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Opportunities for Professional Development

I have finished the Microsoft Certified Peer Coaching© Facilitator Training delivered by

Puget Sound Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology. Here are some details about the training I received and what we (Ryan, Janet & I) plan to do this year.

Details: For a week in August 2006, as well as follow-up training for four days in April, 2007 to finish the certification process, we attended Microsoft Peer Coaching Facilitator Training in Winnipeg, MB.

Our time was…


Added by Kirsten Carter on August 17, 2007 at 9:19am — No Comments

Homeschooling using Social Networking Tools and Technologies - The Journey Begins!

As I have advised I have just decided to homeschool my 16 year old son, after difficulities at the school, mainly around the fact that they refuse, to acknowledge that his chronic fatigue is impacting on his studies - not sure how many medical documents I have given them and they still just call him lazy.

With his self esteem an all time low - I am taking the risk of a life time. Funny I think I am a pretty neat educator/facilitatior - whatever it…


Added by Jacinta Gascoigne on August 17, 2007 at 12:36am — 1 Comment

blog theme...

Although I haven't done much with this page, I do check in here at least a few times a week, and I think it's an awesome concept. Plus, they have a "London" theme--and since my SO is English ( England right now) it seemed nice to put that one up.

I've been in my classroom a few times this week (we're not officially back yet), and they have yet to turn the AC on. It's be 85 or so in there the last two days (according to the temp gauge/control that I can't work because the temp… Continue

Added by Jennie on August 16, 2007 at 11:42pm — No Comments

Great Videos on Teaching and Learning

Just came across some excellent video workshops on teaching and learning at

Added by Scheherazade Makki on August 16, 2007 at 3:53pm — No Comments

Overload !

I am in overload. I haven't been faithful to my bloglines account and I have a lof of catching up to do.

Since joining classroom 2.0, I have been introduced to so many ideas I feel very overwhelmed. I tend to loose track of time, clicking here and there, following the fantastic links posted on various blogs......I understand how my students can get "lost in the web."

My goal with this blog is to create an opportunity for teachers to communicate and learn about new technologies… Continue

Added by Kirsten Carter on August 16, 2007 at 1:16pm — No Comments

Collaborative discussion on Web 2.0 tools

I had a great opportunity to discuss the NETS standards for teachers and students with a peer during today's Professional Development. We considered how we can encourage more faculty members to desire to learn and implement WEB 2.0 tools and become NETS proficient. We realize we have a way to go, but between us have determined that we are going to work on one teacher at a time to bring them along and then invite these teachers to bring along others. While it may be slower than instructing the… Continue

Added by Glen Westbroek on August 16, 2007 at 11:06am — No Comments

David Warlick Rocks, Second Life and the Changing Face of Literacy

So, today I attended Orange County's inservice conference at the convention center. I must say that David Warlick's presentation, inspired awe. Redefine literacy. Literally. We have to. As Warlick says, it's not about…


Added by Lee Ann Spillane on August 15, 2007 at 9:30pm — 3 Comments


I have started an EFL / ESL (English as a foreign language) community and welcome anyone interested in teaching English overseas to join us. Vibrant community with lots of expert teachers.

We will have a first ever podcast. Scheduled time is 9:30 pm in Seoul, Korea, which is 8:30 am EST (east coast of America). Thursday the 16th. Hosted by Art Williams. Welcome all to come and listen and if new to this, just learn about…


Added by ddeubel on August 15, 2007 at 4:25pm — No Comments


Welcome to my classes for the 2007-2008 school year!

Added by Cathie Rhoades on August 15, 2007 at 1:09pm — No Comments

Welcome to school year 2007-2008

Here is where homework, assignments, and a class schedule will be posted.

Added by Craig Abram on August 15, 2007 at 1:08pm — No Comments

August 22

Welcome to Health Academy. Today was get acquainted day. If absent you will need to have your picture taken and write me a letter telling me about yourself.

Added by Cheryl Buoni on August 15, 2007 at 1:06pm — No Comments


Today be ready to work!

Added by Mrs. Calvin on August 15, 2007 at 1:06pm — No Comments

August 20

Today was the start of the year. Inservice.

Added by Cheryl Buoni on August 15, 2007 at 1:04pm — No Comments

Interactive Media - Digital Art - Multimedia

I teach Interactive Media (also known as Digital Art and Multimedia). I teach at a high school for 11th and 12th graders in the USA. I enjoy graphic arts and multimedia, and have worked as a graphic designer at a local television station, and have done freelance web design. I also have worked in educational technology.

I enjoy teaching because I like working with people in helping ways, and benefit from watching students grow in the subject that I teach.

Added by mike c on August 15, 2007 at 1:04pm — 2 Comments


We will be uploading a podcast during class tomorrow.

Added by Mrs. Calvin on August 15, 2007 at 1:03pm — No Comments

Blog Treasures: So many blogs, so little time!


I wanted to share some key blogs that will have program specific info (and a lot of other things).

E-learning & Online Teaching
(My WordPress blog... the most active one I have.…

Added by Dennis O'Connor on August 15, 2007 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments


Added by MrMillsArt on August 15, 2007 at 8:35am — No Comments


Hey you all and welcome to The Mills Universe! Please take time to look around and play some music. The first choice of music on this page is an old Ramones song slowed down and crooned by none other than Tom Waits. The original song was on The End of the Century album produced by Phil Specter and had that "wall of sound" sound Phil was known for. (Look up…


Added by MrMillsArt on August 15, 2007 at 8:32am — No Comments

Clear the chalk dust - learn afresh

Could there possibly be a push finally for the 'rights' and 'needs' of LEARNERS now and in the future?
I am running with this as a positive and hope to see and hear more in Australia, that helps all citizens not just those within education, understand not only that times have changed (which can give you a sore head) but in what ways, how and the consequences of not embracing the gifts provided on the www within a learning context - well maybe that should be a societal…

Added by Jacinta Gascoigne on August 15, 2007 at 7:06am — No Comments

A Decision - Extreme - Terrifying - Solution

As a result of difficulties my eldest( a chronic fatigue sufferer), has been having at school and no apparent, easy or speedy resolution or assistance, in sight at the school's end, I have made a decision, placing faith in myself that I have the ability to homeschool my child.

Please note that he is in year 10 in Australia - as I am not sure of the exact equivalents globally.

I have found the past day to be most interesting upon reflection. Why - well let me…


Added by Jacinta Gascoigne on August 15, 2007 at 6:26am — No Comments

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