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Teaching "through" technology NOT by using technology

I've been musing like so many on Classroom 2.0 about the implications of using new forms of technology in the classroom and how it can "enable" students. Meaning, in the full sense of the word "education", allow students to learn the basic skill which enable a citizen to contribute fully and positively to society (yeah, I believe in that, in Dewey).

So much of technology even at this present moment, is used as an adjunct, as a s"l"ideshow to the real lesson/learning. I think this…


Added by ddeubel on August 12, 2007 at 4:38pm — 2 Comments

Workshop Presenters

I was just wondering if there were any other workshop presenters that were a part of this community. I am sure that many of you are doing professional development for your school districts. I am finding that that range of "use" is very large when my workshops are open to a large geographical area. I usually present in a hotel (very often for BER-Bureau of Education and Research) and participants come from small rural communities and from the large city schools in the area. I have had…


Added by Judi Wolf on August 12, 2007 at 11:19am — 2 Comments

Microsoft moving towards open source?

Wow... who would have though even 1 year ago Microsoft would even consider moving towards open source software? A few years ago I blogged fairly regularly about open source and how schools could embrace it -- here is the Microsoft opensource web site.… Continue

Added by Rich White on August 11, 2007 at 11:16am — No Comments

And so it begins...

Most of you still have some summer fun to go, but I'm back already. I just spent a couple of weeks in meetings, trainings, and prep, Back-to-School night is completed, and students return on Monday 8/13. Whether you are starting early like we are or still have a few weeks to go, best wishes for a great new year!

Added by Adina Sullivan on August 11, 2007 at 9:22am — No Comments

Are you motivated?

Schools are beginning to reawaken after a summer siesta - in North America and parts of Europe anyways. I’m still three weeks out from starting day and in the midst of a major house reno so I’m not really

thinking too much about school although it has drifted across my vision

a few times. The work on the house has taken me away from my pre-summer

attachment to the “Wrinkled world” and I’ve found that it has been

refreshing to do other things. Having said that, I have…


Added by Kelly Christopherson on August 10, 2007 at 10:55pm — 1 Comment

Digi.raffe and iSURFFers

I am putting the finishing touches on displays for promoting a few ideas I have : Digi.raffe and iSURFFers. I want a student-designed mascot for my classroom. My students all know what it has to be - a giraffe. Digi.raffe is its name for lots of reasons, so I wonder what stories students will come up with on their own. Hmmm- another project-"How Digi.raffe Got its Name". ( I don't know if it is male or female:)

For my students - their new name…


Added by JoNelle on August 10, 2007 at 9:18pm — 1 Comment

Top 100 Tools for Learning!

Hi to all in classroom 2.0. I stumbled over a site that provides a section, listing the current Top 100 Tools for Learning.

I have not delved deep within the entire site, however I did feel that this page would be useful for all as I have certainly gained an insight into other worlds and tools unknown to me before. The layout provides easy reading and the links to each tool, allow you to learn more about what each one does, is used for or in some cases takes you to the development…


Added by Jacinta Gascoigne on August 10, 2007 at 4:21pm — 1 Comment

blog sponsorship

Well, I'm not a prolific blogger, either here or there . I do it to focus my thoughts. Each to his own. I don't get many hits or comments, so I was most surprised to get an email from a well known elearning company asking to talk sponsorship with me. I'm not naive enough to be flattered by this but I'm not sure what to do. What's the catch? What's the hook?

Added by pete whitfield on August 10, 2007 at 11:27am — No Comments

Eight Random Things Meme Tag

So I've been tagged by Susan who says this could be an excellent getting to know you exercise in a collaborative project between different classes/schools. So here we go.

Here are the rules:

Post these rules before you give your facts.

List 8 random facts about yourself.

At the end of your post, choose (tag) 8 people and list their names, linking to them.

Leave a comment on their blog, letting them know…


Added by JoNelle on August 10, 2007 at 7:33am — No Comments

School 2.0 Map from the US Dept.of Education ......

An interesting visual map of School 2.0 from the USA ..... can be sent free to USA Schools .... but fortunately a download pdf available.


I wonder where the Web 2.0 references are ..... also not much about library and information specialists .... I suspect this could be a useful discussion tool/focus.

Added by Shamblesguru (Chris Smith) on August 9, 2007 at 10:47pm — No Comments

"The Achievement Gap" and real impacts

This week I'm writing a series on technology and "The Achievement Gap"

on my social desktop. This is the third part of the series which takes

concepts introduced by "'The Achievement Gap' and culture", and

distinguishes between established methods for addressing the problem

and making real changes. In my last article I promised to go more into

technology, but it seems that the problem I'm addressing needs more

distinction… Continue

Added by Jared on August 9, 2007 at 9:35pm — No Comments

Using Video in the Classroom

I constantly hear grumbles from staff about the out of date videos or machines that are constantly on the "to be fixed" shelf in the AV room....could online videos be the solution? This site (unitedstreaming) was recommended to me and I am in the process of checking it out. There is a 30 day trial and then you have to purchase a membership. It is American, which could be a little tricky for us Canucks but when I think about it, a lot… Continue

Added by Kirsten Carter on August 9, 2007 at 8:45pm — No Comments

Slowly getting sucked back in....

It does seem when August rolls around, the long fingers of the district office, the school, the calendar start asking - actually, some are demanding - a place on my vacation calendar. Vacation - that oh-so-longed-for thing of beauty that comes and goes in a breath. We had a long long year up here in the Seattle area with six or some snow days (not much snow there, just bad weather and windstorm power failures) to make up, bringing our school year to late June. Ouch. Now, my calendar begins to… Continue

Added by Diane Moline on August 9, 2007 at 7:06pm — No Comments

Eight Random Things Meme Tag

Well, even though I am not a real blogger, ( I just scribble a few lines here occasionally), I got tagged by my good friend, Sharon Peters, (enjoy your new job) so I guess I won't break the link. Here are the rules…


Added by Reuven Werber on August 9, 2007 at 1:36pm — No Comments

Too many blogs!

Well I would like to say that I will blog here, but to be honest, the best place to check all my insane ramblings is HERE. I post about anything, related to education or not...and to be honest, because I don't work with kids in a classroom...I may just capture the lighter moments about my everyday life, or things that happen here at the Education Service Center where I work.

Check it out...leave a… Continue

Added by Russ Wilcox on August 9, 2007 at 7:56am — No Comments

Planning for a District Science training

Last spring, I worked with my secondary science committee on a grant. The grant proposal was accepted and funding was obtained. Today I accepted delivery of the laptops to be used with the proposal. This is the first year of what we hope will be five total years. We will work with four schools each year - training teachers so students are able to use computers and probes to do science experiments. Teachers will be encouraged to have students use Web 2.0 tools to share what they discover. I look… Continue

Added by Glen Westbroek on August 8, 2007 at 9:18pm — No Comments

Desire2Learn anybody...???

I'm not sure if there are Desire2Learn users here in the Classroom2.0 world, but I've created a Forum over at the College2.0 ning group about jazzing up your Desire2Learn homepages for back-to school, hoping to find out what other people are doing and what approaches other schools are taking to customizing the Desire2Learn homepage. So, if you are a Desire2Learn user, please take a look over at the College2.0 ning and join in there! (I've been following both the Classroom2.0 and College2.0 ning… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on August 8, 2007 at 6:13pm — No Comments

Like molding clay....’s like molding clay. It's moving all the time, never linear, never ending.

Those of us addicted to learning and working in our passion have a responsibility to help others understand the power of …… (fill in the blank)

We need to design playgrounds and learning environments that are High Touch & High Concept. Terms from Daniel Pink, who writes so eloquently about this whole new awakening that HAS to happen.

High touch involves

the ability…

Added by Karla Murray on August 8, 2007 at 3:47pm — No Comments

Kaltes Wasser

Meine Aufgabe im Seminar: Join classroom 2.0.
Das wäre ja erledigt, aber was nun? Ich bin noch ein bisschen verwirrt und weiß eigentlich nicht, was ich am besten als nächstes machen soll.
Am meisten enttäuscht bin ich, dass ich sichtlich keine Freunde habe. Das sieht schon traurig auf meiner Seite aus. Na gut, nach 5 Minuten ist es vielleicht etwas zuviel verlangt.
Muss jetzt wohl erst draufkommen, was es hier so alles gibt.

Added by Katzi on August 8, 2007 at 3:07pm — No Comments

Searching for Social Studies Picture Books

I'm trying to generate a grade 4/5 picture book list on Social Studies topics such as Early Native American Life, Revolution, Independence, Immigration, Civil War etc.

Added by Scheherazade Makki on August 8, 2007 at 1:32pm — No Comments

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