco’. ‘Disco’ puede ser traducido en varias maneras, incluyendo el baile, la forma material del disco compacto, o la compilación de canciones de una artista musical. En este contexto, el último significado se parece correcto, pero ¿cómo se traduce al inglés? Simplemente, podemos traducirlo al cognado ‘disk’,…


Added by Kathryn Wallace on March 22, 2013 at 12:54pm — No Comments

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