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The Napsterization of Books Freaks Me Out!!

Jim Burke turned me onto this NY Times article about the "Napsterization of Books" and I gotta say, it kinda sends a chill up my spine. Why? Well, because first and foremost, I am an author. I feed my family, pay my house bills and supplement my teaching income working in a high school (because who, in California, can afford to… Continue

Added by Alan Sitomer on October 5, 2009 at 6:30am — 1 Comment

College Fair in Second Life

College Fair in Second Life
Presentations: 24th and 25th October 2009
Exhibits displayed: 24th Oct to 13 No. 2009
Venue; International Schools Island
Full details at ...
Tag: #SLCF09

Added by Shamblesguru (Chris Smith) on October 5, 2009 at 6:07am — No Comments

Starting to start getting started

So what have I been up to?

I have a Ning for my class groups to communicate through. Did the Wordle stuff and found it potentially very useful for presentations. Uploaded a SlideShare and added a Youtube videos to the presenation (even though my district blocks Youtube and i won't be able to use the slides there). Began creating a wesite with Weebly to see what could be done by little ole me. Skyped, twittered and looked at plurking. Last week produced a few podcsts with my students,… Continue

Added by Artie O'Connor on October 4, 2009 at 7:28pm — No Comments

Possible websites/Tools I will use in my future classroom

Cool Tools for Schools



- In using Viddix, my students will do their presentations via Viddix instead of standing in front of the classroom talking. An example would be the left screen will showing the student speaking and the right screen showing a student’s meal/exercise plan for one day of the week.


- In using Ask, students can research current events… Continue

Added by Sarah Thomas on October 4, 2009 at 4:54pm — No Comments

Radically Student-Driven Learning

As an interning teacher of high school German, something I'm really struggling with is when students just don't put a lot of effort into my assignments. But not because I can't understand why - it's because I DO understand. The activities I give in class and assignments I give for homework can't be flexible enough to perfectly accommodate every student. Some don't really need the practice, others need to work more on the basics, and perhaps most of them would learn better some other way. Like… Continue

Added by Chris Fritz on October 4, 2009 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Face to Face networking at Tutor/Mentor Conference in Chicago on Nov. 19 and 20

I meet many different people via my Internet work, and share many of their ideas on my blog and the links at

Every six months I host a conference in Chicago intended to draw together people who focus on volunteer based tutoring and mentoring, online learning, workforce development and other strategies aimed to help kids… Continue

Added by Daniel Bassill on October 4, 2009 at 9:38am — No Comments



Added by Michel Reverte on October 3, 2009 at 2:38pm — No Comments

How has a teacher sparked your imagination?

This is a promo video that we did to initiate broad conversations about the teachers who have inspired us. Tell me, how did a teacher in your life help ignite your… Continue

Added by Ellen on October 3, 2009 at 12:30pm — No Comments

New month--putting ideas to work

In the library, my stats are down compared to next year. I'm not to worried yet...We did have computer problems at the beginning of the year (anyone out there using Follett). Many of my classroom teachers have classroom libraries. Some students are not checking out because they are reading a novel in class, and don't want to get the plots mixed up. Oh, did I mention the library down the street?

The first 20 min of the day are at the descretion of the teacher--so the kids can be doing… Continue

Added by Dana Buchanan on October 3, 2009 at 12:19pm — No Comments


Come Help us

Added by Manjula Deshappriya on October 3, 2009 at 11:25am — No Comments

Thông báo tuyển sinh

Với trình độ, kinh nghiệm và uy tín lâu năm trong giảng dạy của đội ngũ giáo viên, được sự hưởng ứng cao của các bậc phụ huynh, đồng nghiệp và các em học sinh, hiện nay Trung tâm Đa năng SNM mở các lớp đào tạo tiếng Anh qua mạng như sau:

I. Chương trình đào tạo:

1. Tiếng Anh Xuất khẩu lao động(XKLĐ): Dành cho những ai có nhu cầu học tiếng Anh để đi làm việc tại các quốc gia có sử dụng tiếng Anh trên toàn thế giới.

2. Tiếng Anh trẻ em: Dành cho các em học sinh từ Mẫu giáo đến hết… Continue

Added by Mr. Nguyen Duc Sang on October 3, 2009 at 9:49am — No Comments

When losing 7 billion isn't that big a deal.

Turns out that Bill Gates lost 7 billion dollars last year. That's billion with a B. I gotta say, he's a better man than I cause if I had lost even a mere 7 million last year -- that's million with an M -- I'd certainly be doing some very vocal complaining to whomever would listen right now.

Funny thing is though that I don't really get a sense that this loss affected his life all that much. I mean did he suddenly start carefully selecting where it makes fiscal sense to eat… Continue

Added by Alan Sitomer on October 3, 2009 at 6:00am — No Comments

Connected Marine Biology Students Host Public Movie Screening

The problem

According to NOAA, over half of the population of the United States lives within 50 miles of the coastline. This trend holds up over the vast majority of the world, and many countries in East Asia show an even greater build… Continue

Added by Sean Nash on October 2, 2009 at 3:59pm — No Comments

Red Ribbon Week Ideas

This year Charlotte Wood is planning to forgo the "Sage on the Stage" assembly for $1000.00. Instead we are working with Leadership, Danville PD, and video production to put 5 - 5 minute videos with strong anti drug/alcohol messages. Each morning of RRW, via the closed circuit television, the student body representative will introduce the theme for the day, and then the video. We have created some of our own videos and have taken some from Natural High 3. Wish us luck!

Added by Karen Schneider on October 2, 2009 at 10:13am — No Comments

You mean Hot Cheetos Aren't a Vegetable?

According to a new report by the Center for Disease Control, 9 out of every 10 teens are not eating enough of their recommended fruits and veggies.

You mean Hot Cheetos aren't a vegetable?

Am I the only one that has kids walk in at 7 a.m. in the morning gulping down processed sugar? I mean we are talking about a breakfast that consists of a frosted Pop Tart,… Continue

Added by Alan Sitomer on October 2, 2009 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

google wave , takes a step!

Google wave takes another step towards public release!

After using my google wave sandbox account for about 1/2 the summer ... I finally got 8 invites to add people I know to google wave; Well I only have 7 left, but I am very excited about the propects. My students were also beta testers so we should be able to get an entire class in.

this technology is awesome. I am excited. My… Continue

Added by Geoff St. Pierre on October 1, 2009 at 7:46pm — 5 Comments

Join NML at Media Literacy, Teaching and Learning and 21st Century Skills at MIT Oct 24th!

This is a great conference I've been to in Boston. It would be great to have those of you in the area attend. If you're not in Boston, no worries you can follow it all day on Twitter! (#homeinc)

More info below!


We hope you will join us this year at Home, Inc.'s Media Literacy, Teaching and Learning and… Continue

Added by Erin Brockette Reilly on October 1, 2009 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Polanski, qualudes, champage, lewd sex acts and a defense by some in Hollywood.

So Roman Polanski was snagged in Swiss territory and now there's a whole lotta hullabaloo over the nerve to extradite him to face charges.

And why, because he is an "artist"? As an artist myself -- a term that I never, ever apply, btw, but hey, if he can hide under the umbrella, then I can take some shelter as well -- I call HOGWASH!

I mean would we see international film superstars lobbying for… Continue

Added by Alan Sitomer on October 1, 2009 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

Summarizing and Note Taking

Hello! I am a reading teacher for struggling 6-8th graders. I have been trying to teach my students to summarize but they are really struggling with the concept. They seem to have trouble deciding which details are important and usually include many that are not needed. I have tried selective hi-lighting but many of them end up hi-lighting almost the whole page. Are there any ideas on how I can help my student determine what to include in a summary? I would like this skill to lead into… Continue

Added by Diana Irvine on September 30, 2009 at 8:35pm — No Comments

The Custodian and the Ditcher

Here's a little true tale I'll call The custodian and the ditcher.

Walking back to class during my planning period I just spied a student being read the riot act... by the school's custodian. It was an African American man speaking to an African American teen telling him about how "he needed to get to class, grab onto this chance for school" while giving him a heads up as to how there are just a whole "mess of people that want to simply turn kids like him into little… Continue

Added by Alan Sitomer on September 30, 2009 at 6:30am — 1 Comment

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