There is a good deal of controversy and debate still surrounding the question of whether or not technology can make a difference in the educational process. At EmergingEdTech, we’d like to…
ContinueAdded by Kelly Walsh on September 21, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments
Last week, we brought you examples of Alliteration from hip-hop, literature and history. This week, we give Hyperbole the same treatment:
Share your students' examples with us in the comments!
Added by Flocabulary on September 21, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments
Hello my Classroom 2.0 friends. Currently teaching 8th grade technology in New Hampshire. Looking for other 8th grade classrooms that would like to collaborate or form projects around a three to five week time frame each quarter. My quarter began in September and will end at the end of Nov. I am working on curriculum integration and would love to discuss possibilities of blogging, wikis or open projects of a web 2.0 nature with other like minded 21st century teachers around the world. …
ContinueAdded by shegstrom on September 19, 2011 at 7:35pm — No Comments
I shied away from tech productions projects. I was a scaredy-cat. Why? Whenever I gave my students a video project, the products demonstrated fun and engagement, but little learning.
I needed to learn how to help students create quality productions.
Over the past three years, I've discovered a system that helps me help students create media productions that…
ContinueAdded by Janet Abercrombie on September 19, 2011 at 7:13am — No Comments
eTwinning Professional Development workshop "Web 2.0 technologies in education", June 10-11.
eTwinning PDW Web2 Vilnius from Grazina Likpetriene on Vimeo.
ContinueAdded by Gražina Likpetrienė on September 17, 2011 at 7:04pm — No Comments
Host school: Scuola Secondaria di 1° grado “Fermi – Mannai”
Date: 05-11th May 2011
Place: Sant Antioco ( Italy).
Project work:
- visiting the school.
- performing of the detective short story written by pupils.
- song contest and Award ceremony.
- visiting of the churches analysed by the Italian partner.
- taking part in Sant'Antioco celebrations of the Patron Saint.
- song contest and Award ceremony.
Added by Gražina Likpetrienė on September 17, 2011 at 6:59pm — No Comments
Added by Gražina Likpetrienė on September 17, 2011 at 6:57pm — No Comments
Host school: Zakladna Skola Pri Podzluzinke
Date: 11-16th October 2010
Place: Levice ( Slovakia).
Project work:
- introducing the Zakladna Skola Pri Podzluzinke.
- presentation by each participating organisation of the research carried out about the seconde religious buildings.
- planning the activities of the project (teachers).
- reading of the detective short story by the pupils.
- voting for the cover and title…
Added by Gražina Likpetrienė on September 17, 2011 at 6:56pm — No Comments
The last few years, I've been very focused on the role and possibility of video in the classroom. Thus, my recent work developing EnglishCentral and my focus on the potential of a "Flipped Classroom".
I had an interesting skype…
ContinueAdded by ddeubel on September 17, 2011 at 7:58am — No Comments
I happened across the Twitter 25 Word Story writing experiment and challenge a few days ago and thought this would be a great idea to share with my 6th grade gifted class. The goal is to tell a story in exactly 25 words. To introduce them to the concept, I shared Kevin Hodgson’s Prezi titled “Sixty 25-Word Stories”. I really didn’t do much more than that and hoped that some of them would take interest.…
ContinueAdded by Melissa Johnston on September 16, 2011 at 11:49am — No Comments
It's never too early in the year to begin thinking about Parent Night.
The thought of talking for an hour to a group of adults seems daunting. Even with children, I try to speak no more than five minutes before directing them to an activity that synthesizes what was shared.
I have parents and students do the talking. Here are some suggestions if you want to get parents and students more active in the process:
1. Have parents active from the…
ContinueAdded by Janet Abercrombie on September 16, 2011 at 2:30am — No Comments
What is Assistive Technology to Me?
After being a Special Education major for my third year in a row, I have many things to say about AT. Every summer, I work with 3-5 year old children that are at risk or have recently received an IEP. I cannot stress…
ContinueAdded by Mary Katherine Shaughnessy on September 15, 2011 at 6:00pm — No Comments
Vicki Davis will present, “Successful Online Presentation Skills for Students” in the Blackboard Collaborate Distinguished Lecture Series this coming Tuesday September 20, 2011 at 19:00:00GMT [ check here for the time where you are ].
ContinueAdded by Lisa Durff on September 15, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments
Do you teach literary terms, figurative language or rhetorical devices? Each Wednesday, we will bring you one literary term with fun examples from hip-hop, literature and history. Share examples your students create and we'll add them to the blog.
Today, we begin with alliteration. Next week, we'll bring you greatest hyperbole examples ever.
Added by Flocabulary on September 14, 2011 at 9:47am — 2 Comments
That's the International Society for Technology in Education's Virtual Education Journal. See pages 40-44 for the story on how International Baccalaureate World Schools are teaching the Diploma Program Information Technology in a Global Society course together in Second Life! Please note also that YOU are invited to visit us in Second Life and/or ReactionGrid! …
Added by David W. Deeds on September 13, 2011 at 8:46pm — No Comments
Who is the most responsible for the state of U.S. Public education and what can be done to fix it...
Added by Todney Harris on September 11, 2011 at 10:17am — 2 Comments
Added by Rob Sbaglia on September 10, 2011 at 1:01am — No Comments
I have been reading about advances in the classroom in the 21st century, and I am wondering if an entirely paperless classroom is already a reality, I have tried to reduce the paper used in my classroom and increase the technology utilized, but I am still not sure about how to proceed. I plan to network with other teachers in my school...those I know are tech determine what basic things I can do to utilize more tech tools and less paper while maximizing learning. I think the best…
ContinueAdded by Amy Bauman on September 9, 2011 at 8:45pm — 2 Comments
. Which of the following is high in protein:
A. Fruit
B. Water
C. Meat
D. Vegetables
C. Meat
2. Carbohydrates are used for:
A. Energy
B. Repairing cells
C. Making muscles
D. Making skin
A. Energy
3. What solution is used in the test for sugar?
A. Benedict’s solution
B. Ethanol
C. Universal indicator
D. Biuret’s solution
A. Benedict’s solution
4. What is…
ContinueAdded by Fatima Agha on September 9, 2011 at 2:51am — No Comments
. Which of the following is high in protein:
A. Fruit
B. Water
C. Meat
D. Vegetables
C. Meat
2. Carbohydrates are used for:
A. Energy
B. Repairing cells
C. Making muscles
D. Making skin
A. Energy
3. What solution is used in the test for sugar?
A. Benedict’s solution
B. Ethanol
C. Universal indicator
D. Biuret’s solution
A. Benedict’s solution
4. What is…
ContinueAdded by Fatima Agha on September 9, 2011 at 2:50am — No Comments
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