The division of labour is the specialization of cooperating individuals who perform specific tasks and roles. Because of the large amount of labour saved by giving workers specialized tasks in Industrial Revolution-era factories, some classical economists as well as some mechanical engineers such as…
ContinueAdded by raman raj on May 6, 2015 at 12:53am — No Comments
El primero de mayo seis los agentes de policía en Baltimore fueron acusados de la muerte de Freddie Gray. Los Abogados y la sociedad están diciendo que Freddie no tenía chance para sobrevivir. Fue detenido el 12 de abril y murió una semana más tarde murrio por sus heridas. Antes de ser arrestado tuvo un accidente y fue operado en el cuello y la columna vertebral. Hubo disturbios en Baltimore debido a la injusticia de la policía y los asesinatos de las comunidades negras. Incluso tenían un…
ContinueAdded by Nicole Ramirez on May 5, 2015 at 12:38pm — 1 Comment
Clinton mantendrá los alivios migratorios si gana en 2016
En una entrevista telefónica desde Brooklyn a, Amanda Rentería directora política nacional de la campaña de Hillary Clinton, afirmo que si Clinton gana la presidencia en el 2016 mantendrá los alivios migratorios. Clinton ha recibido críticas sobre la inmigración, de que no ha explicado con claridad como ayudara a los indocumentados si llega a ser presidenta de los…
ContinueAdded by Yannely Ferreira on May 3, 2015 at 1:04pm — 4 Comments
Protect and entire network.
Implemented on the router level.
Usually more expensive, harder to configure.
Added by aabha on May 2, 2015 at 3:00am — No Comments
B.R. Ambedkar was a versatile personality. He was a sociologist, an economist, a political scientist and an expert in law. Besides, he was a great leader of the masses. His thoughts have brought revolutionary changes in the society, especially among the Scheduled Castes. He wanted to protect and promote the social and economic equality in India. In this direction, he organized a number of agitations, wrote books and delivered speeches.
Since Ambedkar’s contribution…
ContinueAdded by Aditya kumar on May 2, 2015 at 3:00am — No Comments
Protect and entire network.
Implemented on the router level.
Usually more expensive, harder to configure.
Added by aabha on May 2, 2015 at 1:13am — No Comments
The causes of the French revolution are so,complicated that a debt still place regarding this but it has generally being excepted that the route causes of the great revolution lay in the ancient rigime that is the old order.
1.Social structure -; French society had been divided in to three estates and order for long.This system was based on custom and traditions but more important . It was also based on social inequality which were by the course of law.These estates are as the…
ContinueAdded by Ravi kumar on May 1, 2015 at 6:21am — No Comments
Con tanta información expuesta, las personas cibernéticos están robando mucho la identidad de las personas, pero más y más el dinero y de los bancos. Mundialmente, desde el 2013, hay un grupo de hackers que están creando cuentas falsas y entrándose en los sistemas de…
ContinueAdded by STEPHANIE NUNEZ on April 29, 2015 at 5:36pm — 6 Comments
Following are few of the important input devices which are used in a computer:
Keyboard is the most common and very popular input device which helps in inputting data to the computer. The layout of the keyboard is like that of traditional typewriter, although there are some additional keys provided for performing additional functions.
Keyboards are of two sizes 84 keys or 101/102 keys, but now keyboards with 104 keys or 108 keys are also available for Windows…
ContinueAdded by ANJALI KUMARI on April 29, 2015 at 5:53am — No Comments
The causes of the French revolution are so complicated, that it debate still it taking place regarding this but it has generally be excepted that the root causes of the great revolution lay in the ancient rogue , that is the old order.
SOCIAL STRUCTURE- French society had been divided into three estates of order for long time. This system was based on custom and traditions but more…
ContinueAdded by Vikash Dubey on April 28, 2015 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment
Added by Gautam kumar on April 28, 2015 at 9:30pm — No Comments
Energía, es uno de los requisito más necesario para cualquier hogar y cuidad. Lamentablemente hay algunos lugares en el mundo donde aun se necesita la necesidad de energía. América latina es uno de esos lugares donde hay menos electricidad. América latina tiene el 7 por ciento de generación de electricidad. En pequeños pueblos en México, Perú, Bolivia y chile, no tiene ninguna energía eléctrica. Muchos de la gente en estos pueblos duermen en la oscuridad y dependen de las velas…
ContinueAdded by Esaul on April 28, 2015 at 9:46am — 5 Comments
Bhimrao Ramji ambedkar[ 14 April 1891 – 6 December 1956 ] popularly known as Babasaheb, was an Indian jurist, economist, politician and social reformer who inspired the Modern Buddhist Movement and campaigned against social discrimination against Untouchables (Dalits), women andlabour. He was Independent India's first law minister ]
Ambedkar was born in military cantonment of Mhow in the Central Provinces (now in Madhya Pradesh. He was the 14th and last child of Ramji Maloji…
Added by AJIT KUMAR on April 28, 2015 at 5:56am — 1 Comment
Bhimrao Ramji ambedkar
Bhimrao Ramji ambedkar[ 14 April 1891 – 6 December 1956 ] popularly known as Babasaheb, was an Indian jurist, economist, politician and social reformer who inspired the Modern Buddhist Movement and campaigned against social discrimination against Untouchables (Dalits), women andlabour. He was Independent India's first law minister ]
Ambedkar was born in military cantonment of Mhow in the Central Provinces (now in Madhya Pradesh.…
Added by AJIT KUMAR on April 28, 2015 at 5:40am — No Comments
The Treaty of Versailles is the important incident of world history.It was one of the part of Paris conference.It was took place in the place of Versailles due to its largeness.It was held after 1st world war on 28th June 1919.…
ContinueAdded by Beauty Kumari on April 28, 2015 at 5:30am — 1 Comment
World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. Negotiated among the Allied powers with little participation by Germany, its 15 parts and 440 articles reassigned German boundaries and assigned liability for reparations. After strict enforcement for five years, the French assented to the modification…
Added by ABHI CHANDRA on April 28, 2015 at 2:11am — No Comments
Self- help is a great quality of a man. It is a pillar of success. Every man should believe in self- help. It makes a man fearless and it adds to his confident.
A man of self-help depends upon himself. He does not look to others for help.He may suffer in life , but he never loses patience.Diffculties do not frighten him.Hardships cannot…
ContinueAdded by shikha sharma on April 28, 2015 at 12:42am — 1 Comment
The Treaty of Versailles is important incident of world history. It was one of the part of Paris…
ContinueAdded by Beauty Kumari on April 28, 2015 at 12:41am — No Comments
ContinueAdded by sumansharma on April 28, 2015 at 12:28am — 1 Comment
Fascism is a political ideology.the concept of this ideology was brought by Mussolini in Italy.this ideology was further adopted by other countries like Spain ,Germany,Poland is not a systematic or organised philosophy,but on the basis of some of its features we can identify some of its characteristics:-
1.Extreme nationalism:-This ideology gives utmost importance to…
ContinueAdded by Anupam Ravi on April 27, 2015 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment
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