Been spending more time lately thinking about Facebook Application Development for small businesses.
Was reading Andrew McAfee talking about
The Impact of Information Technology (IT) on Businesses and their Leaders and talking about
Facebook AS the Intranet.
Was also talking with another acquaintance about the usage of Facebook as a learning platform for K-12.
really feel… Continue
Added by Kin Lane on December 6, 2007 at 11:52pm —
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This was my first presentation via distance so I hope you will forgive any blunders that might have occured during the course of this event. Feel free to post comments / question or ask me to post any videos that I might have missed. Cheers Gerry
Added by gerry davis on December 6, 2007 at 8:16pm —
I did it.
I created a collaborative space for my senior Biology class. I logged on to Wikispaces last night and created a private Wiki just for us - a communal spot to deposit resources, where the students can contribute rather than simply consuming what I can find.
Let me back up a bit...
For the last few years we have been exploring educational technology in our school, a K-12 independent school in Toronto. We have Smart boards…
Added by Ed Hitchcock on December 6, 2007 at 2:22pm —
We have been invited by SmartTech to do an Edusim Demo at their booth at the Midwest Technology Conference ( if you are interested in see some of the new stuff - - we also have a new support frum here -
Added by Rich White on December 6, 2007 at 10:42am —
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Years back, when I was trying to figure out what to do with my life, I decided that I needed some money to pay for bills, food and rent because I didn’t want to move home and live
with my parents. I was 18 you know and that would have been a real blow
to my independence and self-esteem if I had had to move back home.
After doing a few odd things, I happened upon someone who needed some
painting. The rest, as they say, is history. I liked the job and,…
Added by Kelly Christopherson on December 5, 2007 at 7:53pm —
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Today I'm thinking about the digital tools I've been using lately with varying success. I'm also thinking about David Warlick's recent apology to teachers. He apologizes to teachers for talking about them to administrators and others invested in improving schools/education. Does he really apologize? His apology is for talking about teachers and "getting them to teach differently" with administrators and others-- or for reporting out conversations he's had. I think that's how he words it. I…
Added by Lee Ann Spillane on December 5, 2007 at 5:45pm —
I haven't been on in quite awhile. I've been pretty busy with the new job -- teaching K - 12 at an alternative ed. school -- plus my own kids and husband. It's been crazy.
Added by Amy Clay on December 4, 2007 at 8:40pm —
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Download jeopardy template_with video and image placeholders.ppt Download This zip file contains all of my presentation materials from the MACE Conference in Bonner Springs, Kansas. I have also included a few extra information and instructional PDF files. Please enjoy and let me…
Added by Dean Mantz on December 4, 2007 at 1:32pm —
Cross-posted to blog of proximal development
It is a great honour to be nominated again for the EduBlog Awards. I don’t know who nominated this blog in two categories - Best Teacher Blog and Most Influential Post - but I…
Added by Konrad Glogowski on December 4, 2007 at 9:46am —
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The second edition of the Active Learning Blog Carnival is up at I recieved 38 submissions and accepted 24. Content is organized under the following headings:
- Debate of the Month
- Recent Articles
- K-8 Examples of Active Learning
- High School Examples of Active…
Added by Deirdre Bonnycastle on December 3, 2007 at 12:52pm —
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Edusim Waterworld Lesson is updated and ready for download at
Added by Rich White on December 3, 2007 at 11:59am —
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I believe that fear of the Internet by parents, administrators and school boards is blocking the opportunity for real learning to take place in schools. Most school districts have Internet use policies in place.
These policies, however, are restrictive and punitive. Very few
Internet policies in school districts encourage the use of the Internet
as a learning tool in the classroom.…
Added by Andrew on December 3, 2007 at 7:28am —
Seth Godin writes about the ubiquitous practice by businesses of sending their customers away without solving their problems. Somewhere along the line,
businesses bought into the notion that if you ‘appear to be listening’
that’s all people want anyway.
It is, of course, maddening if you are on the receiving end of this “service”. I have experienced it. Worse than this, though, is when it…
Added by Andrew on December 3, 2007 at 7:15am —
We have first hand experience with the many faces of authentic audience with Skype and ooVoo. Research projects have brought about audiences in our classroom, down the hallway, up the highways, and across the oceans. Student classwork is seen by many more eyes than just their teacher (with a red pen). Their research,writing and voices are being shared with partners, other classes, on the web, and through video conferences. Let me explain. Students are researching and using web 2.0…
Added by JoNelle on December 2, 2007 at 7:31pm —
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Most educational leaders are drowning. They are drowning in data. They are drowning in competing interests. They are drowning in personnel problems, parent problems, student problems. Consequently,
they are also drowning in self doubt.
Unless, they have a clear philosophy that grounds ALL of their choices, responses and actions. Without a detailed “desired outcome” for their school/district, decisions are not decisions. Decisions are
reactions; reactions to…
Added by Andrew on December 2, 2007 at 6:20pm —
Amazing conf. call today ... big announcement on Dec. 10th here - ..... will definitely shape the future of the 3D internet.
Added by Rich White on December 1, 2007 at 1:37pm —
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Linda is one of my students from grade 9. She loves to create
vokis. Enjoy it!

Get a Voki now!
Added by Hans Feldmeier on December 1, 2007 at 12:30pm —
Welcome! As a elem. teacher, writer, broadcast producer of television and musician I am indeed GRATEFUL to find Classroom 2.0 & Video in the Classroom groups. It's hard to grow unless you have a community from which to learn and compare. I've seen digital content excite & engage students .... me too!
Added by Paul Hardt on December 1, 2007 at 9:46am —
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It's been three exhausting sessions - and rewarding - we put together a podcast of "all about Hannibal, Missouri" incorporating explorers, Twain, the river, poets, and basic population/schools info. Gave kids a really involved way to really learn about their town. Lots of kid ideas incorporated as we improvised our way through it all making sure everyone had a part. Hope to tie all the pieces together by Monday. It's funny, right here in Hannibal, most of my kids are unaware of Samuel Clemens'…
Added by Terry Smith on November 30, 2007 at 7:49pm —
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Some of my ramblings regarding my work on "Direct Manipulation Immersive Environments in the k-12 Classroom" for students
Here are the big broad strokes of where I would like to go with the Edusim project in time (and other projects like it).
Focus & Criteria:
LOW Cost, Low Barrier, 3D, Small Footprint, Natural, K-12, Immersive, Direct Manipulation, Multi-User
Edusim generation 1 (current development)
* Surface devices…
Added by Rich White on November 30, 2007 at 1:39pm —
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