All Blog Posts (9,941)

I Have Merged My Blogs

Dear Friends,

I have merged my Education-themed weblogs. It was a marriage that seemed inevitable. In reality, I was testing the waters with Typepad and Wordpress (self hosted) and Wordpress won. The content on both blogs was similar and was centered around provoking thought about school/teaching practices at this particular point in the evolution of Education.

I will continue this work, though, with a greater intensity and focus as I am no longer "split" by the… Continue

Added by Andrew on May 21, 2008 at 7:45am — 1 Comment

Presentation for kids and copyright

See below for… Continue

Added by Karen Fasimpaur on May 20, 2008 at 6:48pm — No Comments

Pass the word? Help make it a 6-traits online summer!

register now for Teaching and assessing writing with the 6-traits

Please forward this announcement to teachers in your district.

This summer teachers from around the nation and the world will join online to exchange ideas and share best practices. The conversations are rich. The community is real. If you've never taken an online class before... this is the one to start with!

Teaching and Assessing Writing with the 6 Traits

EDUC 744 920 Elementary (Gr. K-4) - 3 gr. cr.… Continue

Added by Dennis O'Connor on May 20, 2008 at 9:17am — No Comments

Web 2.0 Showcase...sort of

So this a little showcase of what i have learned from Web 2.0 - really this is just a presentation that i did up that explains and contains resources helping with the different things like blogs, nings, RSS, commoncraft and the like. This is a pretty simple presentation, as i aimed it at some of our less techno-literate staff, but hopefully some people find it useful. The main accomplishment out of this presentation will be(if it works) that embedding of it in my blog, something i haven't… Continue

Added by Scott Hamilton on May 19, 2008 at 9:21pm — No Comments

I think, therefore I Ning, blog, twitter ... (Cogito ergo Ning?)

I am still getting used to Ning...quite bizarre considering I just started my own for Victorian Teacher-Librarians at However, when it comes to the read/write web I've learned the best way to master the different tools is to jump in and have a go! There are a lot of educators out there, worldwide, who are passionate about education and very excited to be using these tools with their students, or learning how to use them. What's more, they are happy to share and help… Continue

Added by Julie Squires on May 18, 2008 at 3:29pm — 2 Comments

Playing around with VOKI

Added by Or-Tal Kiriati on May 18, 2008 at 4:07am — No Comments

Cropping and Resizing Graphics for the Web

This June-July in San Antonio, I'll be teaching a NECC workshop on Google Sketchup. I'm really looking forward to that. Each year, however, at our local VSTE (Virginia) state conference, I teach a popular workshop on Photoshop. I was recently asked a question about resizing images for the Web, and thought I'd share my tutorial.

Tutorial 3: Cropping and Resizing for the Web from… Continue

Added by John Hendron on May 17, 2008 at 3:20pm — 2 Comments

Technology Conference

Today I am attending the Western Mass Writing Program's technology conference, and that is how I came to fine Classroom 2.0. I'm excited to connect with teachers around the country and the world and find ways to incorporate technology into my classroom!

Thanks for playing.


Added by Megan Bilodeau on May 17, 2008 at 8:49am — 1 Comment

First Post

Everybody needs a first post, and here it is. Perhaps I will use this blog to keep my students up-to-date with what is going on in class when they are absent.

Added by Megan Bilodeau on May 17, 2008 at 8:44am — 3 Comments

Kids, copyright, and open ed - one of the biggest learning experiences of the year

This week I had one of my best classroom experiences of the year. I had the opportunity to teach a bunch of middle school kids about copyright and open ed.

It was an incredibly active and engaging discussion, and I learned as much as they did.

A summary of my observations is below. (cross posted from my Mobile Musings blog)

Here is the lesson plan and accompanying resources if anyone wants to use them:…


Added by Karen Fasimpaur on May 16, 2008 at 2:29pm — 2 Comments

21st Century Learning Lost in Space

I remember back on April 4 when my district held a big fancy festival with all kinds of local dignitaries, Superintendents, Apple sales reps, smartboard sales reps, document camera reps, etc.: the 21st Century Learning Summit. Four teachers from every school were paid substitute time so they could go. I was lucky enough to be one of them. It was impressive, but just one day and a few mini-seminars on podcasting, web site/blog hosting, that kind of thing. Just a taste of TwoPointOh topics. I was… Continue

Added by L. Suzanne Shanks on May 16, 2008 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Digital Education Revolution

In January 2008, Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd announced the Federal Government's Digital Education Revolution - a $900m 4 year program which aims to achieve 1:2 (computer to student) ratio in all Australian secondary schools. Grants up to $1m are available to schools for computer hardware whereby the Federal Government enters into a funding agreement with respective Block Grant Authorities. The $900m figure was calculated on… Continue

Added by Chad Outten on May 16, 2008 at 7:30am — No Comments

Internet Safety

I am about to embark on creating an Internet Safety curriculum for grades 1 through 6. I am going to hit on topics dealing mostly with cyberspace; keeping your personal identification safe, choosing passwords and usernames, bullying. I am also going to be dealing with the parents. I am planning on having a "tea/coffee time" set up maybe once or twice a month to introduce web tools to them. How to talk to their children about Internet safety, etc.

This is going to be a huge project… Continue

Added by Melissa Smith on May 15, 2008 at 12:41pm — No Comments

The World Wide Telescope in an Interactive Whiteboard

Added by Rich White on May 14, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Getting to know me

Greetings fellow digital immigrants. Today we start together on our journey to catch up with the digital natives we are responsible for educating. This will not be what most of you expect from a blog. Then again, I do not know what you expect from a blog. But those of you who know me will hopefully see that my writing style is just like my personal style....all over the place!

Just wanted to let you know here it comes.

Let's get one thing out of the way first. I am not… Continue

Added by Craig Jackson on May 14, 2008 at 3:21pm — No Comments

NBC News Launches Social Learning Network

NBC News now has a community for middle and high school learners. NBC Learn,the educational arm of NBC News, has partnered in the project: a patented, MIT developed, cue card-based platform called iCue (Immerse, Connect, Understand, and Excel). The site will be a combination media player, game arcade, discussion forum, note-taking space, and trading card venue. The students can watch streaming videos from NBC News and flip the stories' Cue-Cards over to find out more and discuss the… Continue

Added by L. Suzanne Shanks on May 14, 2008 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Tech Bytes For The Tech-Starved

I'm starting a new habit of sending what I'm calling Tech Bytes; short, informative email snacks about tech. Sometimes I'll quote other articles or blogs and sometimes I'll write my own content--whatever I can to to whet the appetite or increase knowledge. My audience will be friends, family, and educators who have shown a craving or slight hunger for tech-knowledge. I don't know if anyone will actually read these but I'm sending them anyway. It's not really any different than blogging; we are… Continue

Added by L. Suzanne Shanks on May 14, 2008 at 11:30am — No Comments

Starting up...

So as a young teacher who thought of as pretty swift with ICT and new technologies it was great for me to go to warrnambool friday and watch Jess McCullough in action, she really filled me in on all the bizzo with things like nings, wikis and blogs my prin had been talking about. After a good look through some of this stuff i cant wait to get it into the classroom. Im particularly excited about vokis, which i think are quite rad, and i can picture the look on some faces as they set it up, and… Continue

Added by Scott Hamilton on May 14, 2008 at 2:36am — 1 Comment

It's been a looong time, CR2.0!

So it's been well over a year that I've been on this network and my life has changed dramatically in that time. In fact, as a launching point, I should give CR2.0 the full credit it deserves.

I know that the network catches grief about how the conversations here never change, and as I come back and look again at some of them, I think I may tend to agree. But that's ok!! I've been launched into another, different world that seems to fit me, but there are more and more teachers coming… Continue

Added by Ginger Lewman on May 13, 2008 at 4:11pm — 1 Comment

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