We are taking this class on web 20 and I am learning a lot of different, cool, things. I can't wait to learn new things in tech and in blogging. Hope everyone is enjoying the day and hope to get some new friends. Here's to all of you!
Added by Theresa on October 16, 2007 at 3:23pm —
Hi. I'm a Special Education teacher in a high school on Long Island. I co-teach 2 inclusion living environment classes and also teach a self-contained music class. I'm very new to web 2.0 and hope to network with other science and special ed. teachers.
Added by Diane Laruccia on October 16, 2007 at 3:06pm —
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Classroom 2.0 seems really easy to use and interesting. I am still new at all this but excited to meet other educators and learn more.
Added by MarieAnthi on October 16, 2007 at 2:45pm —
am i correct that there is NO WAY you can be doing SKYPE, for example, if you are still connected via "dial-up? " ~
Added by jbellusci on October 16, 2007 at 2:10pm —
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A great iece previewing the "Teacher builds a lesson" dome
Added by Rich White on October 16, 2007 at 9:52am —
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We had an inservice day today - teachers actually visited schools of their choice. This was not your typical day of meetings that may-or-may-not be geared toward your needs of professional development. I jumped at the chance to find a school/teacher experienced in integrating web 2.0 tools in their curriculum. Although a tad over my elementary level, I found an excellent resource not too far away from home in Mr. Chris Craft. Many of us who…
Added by JoNelle on October 15, 2007 at 8:03pm —
This is my choice for the
Blog Action Day for the Environment blog entry for
Classroom2.0. It seems to me that
ecolibris is a community action group that ties the virtual world with the real world in a sustainable manner.
Whether we like to admit it or not, we all have favorite activities that…
Added by samccoy on October 15, 2007 at 7:13pm —
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I am pretty new to most of this, but I am looking forward to using many of the tools that I am learning about in my Web 2.0 class. I am going to try to use the Delicious website. I am also getting my feet wet with Twitter. My goal is to get better at using these tools and pass them on to my students. I'm sure that we can do a lot of great things with them in class.
Added by Denise on October 15, 2007 at 7:09pm —
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On Monday, 10/15/07, my district scheduled a professional development day based on content area. There were over 100 science teachers in attendance. Of the breakout sessions that were available, over 50% were based on techology. I was particularly excited to see that over 60% of the participants came to a session on Podcasts that I presented. During this session, we learned what a podcast was (many had never even heard the term). We also spent time learning how to download podcasts. Finally,…
Added by Glen Westbroek on October 15, 2007 at 6:00pm —
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Just recently I have been exploring the potentials of Web 2.0 and the newest developments for social networking. As I set up my Google strands within my search engine to find the most relevant…
Added by Mike King on October 14, 2007 at 10:28pm —
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Math world added to the Edusim - lessons to follow
http://edusim3D.com* Working on the Windows version now
Added by Rich White on October 14, 2007 at 7:22pm —
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OK, so, my plan was to blog daily about my wiki project. Then the avalanche of crap that is the end of the first marking period came down on me. Something had to give, and the blog was it.
Anyway, here's how it went:
My big mistake was to give insufficiently specific instructions when it came to writing the articles. After two days, none of my groups were done, so I forced the issue. On the third day, I had each group send me a message stating which member of the group was…
Added by Matt Richardson on October 14, 2007 at 3:17pm —
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An insane two weeks of connectivity, and I am on the more moderate side
of things, has left me wondering where this is all heading. So many new
tools that shorten the distance between worlds and worldviews have
popped up.
Twitter has just blown holes in my ability to disconnect. Now it's even infected my
iPhone, keeping glued to the action in any setting (is there a hack to install twitterific on the…
Added by Patrick Higgins on October 14, 2007 at 2:50pm —
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Scratch is a free download from MIT where students can create stories, games and animations! Elementary students learn programming skills. Teachers can integrate this tool with language arts, science, social studies and even meet many new NETS-S. I would love for my students to learn Scratch with your students to communicate their understandings and collaborate on…
Added by JoNelle on October 13, 2007 at 4:24pm —
When I first joined this ning network there were only a few hundred of us. It was so exciting to get feedback on my blog entries, and contribute to and start discussions. I remember those early heady days here. I would check my e-mail constantly to see if anyone had responded to anything I had written. I got to "know" some people. I learned so much from everyone. I experienced a little "fame;" more people started reading my blog and Steve Hargadon even interviewed me about one of my projects.…
Added by Elizabeth Davis on October 13, 2007 at 11:11am —
Had a Mimio rep. drop in at Greenbush yesterday to show us their Mimio hardware, I was very impressed - we have SMARTboards and ActiveBoards - but for the price of the MImio ($500) I couldnt believe I had not seen one in a classroom yet (compared to around $3000 for the smart & active boards). You basically attach (with suction cups or a clap (I recommend the clamp)) to ANY whiteboard and (with your projector) turns your whiteboard into and interactive whiteboard (Its much more like the…
Added by Rich White on October 13, 2007 at 7:14am —
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Teachers are invited to post ideas for how to open units, provide an anticipatory set (particularly on how you integrate technology and web 2.0) as comments to this blog posting:
Creating Lifelong Learners…
Added by Mathew Needleman on October 12, 2007 at 9:06pm —
I have a great ning website for my students. I am a 1/2 time teacher, so I share the site with another teacher. We have both been posting on our blog. However, yesterday it started NOT showing my posts...only parents and my partner teacher. I checked and they can't see it with another log in, posts are marked for my friends and everyone is "my friend" on the site. They are all in the archive...but they do not show up when I post them! Any ideas?????
Added by Mrs. Deines on October 12, 2007 at 8:57am —
Cross-posted at
It has been almost a month since I posted a call at ThinkTime for educators and educational technologists to share examples of progressive policies that embrace web-based tools for content sharing, creation,…
Added by Jennifer Koch Lubke on October 11, 2007 at 10:42pm —

Mini-grants for the Edusim 3D environment lesson development are on the way - Ill report more as I hear it
Added by Rich White on October 11, 2007 at 7:46pm —
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