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Free Collaborative Platforms for Teachers: Part 1 - Google Apps

Reposted from Meg's Notebook.

Google Apps Education Edition is a free suite of hosted communication & collaboration applications specifically geared at schools (universities and K-12).

If a school board does not want to, or is unwilling to, invest in Google apps for education, a teacher can… Continue

Added by Meg H on July 2, 2009 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments

Smart Notebook for all IWB Users?

I wrote back in the Spring about how Promethean were changing the nature of the IWB market with a change in the way their ActivInspire software was licenced so that you could use a cut-down version on other brands of Interactive Whiteboard.

Well it looks as though Smart are now following along similar lines with the release of Smart Notebook Express.

Smart Notebook Express will be released in the Autumn and will allow anyone to access Smart Notebook resources “regardless… Continue

Added by Danny Nicholson on July 2, 2009 at 3:06pm — No Comments

InFocus Liteboard – an IWB replacement?

I’ve seen a few IWB-replacement gadgets over the years, but these normally rely on setting up some kind of alternative gadget to pick up pen movement – such as the ebeam, or a camera placed somewhere in the room. All of these needed calibration and extra devices, and are just plain cumbersome. Good for a mobile system, but not really an IWB replacement for a classroom.

But this video shows something very interesting indeed using a new InFocus projector, and nothing… Continue

Added by Danny Nicholson on July 2, 2009 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Should We Teach Standards or Children?

This may well be professional suicide. But, it’s time to come out of the closet. I say I teach the standards, but I really teach children.

As an educational publisher and author, I sell books that address state and national standards in English-language Arts and reading. The standards-based movement has clearly taken over the publishing and educational establishment. For example, in California, a district cannot purchase programs with state-allocated district monies… Continue

Added by Mark Pennington on July 2, 2009 at 10:53am — 4 Comments

Using blogs, twitter, wikis in the classroom

I am just started to look into this and am trying to get started planning for next year....but I need your help! Does anyone have any ideas about using these in the classroom? I am a secondary math teacher and what to integrate some of them into my classroom. Also, any ideas on how to keep it safe, introduce it to parents to get their support, how not to just use it but use it effectively, etc.

Added by Misty Bradley on July 2, 2009 at 8:55am — 1 Comment

Self-doubt" :A Reflective Classroom Teacher # 1

Too many first year teachers and far too many pre-certified teachers, struggle with self-doubt about the adequacy of their preparation. This self-doubt causes them to question not only their abilities to teach, but also their motivation for teaching and their philosophy of education itself. So often they have had to compare their skills against those of a master teacher while preparing themselves to take to the field.

Not only is this not a realistic comparison for them to make but can, if… Continue

Added by Ronald Bovill on July 2, 2009 at 6:30am — No Comments

Three great YouTube videos about Educational uses of Second Life

This week I am on vacation with my family, and unfortunately the Internet connection at the Historic Powhatan Resort here in Williamsburg, VA hasn’t been working consistently since I arrived on Saturday. It looks like I’m going to have to postpone the final post in my series on using Virtual Worlds in Education until next weekend. In the meanwhile, here’s a few insightful and informative YouTube videos about using SL for educational… Continue

Added by Kelly Walsh on July 1, 2009 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Journal entry 8: 21st Century Skills ...

Journal entry 8: 21st Century Skills and how Superintendents and CEO's differ

Khadaroo, S.T. Schools tap '21st-century skills'. (2009, Jan. 9). Christian Science Monitor.

This article is from the Christian Science Monitor on-line. There is much use of the words and phrase "21st Century Skills" in education today. This article gives a pretty good working… Continue

Added by Rick Weinberg on July 1, 2009 at 3:55pm — No Comments

An Old-School Way of Thinking About Twitter

I recently read an article on the Langwitches blog comparing Twitter to a large dinner party. I think this analogy is perfect. Just like at a huge dinner party, with so many people talking at the same time, about so many different things, you can't possibly keep up with every conversation at once. In fact, you'd seem like a… Continue

Added by Chris Fritz on July 1, 2009 at 11:48am — No Comments

Surviving Google Reader with the 80/20 Rule

Some pretty heated discussion going on right now at NECC about Twitter (and also Google Reader, to some extent). I'll talk about my strategy for surviving Twitter later, but right now, I feel like talking about Google Reader (or any feed reading application for that matter) and how I manage to not feel overwhelmed.

I use the 80/20 rule. In the case of Google Reader, that means 80% of the value I get from reading feeds comes from only 20% of them. If you really think about it, I'm… Continue

Added by Chris Fritz on July 1, 2009 at 11:19am — No Comments

A Reflective Teacher

My Friends:

As a way of introducing myself to the group, I offer the following work which more of less explains my philosophy of teaching and life.

Life Is Good

Be honest with yourself,

in your thoughts,

in your deeds.

There is no grace in self-deception

Have the courage of self-reflection.

Close examination of your day,

And your behavior,

Refreshes the soul and bathes the spirit.

We have today, this minute in… Continue

Added by Ronald Bovill on July 1, 2009 at 6:30am — 1 Comment

Not to be antisocial but...........

You know, I love having networks and web applications that keep me connected with professional and good ideas and resources, but I have to admit, I can't do it all! I'm a very faithful Twitter user and find it is very significant part of my PLN. Besides teaching and tech coordinating as well as my constant participation in many ways to educate others in this use of technology for their learning and teaching, I'd love to be active here on Classroom 2.0 as well. I see people joining as friends… Continue

Added by Gail Potratz on June 30, 2009 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Building Next-Gen Class Website - Looking for Feedback

I'm a brand new student teacher working with my mentor teacher on a new class website for our students next year. It's more than just a regular class website though. We're trying to build a collaborative learning network for our students. I'm new to this community, but anyone who would like to be our guinea pigs is welcome to check it out and give us feedback!

A little about the actual site. It was built using Ning and we're calling it "Die Quelle" (translation: The Source) right… Continue

Added by Chris Fritz on June 30, 2009 at 9:14am — 7 Comments

Digital Textbook Idea Spreading

The Lone Star State has jumped into the move toward digital textbooks. A recent bill signed by Gov. Perry allows for school districts to have more flexible spending with their textbook money to incorporate technology. This will allow districts to invest in other ways that may be far more affordable adding more "bang for the buck". California and Texas usually set the trend for how education goes, due to their large populations. Here is the… Continue

Added by Steve Tanksley on June 29, 2009 at 10:26pm — No Comments

Back to Film School Summary

Back to Film School | Print |

User Rating: / 2


Written by Dr. Robert Nulph

Watching films is a classroom in itself, yet you really have to have the right tools to become a critical viewer.

All good directors are students of film. They devour film, looking at the way their peers chose to present the script - their shot choice, transitions, music and form. To get the most out of watching films and glean new ways of shooting scenes and presenting… Continue

Added by Angel Montoya on June 29, 2009 at 5:52pm — 1 Comment

Internet Safety Product Reviews on Software, Websites, Electronics, and Guides

Hey everyone!

We will be launching our upcoming web safety resource on called Kiwi Reviews.

Kiwi Reviews was created to provide our readers with in-depth product, software and book reviews, in addition to the editorials, late-breaking news and resources available on the site. It will be useful for tech users, parents, and educators.

The bi-weekly reviews will be conducted by… Continue

Added by Kiwi Commons on June 29, 2009 at 1:50pm — No Comments

How to amp up your publishing parties

I've always liked the idea of the publishing party, however I've always found it a little hokey. Making a construction paper cover with yarn or lanyard binding is crafty, but it's a far cry from the experience of cracking open a crisp new permabound hardcover. Everyone plays along, but we all know there is something missing.

I've written about this in the past: The most exciting thing about using technology in a classroom is not necessarily enhancing the stuff you're already doing,… Continue

Added by Steve Kinney on June 29, 2009 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

“A Brand New You” – Create an Effective Brand Image that will Boost Your Career

APWT (Asian Professional Women in Technology) presents a practical workshop by marketing and branding expert Karen Kang, Principal of Karen Kang Consulting.

Learn how to brand from inside out, starting with an analysis of your current brand versus your desired brand. Think strategically about your personal brand development plan, and develop actions that can jumpstart your personal brand today. Understand the concept of portable… Continue

Added by grace esteban on June 29, 2009 at 8:40am — No Comments

eschoolnews Article Nine digital Cimenatography Tips

The article that I read from eschoolnews was Nine Digital Cinematography Tips.

I found this article very interesting because we did a video in class using shots such as over the shoulder, profile, a close up, full shot, eyelevel shot, high angle, and low angle. In this article it talks about how to get a shot from up high such as a ladder or a chair so things can look exciting and get the viewers attention. It also talked about how to get a shot from low such as the ground. There was a man… Continue

Added by Lori Sanchez on June 28, 2009 at 1:26pm — No Comments

The scales from my eyes are removed...

The past few months of Twittering have been eye opening and quite HUMBLING for me...

Please indulge me as I explain... of course it's MY BLOG... so I allow myself this indulgence. :-)

I came into teaching as a second career. I had wanted to be a music teacher when I first started college - specifically Orchestra or Choir - since I sing and play the violin. Upon listening to older students discuss how teachers were paid so poorly etc.. I changed my major and finished with a… Continue

Added by Candace Townsley on June 28, 2009 at 8:36am — No Comments

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