One-I thought you just had to join a gym. Nope, you have to keep going to the gym. Over and over.
When I first walked in, I was pretty overwhelmed. There's lots of complicated machines and scary equipment. Everyone there looks like they know…
Hoy tuve la oportunidad de observar la clase de español no-nativos hablantes del idioma español. Era una clase de noveno grado. Ellos repasaron sobre los sustantivos. La maestra explico que hay tres tipos de sustantivos: abstractos, comunes y propios. Los sustantivos abstractos se refieren a cosas inmateriales como: sabiduría, limpieza, aventura o amistad. Los sustantivos comunes nombran a todas las personas, animales o cosas de la misma especie sin particularizar; por ejemplo:…
ContinueAdded by jorge on June 3, 2015 at 1:36pm — No Comments
En este día tuve la oportunidad de observar una clase de español para no nativos hablantes del idioma español en la preparatoria de Forthamilton en Brooklyn New york. Los estudiantes demostraron mucho interés en la clase y colaboraban con los ejercicios que la maestra Castillo les preguntaba en clase. En la clase de hoy ellos agredieron sobre el subjuntivo, pretérito, y sobre el uso del comparativo .Para un nivel 2 de español es muy bueno que estén aprendiendo estos conceptos y …
ContinueAdded by jorge on June 2, 2015 at 12:46pm — No Comments
It has been a while since I last visited Classroom 2.0. With all of the new technologies available, I thought it might be a good thing to consider changing the name of this website to "Classroom 3.0".
In a nutshell, I'll update you on my life.
I decided to retire "early" from my position as a school psychologist last year. I moved my retirement date from October 1st to January 1st to step in for another psychologist on leave. After I retired, I visited…
ContinueAdded by Lynn Marentette on June 1, 2015 at 8:15am — No Comments
There was quite a bit of learning that I got out of the exploration of these two areas this week. I have had some brief exposure related to the integration of social networking tools in an education environment. I have seen tools such as Ning used to create learning experiences that immerse students in the material as well as create a community of peers. I have also seen how Twitter has been used to share valuable educational resources that students can share with one another. What I have…
ContinueAdded by Andrea on May 31, 2015 at 6:47pm — No Comments
Social media and social networking do not have to be considered synonymous. While in most aspects, these two types of sites are the same thing, their integration into classroom teaching can be completely different. When a person thinks of social media, they will typically think first of sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. While these sites can have a place in education, I, as well as many other teachers, have been reluctant to integrate them in my classroom.…
ContinueAdded by Joe Zappa on May 30, 2015 at 6:33pm — No Comments
Added by Eileen Lennon on May 26, 2015 at 12:15pm — No Comments
Added by Rocio Campoverde on May 24, 2015 at 5:45pm — No Comments
The acceptable use policy for my school is located in a variety of areas as opposed to an official, central location. The policies I found, for the most part, entail a blanket statement that covers the acceptable use of all technology. The policy does not follow the traditional format of an effective AUP but it does contain some of the elements of an AUP. Due to the lack of a cohesive format and the variation in where the information is located may indicate the policy is not…
ContinueAdded by Andrea on May 20, 2015 at 11:30pm — No Comments
Added by Eileen Lennon on May 20, 2015 at 6:46am — 1 Comment
The National Education Association made a suggested list of key elements for an effective Acceptable Use Policy. The following is a breakdown of each element and how well my school district has enacted these guidelines.
Preamble: It is recommended that an AUP begin with an opening statement containing an explanation of why the policy is necessary, what its goals are, and how the policy was…
Added by Joe Zappa on May 19, 2015 at 8:27pm — No Comments
Memorial Day is a national holiday reserved for honoring and remembering those who have served in the armed forces, especially those who have lost their lives while in the military and defending the United States.
This is also an opportunity to teach your kids about Memorial Day through patriotic themed activities. Here are four you can try on Memorial…
Added by Dorothy Hastings on May 18, 2015 at 1:31am — No Comments
Since I am new to the field of teaching, I received quite a bit of new knowledge from the exposure to Bloom’s Taxonomy and Marzano’s nine instructional strategies. By examining these two areas I was able to see how an educator can harness these pieces to create better learning for their students. I was able to see how Bloom’s Taxonomy builds knowledge from lower level skills to higher level skills. Each level indicated a deeper knowledge being demonstrated by the student. I also noticed that…
ContinueAdded by Andrea on May 17, 2015 at 11:35pm — No Comments
There are many ways to expose students to best practices in graphic design. Some of the best methods seem to tie in well with higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy as well as the tools associated with Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. Adapting, collaborating, evaluating, and inventing are all integral pieces to design work. Additionally, the…
ContinueAdded by Andrea on May 17, 2015 at 6:36pm — No Comments
One of my favorite lessons in US History was the integration of blogging with my students. I used a blog to create digital discussions amongst my students throughout the chapter. Students were required to research and understand six topics from a chapter focused on the Age of Jackson (a time in our history including famous events such as the Trail of Tears and Nullification Crisis), then answer a blog question for at least three of the topics. Students responded to…
ContinueAdded by Joe Zappa on May 16, 2015 at 3:41pm — No Comments
Tried and true strategies -- Most teachers are familiar with Bloom and Marzano as they go through the training process of what they hope becomes a long and successful career as an educator. However integrating these principles may not always be as successful as one might hope. But successful integration is a goal that we, as teachers, should always be striving toward because this is how we can move from being a teacher to a challenger of student thinking. Bloom’s Taxonomy…
ContinueAdded by Joe Zappa on May 15, 2015 at 8:01pm — No Comments
Este articulo es de los familias que no se pueden reuniesen. Autoridades de inmigración negaron un permiso humanitario a su esposo para entrar Estados Unidos, y ahora evalúa presentar una demanda colectiva por el daño que la separación produce en los hijos y esposos estadounidenses. El respuesta es como si nos dijeran: No me importa el sufrimiento de tus hijos y el tuyo”. Es injusto que los maltratan estos …
ContinueAdded by Ashley Schoberl on May 13, 2015 at 7:36pm — No Comments
Liberan a 103 inmigrantes secuestran en Mexico
Les llaman los "reyes del secuestro" en Mexico. Los delincuentes del Estado de Mexico secuestran a comerciantes, vendedores ambulantes, amas de casa, vecinos, familiares, amigos, empresarios y ultimamnete a indocumentados. En el municipio de Axapusco reportaron el rescate de 103 inmigrantes de Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduas, la India y Sri Lanka. Los tenian secuestrados en una casa de…
ContinueAdded by Yannely Ferreira on May 8, 2015 at 3:19pm — No Comments
Los Estados Unidos aprobó un nuevo servicio de ferry que permitirá americanos a viajar desde Florida hasta Cuba. Esta será la primera vez en más de cincuenta años que podemos entrar a Cuba por medio de los Estados Unidos.
Este es un gran paso a una gran relación entre estos dos países y creo que vas hacer un gran beneficio. No sólo nosotros, como americanos, podrá a viajar al extranjero a un país que no hemos podido visitar a través de nuestras fronteras, ahora podemos ver lo que este…
ContinueAdded by Alexa Pastor on May 6, 2015 at 10:00pm — No Comments
El articulo que yo decidi escribir sobre se titula "Enfermeras Protestan Frente al Palacio Nacional en Demanda de Reinvindicaciones." En este articulo me entere de que las enfermeras de La Republica Dominicana hicieron una protesta en frente del Palacio Nacional exigiendo un incremento de sueldo a por lo menos 30,000 pesos mensual, pensiones para las enfermeras que tienen mucho tiempo trabajando y estan en su edad de retirarse. Tambien piden que le den mas trabajos a enfermeras porque estan…
ContinueAdded by Meryandree Luna on May 6, 2015 at 7:57pm — No Comments
En el verano de 2014 , miles de niños cruzaron la frontera sin compañía de un adulto hacia los Estados Unidos , que luego se convirtió en la más grande crisis de inmigración de todos los tiempos. La razón que ellos cruzaron la frontera fue porque ellos querían a escaparse de toda la violencia, drogas, y abuso. Un nos de los niños que decidió a cruzar la frontera para que mejore su vida fue Santos Amaya, una salvadoreña de 17 años. El dijo, “Cuando llegué no supe ni qué significaba what’s…
ContinueAdded by Giovanni Hurtado on May 6, 2015 at 12:38pm — No Comments
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