Added by Rich White on January 4, 2008 at 9:57pm —
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Added by Donna Hebert on January 4, 2008 at 10:28am —
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As I explained in
yesterday's blog post, my online course starts officially on January 14, but the early bird students are already getting a head start. Meanwhile, I am busy decorating my virtual classroom walls! College classroom walls are notoriously bare because they are transient places, usually without any kind of soul. I love the way high school and elementary school classrooms are often plastered…
Added by Laura Gibbs on January 4, 2008 at 7:53am —
Members of Classroom 2.0 are invited to submit their Day in a Sentence for the feature which I am guest hosting this month on the
Creating Lifelong Learners blog.
It's a fast, simple writing activity that you may want to implement in your classroom after
trying it… Continue
Added by Mathew Needleman on January 3, 2008 at 11:30pm —
M A G E E's Blog is my original blog and I don't feel like it gets any hits. It certainly doesn't get many comments. So, I'm writing about it here in hopes of gaining readership which will hold me more accountable for journaling on it. You can signup to have emails when I post something new.
The latest post is about the "Learning 2.0 A Colorado Conversation" Conference. You should check it out…
Added by Connie Masson on January 3, 2008 at 11:26am —
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With the beginning of the new year and the new semester, I thought I would use this Classroom2.0 blog space as a way to keep a kind of running diary of the semester. I haven't really been sure what to do with this blog space since I keep some other blogs already (, but it would probably be useful in all kinds of ways to keep a running record of a new semester, charting the ups and downs. Luckily, it is mostly ups! I love teaching my…
Added by Laura Gibbs on January 3, 2008 at 10:54am —
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The new year has arrived and I’m spending time back in my hometown visiting family. It’s always nice to come home to take some time to just visit and catch up. It gives me time to do
some reading and blogging and just reconnect with my family -
dysfunctional as we are. As I drove home, a 6 hour trip, I was
reflecting on all the things that have taken place during the past year
and looking forward to where things might be going in 2008.As I…
Added by Kelly Christopherson on January 3, 2008 at 1:24am —
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Back in December I ran a Peer Coaching workshop for a group of 7 Victorian teachers. I was able to organisie my workshop with the help of Les from the Puget Sound Centre who gave me some tips for running a one day workshop. You see, when I was trained it was a 10 day intesive training program so a one day session needed serious modification.
The session ran well and I focussed on where PD was heading with ICT (Information and Communication Technology). We then worked on coaching skills…
Added by Helen Otway on January 2, 2008 at 7:04am —
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Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are going camping. They pitch their tent under the stars and go to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Holmes wakes Watson up.
Holmes: "Watson, look up at the stars, and tell me what you deduce."
Watson: "I see millions of stars and even if a few of those have planets, its quite likely there are some planets like Earth, and if there are a few planets like Earth out there, there might also be life. What does it tell you,… Continue
Added by Lee Allan Sanders on January 1, 2008 at 1:44pm —
Last week was a busy digital content acquisition week for me. Eh, I shot a lot of video. I had eleven year old students in preproduction researching and writing copy for a mid-December webcast while others were directing and producing the on-camera talent for the taping of the next weekly Good Morning Eastview. In addition, 5th grade students helped shoot a school musical, but not after we produced and…
Added by Paul Hardt on January 1, 2008 at 7:26am —

Just to say thank you to everyone for a wonderful 2007. I have made so many friends, learnt so much from this site, started to see my classroom walls tumble down, my staffroom walls exist no longer and start an incredible journey into the wonderful world of web…
Added by Anne Mirtschin on December 31, 2007 at 8:07pm —
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I’ve been using the word globalization and doing international kid
projects for a long time. It was just recently that the “realness” of
the so called flat world struck me — and my students. Benazir Bhutto
was killed in Pakistan - and the significance was enhanced because my
students and I had been engaged with a class from Karachi for the past
six months, Ms. Elahi’s grade 5. As we had shared details about
culture, videos, poetry, and worked together in the…
Added by Terry Smith on December 31, 2007 at 2:42pm —
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This is a kind critical analysis of Classroom 2.0 Network's americanocentrism and a charge against standardization of the world by the exclusive use of english language... In the name of the nearly 300 members of our educational network L'école Hors les Murs/School Outside The Walls and specially in the name of our coadministrators Gražina (Lithuania), Lea (Czech
Rep.), Elena (Romania), Vincenzina (Italia) and Józef
(Poland), we send you our best wishes for the New Year and Long…
Added by Vincent Mespoulet on December 31, 2007 at 12:01pm —
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Larry Ferlazzo's Website of the Day is hosting a
What did you learn in 2007? querey. Check it out!
Added by Donna Hebert on December 31, 2007 at 10:16am —
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I am a regular education classroom teacher, and I’m trying to engage the students. By using technology and media we have the opportunity to have our produced content actually meet an interactive audience. So off we went. This particular class has “bought into” their education more than others and I wondered why. I wondered, what makes this class more responsive learners? Even though I have integrated a lot of media and technology over the years, this is the first year I have made our…
Added by Paul Hardt on December 31, 2007 at 10:02am —
Added by Rich White on December 30, 2007 at 7:53pm —
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We've redesigned our website. Please drop by and check out the changes?
You'll no longer have to login to access our resource kits.
We've added a direct link to the Information Fluency Group here on the TeacherLibrarian Network to our main menu.
We're developing an integrated blog and wiki.
We've added an… Continue
Added by Dennis O'Connor on December 30, 2007 at 3:43pm —
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"O! This learning, what a thing it is."
William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew, 1597
It is true, I am addicted to learning, and I don't want to use a twelve-step group to get rid of it *:-) I hope to remain addicted.
Have fun *:-)
Added by Lee Allan Sanders on December 30, 2007 at 12:15pm —
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Added by Ryan Lanham on December 30, 2007 at 11:30am —
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Being an absolute beginner at web 2.0, I started in June, 2007. So, I am going to reflect on the 10 web 2.0 sites that I have enjoyed using most this year. I am following the lead of my friend Chrissy, Teaching Sagitarrian who helped start me on this amazing journey. NZ Chrissy decided to blog about her favourite 5 web 2.0 in the classroom for 2007 so I will share mine with those who might be relatively new to all this.
Mine are…
Added by Anne Mirtschin on December 30, 2007 at 12:28am —